Age of Collapse

Vol 2 Chapter 80: Athletic battlefield

Ai is grateful for the speech relief of Luo Yu, and the teachings she has always believed also guide her to be grateful, although I don't know how to give back to Luo, but at least I want to say thank you.

However, Luo's reaction was relatively cold, and did not accept the meaning of gratitude, and directly passed away with Ayr.

Ayr looked at Luo's back and made a cross on his chest, whispering to help Luo worry and pray.

Under the leadership of the Marquis of Charles, everyone boarded a spacious and luxurious carriage, which was wrapped in expensive silk on all sides. The curtain window inlaid with diamonds was covered by a thin veil, making the people inside the car look Vague and timid, shining in the golden sun, seems to be a metaphor for the nobleness of not living with mortals.

With the current industrial system of the Red Blood Empire, it is not difficult to create a vehicle like the old ones. Occasionally, the Mercedes-Benz cars can be seen in the city. Therefore, the carriages that convey the vicissitudes of time are not practical, but Charles. The Marquis does not seem to value practicality. He enjoys the noble feeling of sitting on a tall carriage overlooking others.

In the sound of the horse's wheel, the residents of the road have consciously let the road open, bowing their heads against the carriage. This is the etiquette prescribed by the Marquis of Charles in the city. The non-compliance will be treated with disrespect. punishment.

Occasionally, a few innocent children looked up at the luxury carriage, but they were quickly pressed by their parents and smashed their heads with themselves.

"Those children, they don't even know why they want to bow their heads..." Ling sat on the side of Luo's worries, opened the curtain window and whispered, "If you don't have life, you will be inferior..."

Luo worry silently watching the residents who bowed their heads to the carriage. These people are the empire of the old times. They are all compatriots of Luo worry. They used to be so arrogant, but after the collapse of the three-year War of the Patriotic War, they I also lost the biggest umbrella and had to survive at the foot of the federal governor in this low profile. It was really uncomfortable to watch.

Luo worry is inexplicably a little annoyed, pulled a curtain window, no longer to see.

After more than half an hour of jolting, the carriage finally stopped, and everyone walked down the carriage. The entrance was a huge building that could cover the sun and the moon. It cast a huge shadow on the ground, and its overall appearance was a classical ring. The structure, the sun is cast on the wall of earth-colored masonry, the golden silk is like an elf, and it is dyed with the vicissitudes of history.

In the huge circular building, there was a faint sound of waves of people, and after a while, as the tide of the tide swept away, even the mist of water in the dawn was dispelled.

This magnificent building that can be used for miracles is not only amazing, but in some people's hearts buried the seeds of uneasiness. Some people with common sense can recognize what this ancient Roman style building means...

Arena! A name that has long been buried in history and is not ashamed by civilized society, revealing a strong **** atmosphere!

"Welcome to my dawn stadium, this is the greatest building in the wilderness, a frenetic land, I assure you that no one can resist its charm." Charles Marquis stood at the entrance and gracefully made a "Please" gesture.

The entrance to the Dawn Arena is 12 meters wide and 26 meters high. It looks like a giant opened a **** mouth and cooperated with the boiling cry from the field. People can't help but think of the **** of **** and cry. .

At this time, the audience continued to hold a paper pass to enter the stadium. Their eyes burned with desire, and the nose and mouth also gasped with a burning scent. The body was as eager to climb as an ant, rushing to run. Enter the field and look for the best viewing position.

All the people entered, and naturally, as the Marquis of Charles, they would not sit with the ordinary audience. Under the leadership of the guards, the Marquis of Charles took them through a dedicated passage to the observation deck closest to the battlefield.

The Dawn Arena covers an area of ​​over 12,000 square meters and the surrounding wall is as high as 43 meters, which is equivalent to the height of the fifteenth floor of the old era. The interior is the same as the Roman period. The first floor is Charles. The exclusive class of the aristocrats such as the Marquis symbolizes supreme status.

The second layer is owned by senior citizens of Xiaocheng City. These people are often squandered and politically and commercially also have a relationship with the Marquis.

The third floor belongs to the general public. The ticket price is relatively low, which is very suitable for those who are a little idle and want to find excitement.

The fourth floor is an open terrace, where you don't need tickets, anyone can enter, so it's generally chosen by the poor. Of course, the viewing experience hundreds of meters away from the battle center is certainly not good.

At this point, the appearance of the Marquis of Charles has already begun to boil the scene. The reason why the game was delayed is because the Marquis of Charles has not arrived. Now he shows up, and all the audience know that the **** preface is about to start.

The Aristocratic Observation Deck can bring the entire sports infield to the eye, and both the visual and the visual are crowded. Whether it is aristocrats or civilians, they are excitedly mad at this time. They are red-eyed, dancing and dancing, spitting on the stars, from time to time in people. Under the cover of the waves, the swearing and cursing that I dare not speak, many women have even taken off their shirts with Shaking the white rabbit on the chest to bring the atmosphere to the scene.

This is a place full of people's blood, not just the upcoming **** game, but also because everyone here can fade away from the usual camouflage, the nobles do not have to play the modest gentleman, can vent their swear words, the civilians do not have to whisper, You can curse the Marquis with impunity, and you can also touch a few women on the exposed clothes to see who is upset or even get up and down. Here, beating people is not regulated, it is a blackfield. The ground reveals the wildness of the human heart.

"The people of Miao Xiaocheng!" The Marquis of Charles stood at the forefront of the observation deck. Under the sunshine of the dawn, the fat body of the glory was really a feeling of a child of heaven. He opened. With arms outstretched, embracing the sun and the sound of the waves, I said with a thick voice that I have been screaming all the year round. "The gift festival once again opened our arms to us. Under the dawn of dawn, let us praise the life that guards us." wall!"

After the Marquis of Charles finished, his right hand was elegantly in front of him. Although he was fat, the action taught by this ceremonial teacher was very standard. Of course, not many people bought it.

"Go to your mother, when will the game begin!"

"Dead pig, you just fall to the stage!"

"You look at the pig's belly, it's like a gas-filled ball, hahaha!"

"Federal Dog! Get out of our land! The Empire will last forever! The Empire will last forever!!"


Here, the speech is unregulated, and it is impossible to tell who is talking in the sound of the majestic sounds, so everyone is venting the emotions that are usually in the heart, and the waves are boiling and swearing.

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