It is true that the ordinary mosquito coil tadpole is definitely not the opponent of the Tanabata bluebird, and in the face of the Tanabata bluebird, a small mosquito coil tadpole can only be beaten.

However, this is a dreamy mosquito tadpole.

"Tanabata Blue Bird, put an end to this farce, the Divine Bird slams!"

In the face of this little 'mosquito coil tadpole', Teng Mai actually planned to directly attack the most powerful divine bird of the Tanabata Blue Bird!

"Get your mosquito coils and tadpoles back!"

"It can't resist it!"

"Don't force it, let it go back to the Poké Ball!"

Seeing that the Qixi Blue Bird flew into the sky and was about to release an astonishing divine bird attack, the three Hualan sisters hurriedly spoke out to persuade them.

The little mosquito coil tadpole, how could it resist the onslaught of the divine bird of the Tanabata Blue Bird, the other party had no intention of showing mercy to his subordinates at all, this time it was really hit, it was definitely not a joke.

However, Yilu's indifference made them even more anxious.

Faced with such a disparity in strength, Yi Yu just shook his head and said two words: "It's okay." "

It's okay?

Is this still called okay?

One is not good, mosquitoes and tadpoles are in danger of life, okay, what do you mean it's okay?!

The three Hualan sisters were angry and anxious.

At this time, the Tanabata bluebird had already flown into the air, bursting out with amazing momentum, and its body was shrouded in purple light, swooping down rapidly!

Divine Bird Slam!

Yiyu did not hesitate: "Mosquito coil tadpole, make a slap." "

Hearing Yihuan's instructions, the three Hualan sisters, including Xiaoxia, all had a ridiculous look on their faces, and they looked at Yihuan as if they were looking at a madman.

In the face of the onslaught of the divine bird that released the Tanabata Blue Bird, he still wanted the mosquito coil tadpole to resist, and it was with the simplest swatting skill?

Crazy, right?

It must be insane.

"Hahaha, laughing to death, a mosquito coil tadpole in front of my Tanabata bluebird, can ....."

Teng Mai's words became quieter and quieter, and finally stopped, but his eyes widened and widened!

Because mosquito coil tadpoles jump at incredible speeds. No, it's not so much about jumping as it is about flying!!

Mosquito coil tadpoles have flown into the sky!

Under the stunned gaze of everyone, the mosquito tadpole jumped straight into the sky at a very fast speed, and its tail glowed with a faint light.

High in the sky, the small mosquito tadpoles, facing the Tanabata bluebird shrouded in light, seem so insignificant.

However, the mosquito coil tadpole that jumped into the air at great speed met the Tanabata bluebird head-on, and when the Tanabata bluebird was still in a daze, its tail slapped suddenly!

This shot seems to distort space!

In the sky, this crisp slap echoed!


The divine bird slammed and dispersed, and the Tanabata blue bird was like a daytime meteor, crossing a straight line in mid-air and falling to the ground rapidly!


The Tanabata bluebird fell to the ground fiercely, and an explosion sounded.

And this sound seemed to explode in the hearts of everyone at the scene.

In the line of sight, it is the unconscious Tanabata Blue Bird, which is different from the majestic and imposing just now, and it looks so embarrassed at this moment.

"Mosquitoes. "

Dreamy landing, wagging a little tail and a call for credit.

"Well done, mosquito tadpoles. "

Yiyu gave it affirmation, and it made Dream feel happy and happy, and the little tail flicked and flicked.

"You didn't dream, did you?"

Peony pinched Sakura's face in a distraction.

"It hurts, won't you pinch your face?"

"It's like the plot of a Pokémon movie, how can it happen in reality. "

The three Hualan sisters were stunned.

A mosquito tadpole, a slap stunned the Tanabata bluebird?

Or is it the Tanabata Blue Bird in the state of releasing the divine bird to slam it? Why does it feel so mysterious?

"Even if my mosquito frog evolves into a fast swimming frog, I can't do it. "

Xiaoxia was also incredulous, looking at the seemingly weak mosquito coil tadpole.

How can this mosquito tadpole be more powerful than its own mosquito coil frog? And even if the mosquito coil frog evolves into a fast swimming frog, it can't be so sharp.

All of a sudden, all the powerful Tanabata bluebirds were filmed.

Xiaoxia, who doubted herself, didn't know that the mosquito coil tadpole was not a real mosquito coil tadpole, but a dream.


Teng Mai's eyes were almost the size of an apple.

Cold sweat broke out from the horror and fell from his forehead.

How is it possible for a mosquito tadpole to do all this?!

Fake it!

He didn't believe it!

"As I said, my mosquito coil tadpoles are extraordinary. "

Faced with the other party's disbelief, Yi Yu could only smile with pity.

Maybe the next time he sees mosquito coils and tadpoles, he will have a psychological shadow.

"Damn... Come back, Tanabata Blue Bird. "

No matter how much you don't believe it, everything in front of you is a fact, Teng Mai took back the Tanabata Blue Bird with a distorted expression.

"Come out, Electric Dragon!"

Teng Mai, who was trying to regain face, called out the biggest killer move he had prepared, the electric dragon.

The electric dragon is an electric plus dragon system, which can release electric moves, which is super restrained for the water system of Hualan Daoguan!

With the electric dragon here, no matter how unbelievable this mosquito tadpole is, it can only end up in failure.

Teng Mai clenched his fists and said coldly: "I was too careless to give you a chance just now, and this time it's impossible." "

"Come back, mosquito tadpoles. "

What he didn't expect was that Yiyu also took back this terrible mosquito coil tadpole.

Mosquito coil tadpoles are not harmed, why do you want to take the mosquito coil tadpoles back?

Although he is puzzled, this is good news for him!

That's not like a mosquito tadpole at all, it's too scary.

"Dreamy, change a little domineering out, no problem. "

The Poké Ball shook slightly, and it was Dream responding to itself.

Turned into a mosquito coil tadpole, after all, the gap is too shocking, and it can't match the strength of fantasy at all.

So I want to make a dream, slightly conjure a water-based Pokémon that looks relatively strong, and avoid the weird scene just now - the mosquito coil tadpole suddenly knocks the Tanabata bluebird away.

"That's fine. "

Ichikazu first took back the Poké Ball of the 'Mosquito Tadpole', and then pretended to take out a new Poké Ball again.

"Come out. "

Under the expectant gaze of the four sisters Teng Mai and Hua Lan, Yi Yu continued to throw the fantasy Poke Ball high.


With the flash of white light, what appeared in everyone's sight was a blue-purple water-type Pokémon with a graceful and handsome appearance.


A frown furrowed.

It's really yours, it's dreamy....

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