Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 978 The truth about the technology tree!

Omnic civilization? How long does it take? !

Lu Yongchang suppressed the shock in his heart and asked with difficulty: "What level of civilization are you...?"

"Why choose me?"

"For beings as powerful as you, hasn't human civilization yet won?"

[In my world line, human civilization... I am the only one left. 】

[Helium flash wiped out all humans except me. 】

[To be precise, I was also wiped out. 】

[But I'm lucky. 】

[I became a quantum ghost wandering in the starry sky. 】

[By the way, that’s your current state. 】

The figure seemed to smile again: [This is a long story. In short, I was lucky enough to kill the sweepers and the pastoralists, and escaped from the collapsing space bubble. 】

[I represent human civilization and have been wandering alone in the five-dimensional space for countless years. 】

[The five-dimensional space outside the cosmic bubble is not as beautiful as I imagined. In comparison, the cosmic bubble full of wars and disputes is simply a hotbed for the growth of civilization...]

[Crisis lurks around all civilizations, and intrusions often occur at unexpected times...]

Perhaps due to insufficient database, or perhaps due to other reasons, the figure did not explain in detail the so-called crisis and intrusion, nor did he introduce his battle process in the universe in detail.

[For various reasons, I am trying to find a way to survive, a way to survive that belongs to human civilization. 】

【You are the way I found my way out. 】

[So far, my plan seems to have been successful. 】

Lu Yongchang stared blankly at the figure made of white lines in front of him, and murmured in a low voice: "Where is the true body of the technology tree? Why have I never found it?"

This problem not only troubled Lu Yongchang, but also Dr. Wen who examined Lu Yongchang.

[The main body of the technology tree? 】

[It is in your brain, but it is a zero-dimensional singularity. 】

Zero witch points!

Building facilities in the Singularity…

What kind of technology can accomplish this feat? !

Lu Yongchang looked at the figure in front of him numbly.

It has to be said that in this short period of time, he was more shocked than he had been in the past thousands of years!

"What about my rebirth?"

Lu Yongchang seemed to hear something suddenly, and hurriedly asked the figure in front of him.

【Rebirth? How can there be any rebirth...]

The figure smiled again: [It's just some memory fragments transmitted along with the technology tree. 】

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and calmed down the shock in his heart: "Are those coincidences in the development of human civilization... your handiwork?"

[If you are referring to phenomena such as four-dimensional cavitation, then my arrangement should have taken effect. 】

"How did you do it?"

[It’s not difficult. The principle is similar to the butterfly effect. The premise is that you have to follow the laws of time and parallel worlds. 】


Lu Yongchang looked at the holographic projection in front of him helplessly.

Not difficult? You call this not difficult?

He suddenly felt personally the powerlessness of other academicians of the People's Academy of Sciences facing him, and at the same time, an inexplicable sense of familiarity arose in his heart.


A horrifying thought flashed through Lu Yongchang's mind: "Who...are you?"

【I? 】

The figure chuckled: [The name has long been a meaningless title to me. 】

[But in the distant earth era, my name was...]

【Lu Yongchang. 】



Amidst the calls, Lu Yongchang slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the academicians surrounding him, an unreal feeling instantly surged into his heart.

After going round and round, the source of the technology tree is actually myself?

No, to be precise, it’s me in another parallel universe.

"Yongchang, are you okay?"

Perhaps sensing Lu Yongchang's somewhat distracted eyes, Fang Xu quickly reached out and waved it in front of his eyes.

"...No, it's okay."

Lu Yongchang slowly came to his senses, pushed Fang Xu's hand away and stood up from his seat.

He looked around blankly, and finally, his eyes fixed on the data that stopped flashing in the holographic projection.

Lu Yongchang took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

"Without further delay, start research on the source theory immediately."

"We must advance to the ninth level of civilization before the sweeper civilization!"

"Source theory?" Lin Yongnian muttered with confusion.

"The theory of the origin of the universe, referred to as the source theory."

Lu Yongchang recalled the information from another parallel universe: "The vibrating singularity created the string, and the vibration of the string created the basic particles in the universe. They are the origin of the universe and the cornerstone of the universe."

"If we could manipulate these building blocks of the universe..."

"Perhaps, those unchanging constants in the universe will become the most powerful weapons in our hands!"

After successfully completing the Ring Universe Accelerated Particle Collision Experiment, facing frequent attacks from pastoral dimensional creatures, the Sweeper Fleet changed its normal behavior and adopted a war avoidance and defensive strategy for the first time in the war - they were preparing to concentrate all their efforts on studying Ring Universe particles. Miraculous phenomena in accelerated experiments.

As for the pastoralists...

Under the command of [Membrane], they still launched continuous attacks on the sweepers without fear of death.

The purpose is simple.

Delay the research progress of the Sweeper civilization as much as possible.


Even if the Sweepers adopted a defensive strategy, the turmoil in the universe did not stop, and even became more intense.

The central black holes of galaxies exploded under the attack of dimensional creatures, turning into black hole jets, tearing apart the already dilapidated galaxies.

Chaos has become the tone of the universe.

Under the attack of the Pastoral School, the territory of the Sweeper civilization continued to shrink.

The huge territory that originally spanned most of the universe gradually shrank to the Laniakea Supercluster area over time.

78 years later, the Earth calendar is 15900.

78 years is like a trance time for advanced civilizations, and even more so for the universe.

In this extremely short period of time, human civilization completed its promotion in the unnoticed Boötes Nebula!

Ninth-level civilization!

The perfection of [Source Theory] means that human civilization has truly crossed the threshold of ninth-level civilization!

As shown in the ring-universe particle acceleration collision experiment, the basic unit that constitutes the universe is not the one-dimensional string described by string theory, but a zero-dimensional singularity.

The movement trajectory of the singularity constitutes a string.

But string theory still makes sense - the movement of those one-dimensional strings does constitute the basic particles in the universe.

Scientific research has always been complementary.

The breakthrough of [Source Theory] has also led to the progress of other theories.

Among them, the most obvious is the five-dimensional theory led by Lin Yongnian.

The improvement of the five-dimensional theory, especially the improvement of the algorithm involving the fifth direction, has made five-dimensional navigation a ninth-level technology that is readily available to human civilization.

Three years later.

Earth calendar 15903.

While the sweepers and the pastoralists were still fighting to the death, the first five-dimensional engine in this universe was born in the uninhabited corner of the Bootes Nebula!

ps: Who else? I just ask who else? !

Quickly generate electricity for love and give you a performance in place!

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