Even though the number of creatures in the pastoral dimension is large and their combat power is the strongest, they still suffered a great loss in the face of the joint attack of the three forces.

The cores of a large number of low-dimensional creatures were destroyed, and they were forced to upgrade to countless basic particles under the assimilation of three-dimensional space.

The loss of four-dimensional creatures was not that serious, but it was not much better.

This is the battlefield of the top eight-level civilization.

Let alone the seventh-level civilization, even the eighth-level civilization with a little less strength is just a large cannon fodder here!

Strong tachyon signals spread rapidly in the battlefield filled with artillery fire.

[Neutral faction! Why did the neutral faction also join the war? ! ]

[The Tenth Empire! Silicon-based Alliance! ! ]

[How could the Tenth Empire appear here? ! ]

[Damn human civilization! ! ! ]

[Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet? ! ]

Ever since the Sweeper Branch of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy reported the incident, human civilization has been on the "special care list" of the Sweeper civilization.

It can be said that if human civilization had not been a member of the Silicon Alliance and the Neutral Faction, the Sweepers would have personally dealt with human civilization.

Therefore, after discovering that the Pastoral Faction's attack target was human civilization, the first reaction of the Sweeper Civilization was to go with the flow and take the opportunity to destroy human civilization while dealing with those dimensional creatures.

But they never expected it.

Thousands of years ago, human civilization, which was still at the sixth level of civilization, has now grown to such a height!

Similar to the Pastoral Faction War Zone, the Sweeper War Zone at this time was also in chaos.

The attacks launched by the human fleet really scared them.

High-dimensional weapons, low-dimensional weapons!

Judging from the battlefield performance alone, the current strength of human civilization is by no means inferior to that of the Sweeper Civilization!

The wide-area tachyon broadcast signal was sent from the Sweeper War Zone, across the endless starry sky, and transmitted to the Sweeper Headquarters in the distance!


The tachyon wave came from afar-the dimensional creatures of the Pastoral Faction tried their best to avoid the attack, while questioning the Tenth Empire and the Neutral Faction.

[Neutral Faction! Tenth Empire!! ]

[The Pastoral Faction has no intention of being your enemy! ]

[Our target is only human civilization! Leave the battlefield immediately, we can pretend nothing happened! ]

[Otherwise, the neutral civilization will be retaliated indiscriminately by the Pastoral Faction! ]

The Tenth Empire was the first to respond to such threats.

[Human civilization is a member of the neutral faction and a permanent ally of the Tenth Empire. ]

The tachyon information sent by the Tenth Empire and the neutral faction directly stimulated the nerves of all dimensional creatures present.

Similarly, it also stimulated the nerves of the [membrane] at the bottom of the cosmic bubble.

Damn human civilization!!!

He looked at the next batch of dimensional creatures that were about to arrive at the battlefield, his eyes showed a bit of cruelty, and he directly issued a death order.

[Destroy the human fleet at all costs!!! ]


The powerful tachyon signal swept across the battlefield.

The dimensional creatures of the Pastoral Faction, which had been retreating step by step under the siege of the three forces, suddenly rose up!

Hundreds of thousands of four-dimensional creatures rushed out of the defense network in the face of various high-powered attacks, and then, under the gaze of a group of advanced civilizations, they resolutely destroyed the core in their bodies.

The dimensionality reduction effect immediately began to occur!

Boom! ! !

The power brought by the suicide attack of 100,000 four-dimensional creatures is unimaginable!

In an instant, it seemed that endless energy and matter burst out from the central area of ​​the battlefield!

At this moment, the Boötes Void has become the brightest patch from the darkest area in the universe!

The gushing energy accelerated those basic particles to a level extremely close to the speed of light. At this speed, even a basic particle has unparalleled destructive power!

The light wrapped a large number of basic particles, sweeping across the battlefield like ripples!

The first to bear the brunt were the warships in the innermost part of the encirclement!

Needless to say, the conventional warships of the neutral faction and the Tenth Empire.

Under this impact, no shield can play any role, and even the armor constructed by dense neutrons and dense quarks also disintegrated into countless particles in a very short time.

The collision of particles produced countless heavy particles.

The strong radiation brought by this is its second round of offensive!

After the conventional warships of the neutral faction and the tenth empire turned into endless powder, the warships of human civilization and sweepers also began to suffer losses.

Even the warships that have been upgraded to the fourth dimension cannot be immune to this impact - the violent turbulence of the three-dimensional space has also affected the four-dimensional space!

One by one, the four-dimensional warships were forced to fall into the third dimension, and then turned into endless dust after a few seconds of short support.

But no matter what, the defense of the four-dimensional warships is still far higher than that of conventional warships, which can be seen from the number of losses on all sides.

The neutral faction suffered the most serious damage, losing at least 30% of its conventional warships.

The tenth empire has not yet mastered the dimension upgrade, but relying on various dimensional weapons, it has greatly reduced its own losses - about 15% of the losses.

The loss of the human fleet is about 5%.

The Sweeper Civilization has the least, losing less than 1% of its planetary fortresses - there is no way, the Sweeper Civilization fleet has no conventional warships, and the worst is the Quark Fortress.

What does this equate to?

It is equivalent to the human fleet only sending the [Titan Mothership] and the [Chiyou] planetary fortress to participate in the war!

The sacrifice of 100,000 four-dimensional creatures has brought huge benefits.

The gradually shrinking encirclement of the three forces was completely broken up. This benefit alone is enough to make up for the loss this time!

The remaining members of the Pastoral School broke out of the encirclement under the protection of the four-dimensional creatures.

Even though they suffered such heavy losses, they still did not retreat. Instead, they took advantage of the chaos caused by the explosion and rushed directly into the human fleet!


Human fleet.

The [Titan Mothership] opened fire at full power under the cover of countless ship-borne drones and conventional warships, pouring powerful firepower towards the vicinity.

But... it was useless.

After sacrificing dozens of dimensional creatures, several two-dimensional creatures successfully approached the [Titan Mothership]!

With a brilliant light lighting up on the battlefield, the figures of these two-dimensional creatures disappeared on the battlefield!

Dimensional reduction attack at the cost of life!

A huge painting slowly spread out in the starry sky!

The surrounding shells, drones, warships and even the flames of explosions were all drawn into this picture!

The picture quickly spread to the four-dimensional [Titan Mothership].

Although the [Titan Mothership] had already opened the dark matter stabilization field, it still couldn't withstand the dimensionality reduction attack launched by several two-dimensional creatures at the cost of their lives!

After struggling for a few minutes, the huge Titan Mothership first fell to three dimensions, and then turned into a distorted pattern in the picture!

Such scenes can be seen in every part of the human fleet!

Every dimensional creature is like crazy!

Injury for injury! Life for life!

ps: There is still 500 words left in one chapter. If you can't wait, you can get up tomorrow morning to read it.

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