
The self-splitting detectors of the Cosmic Monitoring Project sent an alarm, and the Sweepers mobilized a large fleet from the Peacock-Indian Super Galaxy Cluster to rush to the battlefield.

Thanks to this.

The already busy command center became even busier at this time.

Orders were issued one after another from the commanding officer, heading towards the frontal battlefield of the Shapley Super Galaxy Cluster in the distance.

Under these orders, the fleets of the neutral faction and human civilization, which exceeded 100 billion, slowly moved towards the predetermined area.

The purpose is clear - to cut off the Sweeper's support fleet!

"Bip! Blop! Blop!"

A crisp reminder sounded, and at the same time, a bright red logo automatically popped up in the upper right corner of the holographic projection.

"Nus?" Zhao Zijie frowned slightly.

Now [Nus] and the Forsaken Zerg under his command are the trump card in the hands of human civilization.

Something can happen to anyone, but nothing can happen to them!

Therefore, Zhao Zijie quickly put down his work and reached out to click on the warning message.

"This is……"

Looking at the picture in the holographic projection, Zhao Zijie couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Although he didn't know the specific purpose and working principle of the giant devices in the picture, the spectacular scene of the continuous unfolding of the internal structure still gave him a bad idea.

Something happened!

What the hell is the sweeper civilization doing?

"Quick! Inform Professor Lu quickly!"

Zhao Zijie suddenly stood up from his seat and shouted eagerly.

More than ten seconds later.

Countless fluorescent green light spots penetrated through the closed door of the command center, and then condensed into a figure in everyone's accustomed gaze.

"Professor..." Zhao Zijie subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the person coming, "Nus sent an early warning message, the sweeper..."

"The Sweepers are preparing to launch the Rim Universe Acceleration Plan!"

Before the figure in the quantum state was completely solidified, Lu Yongchang's voice rang in the command center.

"Ring Universe Acceleration Plan..." Zhao Zijie was slightly startled, "Didn't a lot of the accelerator nodes of the Laniakea Super Galaxy Cluster be destroyed by the Pastoralists?"

Lu Yongchang's figure had completely solidified, and he said in a heavy tone: "This is the problem."

"The sweepers must have learned some information, otherwise, they would never have turned on the cosmic accelerator so hastily!"

Every particle acceleration experiment requires a lot of preparation.

Not to mention the particle acceleration experiments around the universe, even the particle acceleration experiments around planets and stars cannot be started at once!

Could it be that the pastoral five-dimensional creature is doing something?

As soon as this thought flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind, a piercing alarm sounded in the command center.

A blue holographic projection automatically unfolded before his eyes, with countless complex parameters rapidly refreshing on it.

Although he couldn't understand these complicated data, Zhao Zijie still identified the source of this holographic projection - the all-weather local bubble monitoring unit.

To put it bluntly, it is an ultra-long-distance monitoring device for pastoral five-dimensional creatures.

Looking at the projected picture, Lu Yongchang's face instantly darkened.


A rare trace of panic flashed in Lu Yongchang's eyes: "The five-dimensional creatures of the Pastoral School have disappeared!"

"Disappeared? How could such a large five-dimensional creature disappear out of thin air?"

"The all-weather local bubble monitoring unit, as the name suggests, can only monitor the local bubble."

"Right now, there's no trace of it on the monitoring equipment."

"There is only one possibility." Lu Yongchang concluded word by word, "It has left this universe bubble!!"

Zhao Zijie couldn't help but froze on the spot.

Leave this universe...

What kind of opponent does human civilization face? !

Lu Yongchang paced back and forth in the command center a little irritably.

He could guess the intention of that five-dimensional creature without even thinking!

From the five-dimensional space outside the space bubble, carry out a high-dimensional strike against the combined fleet of humans and neutrals!

This is a high-dimensional strike in the true sense!

"Damn it, I should have thought of it earlier, how could five-dimensional creatures not master five-dimensional navigation technology!"

He murmured in a low voice: "It's too bad now, we haven't mastered the means of observing the five-dimensional space outside this universe bubble..."

Zhao Zijie silently looked at the warning sign flashing in the holographic projection, and asked Lu Yongchang hesitantly: "Professor, the Sweeper's ring-universe acceleration plan..."

"Do we need to interfere with it?"

What time has it been? The fifth-dimensional creatures of the pastoral faction are ready to take action. What do you care about the sweeper? !

Just when Lu Yongchang was about to ask Zhao Zijie a question, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.


There's still a chance!

Sweeper! Still a sweeper!

"No! We must not interfere with the Sweeper's acceleration plan around the universe!"

Lu Yongchang turned around suddenly and stared at the holographic projection in front of him: "Currently, only the Sweeper's Universal Universe Acceleration Plan can attract the attention of that five-dimensional creature!"

The words have not yet fallen.

In the holographic projection, a warning popped up again.


Zero's electronic synthesized voice rang in everyone's ears: "Abnormal fluctuations in the space-time curvature of the Boötes void region and the Shapley Supercluster region have been detected."

Just taking a glance at the data in the projection, Lu Yongchang's expression completely changed.

If the original space-time is a flat sea surface, then the current space-time ocean has become a curved surface that bulges upward!

A massive object is approaching the cosmic bubble!

Pastoral five-dimensional creature!

He is already here!!!


Lv Yongchang stared at the increasingly violent fluctuations in the holographic projection with bloodshot eyes, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Forced to take control of all our warships!"

"Stop all the original attack plans!"

"Upgrade! Upgrade immediately!"

"Run the dark matter stabilization field at full power!!!"


Outside this cosmic bubble.

In the bizarre five-dimensional space, [Membrane] slowly swayed its body.

After all, he was not a native five-dimensional creature, so it was not an easy task to sail in the five-dimensional space.

Especially after billions of years of "house arrest", his not-so-skilled five-dimensional navigation technology became even more awkward.

He struggled to adjust his movements to ensure that his course would not go wrong.

The consequence of miscalculation is very serious - it may move away from this cosmic bubble without knowing it, and may never find the "way home"!

His eyes quickly swept across the cosmic bubble below him, and each galaxy was as small as a grain of sand in his eyes.

Found it.

He looked at the empty area where the space-time fluctuations were particularly strong, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

The Boötes Void, the base of human civilization.

And the Shapley Supercluster, the front battlefield.

The joint fleet composed of the Sweepers and the Pastoral Faction has begun to gradually withdraw, but in such a large-scale attack, accidental injuries are inevitable.

Sometimes, necessary sacrifices are inevitable for victory.

This is true for war, and so is the continuation of civilization.

Thinking of this, he aimed at his target and sent a space weapon from the fifth dimension to it.

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