"Brother Chen, thank you for your repeated rescues!"

Wang Yuyan's voice was timid.

"Between you and me, how polite is it!" Chen Fan smiled, and then put his palm on Wang Yuyan's shoulder for the first time:

"You look at these martial arts classics in the Vulture Palace, do you feel uncomfortable?"

The latter's body trembled slightly, but he didn't do anything, and shook his head after hearing Chen Fan's words:

"There is no special feeling, but these martial arts are extremely exquisite, and they are even richer and more mysterious than my family's cellar martial arts in Mantuo Mountain Villa!"

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought about it, in the original plot, people who did not have profound skills would enter this vulture cave and their internal strength and true qi would be disordered, which was extremely uncomfortable, but those with profound skills were not affected at all.

This Wang Yuyan ......

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered that although Wang Yuyan has seen a lot, let alone martial arts, there will not be much basic internal strength, where can there be any internal force and true qi disorder, on the contrary, Wang Yuyan herself is unforgettable, and she has a strong understanding of martial arts.

Chen Fan's gaze continued to focus on this vulture cave.

There are many martial arts recorded here, but there are only two that are worth Chen Fan's careful look!

【Tianshan Six Yang Palms (Nine Palms)】

[This palm technique is extremely powerful, and the palm power of Bai Hong is the deepest palm technique of the "Easy School", and when the palm is released, the left and right palms can carry different internal strength of yin and yang, and the "life and death charm" is mutually restrictive, and this skill can be used to resolve the "life and death charm" in the body. 】

[Learning conditions: internal force > 30,000, internal strength and mental method have the effect of 'yin and yang mutual aid'!]

Chen Fan looked at it, and he still learned it in the end, but he didn't care too much, and he didn't even know how to see the attributes, the only use of this palm technique for him was to make it easier and more convenient to release the life and death talisman.

That's all!

If the rest of the players heard this, they would have to spurt out a mouthful of old blood!

Ordinary players don't say that it is a nine-rank palm technique, that is, to be able to go to the martial arts above the five grades, which is already a rare treasure, once you know what martial arts above the seven grades, it can even stand out from all the players and become one of the best.

And in Chen Fan's eyes, it is just like chicken ribs!

What really made Chen Fan look at it carefully was another martial art:

【Tianshan Folding Plum Hand (Jiupin Martial Arts)】

[Tianshan Folding Plum Hand is another unique school of the Xiaoyao School, with three ways of palming and three ways of grabbing, including the six-way martial arts, but it contains the essence of the Xiaoyao School of martial arts. Among the palms and grapples, there are grasping methods and all kinds of blades, and the changes are complicated! You can even continue to improve this martial arts with the profundity of skills and the increase of martial arts!]

[Learning requirements: the number of martial arts is not less than 6, and the comprehension is 40]

If it was just that, Chen Fan might not care about anything, this martial art was the same as the [Tianshan Six Yang Palm], it would not be of much help to him.

It is necessary to know that this way of martial arts, good essence is not good and mixed, Chen Fan because of this strange [Northern Spiritual Skill], he can practice the number of internal skills related to the level of Northern Spiritual Skill at the same time and fuse them together!

But the external skills, fists, Chen Fan has [Eighteen Palms of Dragon Descending], swordsmanship, and Chen Fan has [Fifteen Swords of Death] at this time, all of them are peerless level martial arts, compared to these high-grade martial arts, they are naturally stronger!

Chen Fan will not abandon his roots and lose the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds.

It's just that what really made him look at it was something else, born from this [Tianshan Folding Plum Hand] exercise mantra!

【Nameless Formula (Special)】

[The mantra for each way is seven words and one sentence, with a total of twelve sentences and eighty-four words. These eighty-four characters are very awkward, and after seven flat words in succession, they are followed by seven slang words, and the rhyme is completely out of tune, but it is similar to an urgent password! However, if you study it carefully, you can find that the mystery seems to be related to the way of true qi operation. 】

Just as Chen Fan looked at this strange thing, he began to wonder in his heart, as if something appeared in Chen Fan's heart.

At this moment, Wang Yuyan looked at Chen Fan so fascinated by the mental mantra here, she thought about it and suddenly said:

"This mental formula is weird, but there is a strange feeling that it is difficult to distinguish from it, and there is no room for anything, it seems to be similar to the method of human body exercises, but it seems to be integrated with all the patterns in this entire vulture cave, weird!

Chen Fan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly did not look at it from this single perspective, but directly stood in the distance and looked at it, the entire Vulture Cave was really just like Wang Yuyan said, all of them were all blended together!

The most important thing is that as his gaze deepened, the text patterns, as if they were alive, turned into golden words and appeared in the sky, such a miraculous scene, Wang Yuyan seemed to be unaware of it at all.

[Ding~ You meet the hidden condition: Enlightenment >65]

[Obtain Special Mark: Mystic Martial Arts (Unknown)]

[Unknown mental method, buried in the vulture cave, even Xiaoyaozi did not find the clue at the beginning, just by virtue of a few words to create the Xiaoyao School's peerless Tianshan Folding Plum Hand! But it seems that the secret is not so simple!(After meeting the requirements, it will be automatically understood). 】

[Thorough comprehension requirements: The number of martial arts > 50, of which the number of divine skills ≥ 3, the number of peerless ≥ 8, and the advanced (seventh to ninth grade) ≥ 20. 】


Chen Fan gasped!

He had seen countless martial arts in his previous life, but he had never seen such a demanding learning requirement! What the hell is this?

I haven't heard of such strange things hidden in this Tianshan Vulture Palace!

And it's too demanding, isn't it?

Three Divine Skill Level Martial Arts?! Eight Peerless Martial Arts?!

At the level of divine skill, he already has a [Northern Spiritual Skill], and he needs more mastery![Ice Silkworm Yijin Sutra], [Divine Light Sutra], [Eighteen Palms of Dragon Descent], [Fifteen Swords of Death], but this does not mean that this is how simple!

Every acquisition of a peerless study can be called an exaggerated difficulty!

Especially the martial arts of that divine skill, Chen Fan is so strong, in the end, now there is only the original [Northern Spiritual Skill].

By the time Chen Fan wanted to look again, the entire vulture cave had regained its calm.

When he looked at the words and the folding plum hands of the Tianshan Mountains, there was no more miracle.

However, he has already engraved it in his mind, and as long as the conditions are met, he can directly comprehend it.

Chen Fan's eyes were bright, and he calmed down for a while, then he looked at Wang Yuyan on the side and smiled:

"Thanks to Yu Yan this time, if not, I really wouldn't have been able to achieve this kind of gain. "

Seeing Chen Fan so excited, Wang Yuyan lowered her head slightly: "It is Yuyan's blessing to be able to help Brother Chen." "

Seeing this, Chen Fan smiled slightly and lowered his head.

Tianshan Tong didn't take long to return from the main hall of the Vulture Palace, her martial arts were so strong, before she got close to this Vulture Cave, she was stunned suddenly, and looked at the direction of the Vulture Cave strangely.

"Hey, this is the forbidden place of martial arts in my Vulture Palace......"


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