Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 919 Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

After leaving Dr. Wen, the only uneasiness in Lv Yongchang's heart completely dissipated.

That's right.

So far, whether it is the changes in the brain or the changes in the body, everything is changing in a favorable direction.

And he has truly felt the "additional" effect of his current physical state on the research.

The substantial improvement in thinking speed is just one of the "insignificant" improvements.

The most important and critical improvement is the cognitive ability in terms of dimensions.

Originally, as a three-dimensional creature, Lv Yongchang could not understand the four-dimensional space very well.

Even with a quantum brain, he only has a slightly stronger high-dimensional cognitive ability than ordinary people.

But now it's different.

Perhaps because of the impact of high-dimensional and high-energy energy, Lv Yongchang discovered a magical phenomenon during the test.

The four-dimensional space phenomena that originally required mathematical formulas to describe, now he can actually imagine specific pictures in his mind!

This is an ability that is almost impossible for a three-dimensional creature to have!

In the difficult dimensional research work, this is simply a plug-in-like ability!

Just imagine that when others are still learning to recognize various simple flat images in kindergarten, you can easily draw three-dimensional views of complex three-dimensional objects in your mind.

What an advantage!

That is why Lv Yongchang defines himself as a 3.5-dimensional creature at this time.

It is a "defective product" that has not been completely upgraded.


The next day, early in the morning.

He Bilin woke up from sleep with full energy, and after a simple wash, he rushed to the first laboratory of Renlian.

The miniaturization project of [Suirenshi] has been put on the agenda.

As a Class I academician, he must lead by example and invest in this new research project as soon as possible.

Under the "leadership" of the robotic arm crawler robot, He Bilin quickly arrived at the door of the laboratory.

He gently jumped off the deck on the back of the robot, and then gestured to the robot.

After watching this robot follow the other robotic arm robots to perform the basic tasks of zero allocation, He Bilin walked towards the inside of the laboratory with slightly hurried steps.


The door suddenly opened.

Unlike usual, the interior of the laboratory was dark at this time.

He Bilin was stunned.

According to past experience, the laboratory would at least ensure basic lighting conditions, not to mention bright lights all night.

What is this...?

Suddenly, a swaying figure came into his sight.

After carefully distinguishing it, He Bilin couldn't help but exclaimed: "Professor Lu?! Why are you in the laboratory?"

Hearing He Bilin's voice, Lu Yongchang stopped his work, turned around and smiled.


"I can't be in the laboratory?"

"No, that's not what I mean." He Bilin laughed and pointed to the holographic clock on the wall that was flashing with fluorescence. "It's only four o'clock in the morning. It's too early for you."


Lu Yongchang smiled meaningfully.

He has never rested since returning from Dr. Wen.

In a sense, this may be the biggest advantage of the quantum ghost state-he doesn't feel tired at all!

Even after a day and night of high-intensity mental work, his spirit is still in the most perfect state!

"What are you studying?"

While speaking, He Bilin has already walked to Lv Yongchang's side.

Looking at the complex mottled pattern in the holographic projection, he couldn't help but stand there: "This... shouldn't be the thing of the [Suirenshi] miniaturization project?"

Lv Yongchang was concentrating on depicting the pattern.

He needs to ensure the accuracy of the pattern as much as possible!

"Of course not."

"Then what are you doing..."

"How to explain it..." Lv Yongchang stopped his movements in some confusion, "You can think of it as a picture I dreamed of."

"I think there is a high information entropy hidden in it."

Hearing Lv Yongchang's words, He Bilin also became interested.

Anyway, it was still early, so he simply sat next to Lv Yongchang and carefully observed Lv Yongchang's extremely detailed, like-to-copy, depiction movements.


Time passed by second by second.

The number of academicians in the laboratory also began to gradually increase.

After discovering Lv Yongchang, all the academicians and researchers came behind him quietly and silently observed his movements.

After checking it for the last time, Lv Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally done..."

Seeing He Bilin's still confused expression, Lv Yongchang smiled and waved his hand.


The holographic projection instantly enlarged and directly covered the entire laboratory!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lv Yongchang was slightly distracted.

If he hadn't seen the instruments in the laboratory and the academicians around him, he would have even thought that he had really come to the technology tree space!

"Do you feel familiar?"

Lv Yongchang asked He Bilin with a chuckle.

He Bilin frowned slightly: "Indeed... there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity."

"But I can't tell why, I always feel a little weird."

Lv Yongchang didn't speak.

He straightened his expression, raised his hands and quickly operated the holographic projection beside him.

Then, he stretched out his hands and pulled them to both sides!


The original mottled pattern, under Lv Yongchang's dragging, turned directly into two similar but completely different sized patterns!

"This, this is!"

When he saw one of the smaller images, He Bilin's face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Map?!"

"Not bad."

Lv Yongchang quickly called up a cosmic microwave background radiation map drawn by the Academy of Sciences and placed it on the smaller image.

Zero quickly gave the comparison result.

The degree of match: 100%.

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