Just as the tachyon wave spread to the surroundings, a vague space-time wave came from afar.

Then, a thin, irregular gray "canvas" slowly appeared next to the silk thread.

It was a two-dimensional creature.

As the gray shadow floated, a string of tachyon information came.

[Silk, do you feel it? ]

[It's a fragment. ]

The silk thread ball quickly stretched and sent out tachyon information again.

[Yes, after more than 100,000 years, another fragment finally fell here. ]

[The gravity of the big cosmic bubble has changed slightly! The membrane plan has initially taken effect! ]

[Ant, do you want to go and see? ]

[Ant] was silent for a while, as if thinking about the gains and losses.

[Ant] did not give a definite answer, but instead asked: [Silk, how is your injury? ]

It clearly remembered that when [Silk] first arrived at the Shapley Supercluster, he was seriously injured, and even his core was broken!

For dimensional creatures, this is equivalent to only having half a breath left.

[Silk] gave a clear answer: [It has been completely recovered. ]

After receiving this news, [Ant] fell silent again.

It is very entangled now.

In the Laniakea Supercluster War, the Pastoral Faction suffered great losses.

At the same time, after the Ring Universe Accelerator Project was greatly delayed, the Sweeper Civilization was also a little anxious.

Some Sweeper branches of superclusters will even take the initiative to send out quark fortresses and black hole fortresses to carry out the clearing mission of the Pastoral Faction civilization in the accelerator node area.

In order not to affect [Membrane]'s plan, the Pastoral Faction, which has achieved its goal, adopted a "retreat" strategy-don't make trouble if you can, and try not to conflict with the Sweeper Civilization at this time.

Leaving this safe area rashly at this critical time...

Who knows what will happen next.

Seemingly seeing [Ant]'s entanglement, [Silk] took the initiative to break the silence.

[Ant, don't forget that the Sweeper Civilization at that time relied on that fragment to break through the four-dimensional technology. 】

Ant's tone was a little irritable: "But the current sweeper no longer needs that fragment! 】

According to the membrane's requirements, we should continue to stay in this galaxy... 】

Silk interrupted Ant's words with a faint voice: "What if another sweeper appears? 】

In the universe, the canvas without thickness suddenly stopped moving.

[You mean... that human civilization? ]

Silk did not reply, but cast his eyes in the direction of the Laniakea Supercluster.

It still remembers the human civilization wearing the vest of the Enroget civilization!

That is the civilization with the highest development potential it has ever seen!

No one else!

If they get that fragment...

Silk shuddered subconsciously, it didn't even dare to imagine such a scene.

[Not so... After the Laniakea Supercluster War came to an end, the membrane had sent some four-dimensional creatures to surround the Virgo Cluster. 】

[There has been no news from there for hundreds of years. 】

[It is estimated that the current human civilization is still in the Virgo Cluster. 】

[Ant] sent a nagging message: [Although there was a little gap in between, but... at that time, human civilization was only a level 7 civilization. Even with the help of the Secor civilization, they could not run too far. 】

[Silk] thought about it carefully and breathed a sigh of relief.

That's right.

Under the care of a group of four-dimensional creatures, human civilization should have no chance to leave the Virgo Galaxy Cluster.

As for the fragment...

Under normal circumstances, it will die naturally after waiting for a while.


[Silk] still felt a little uneasy: [What if it was picked up by another level 8 civilization? I believe the membrane would not want a second sweeper civilization to appear. 】

[Ant]: [...]


A few hours later, a strong space-time fluctuation appeared in the center of this satellite galaxy.

Its destination, of course, was the bubble structure 80 million light years away.


The space-time fluctuations created by [Silk] and [Ant] spread to the surroundings.

Undoubtedly, this attracted the attention of the Sweeper Division in the main galaxy nearby.

As [Ant] said, the current Sweeper civilization no longer needs to study the four-dimensional bubble structure.

Therefore, after checking, the division did not do anything extra except reporting the information to the mother civilization.

Human Union Dimension Research Center.

All academicians and researchers stopped their work and stared at the giant "soap bubble" in the distance.

The "soap bubble" is transparent, but the powerful space-time distortion effect around it makes it visible to the naked eye.

As if it was continuously attacked by some external force, the surface of the "soap bubble" continued to have undulating ripples and distorted structures.

Looking at this bizarre picture, Lv Yongchang's eyes gradually gave birth to a glimmer of excitement.

This is a brand-new space-time phenomenon that human civilization has never encountered before!

This means that human civilization may be able to supplement and improve existing theoretical knowledge with it, or it may be able to master a brand-new theoretical system with it! !

Either way, it means that human civilization can scoop up more seawater in the ocean of truth!

Under his command, Zero controlled a large number of detectors to carefully approach the "soap bubble"-like structure.

As the distance between the two continued to close, the data sent back by the detectors quickly became detailed.

Time passed slowly.

One of the detectors first touched the "soap bubble".

To be more precise, a large fluctuation of the "soap bubble" "actively" swallowed the unlucky detector into it.

[Ding! ]

[Warning! Detector signal lost! ]

This sudden situation made Lv Yongchang feel nervous.

This batch of detectors is not a self-splitting detector that wins by quantity. Each detector contains the most advanced technology of human civilization today.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if they fall into the jet area of ​​quasars, they can "survive" for a long time!

But now...

It didn't even last 0.1 seconds!

"Zero!" Lv Yongchang issued an order in a hurried tone, "Immediately control the remaining detectors to retreat!"


It was too late.

Another fluctuation without any signs occurred on the surface of the "soap bubble"!


This time the fluctuation was particularly strong!

The surging "soap bubble" directly swallowed all the detectors!

The Dimension Research Center was filled with shrill alarms!

In the bright red holographic projection, only a few large Chinese characters were left.

[Warning, the detector signal has been lost! ]

ps: Thank you Tenth Art for the great god certification!

Thank you Yunzan for the great god certification!

The big guy is awesome!!!

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