The trial is complete!

Before Ye Feng had time to be happy, the system prompt sounded again:

"Ding—Congratulations to the host, the system experience is full, and the system level has been raised to level 11!".

After the battle just now, the system upgrade progress has been loaded from 85.4% to 100%.

Ye Feng took a look at the information of the current system:

Current System Level: Level 11

Number of AFK sprites: 3

AFK Spirit Gain XP Speed: 250 points/sec

Special event rate: +0.8%.

Elf Quality Increase: Beginner +100%, Intermediate +70%, Advanced +7%, Black Iron +0.7%.

System upgrade progress: 0.02%.

A level 11 system with 250 AFK XP per second.

Although this number is not very good, as an experience, Ye Feng is still very cool in his eyes.

"Junior, you're really strong. "

Shirley now understands a little bit in her heart:

The junior in front of him didn't refuse to fight because he was afraid of losing.

Rather, he didn't want this flash Pikachu to cause a stir in the battle area!

Ye Feng was immune to Shirley's praise, and he asked, "Can you promise me one thing?"


"I hope you don't tell anyone about this Pikachu. "

Ye Feng knew very well that the only people in this world who knew that he had a flash elf were the girl in front of him.

As long as she doesn't say it, Ye Feng won't be troubled by others.

"It's not forced, you can choose to refuse. It's just that, in this case, I'm afraid we won't have any intersection in the future. "

Although Ye Feng likes this beautiful girl, he is not a licking dog.

If Shirley really dared to reveal his secret, Ye Feng would never treat her as a friend again.

"I promise you that I will never tell anyone. "

Shirley looked at Ye Feng with a sworn gaze and reassured.

Ye Feng nodded.

As for whether Shirley can really do it, he doesn't have to think about it, time will tell.

"Pikachu and Nine-Tails are both injured, I'll take you to the school's elf center. Shirley suggested.

"I don't have to go. "

Ye Feng said to Pikachu: "Use advanced self-regeneration!".

Immediately afterward, Pikachu's body glowed with a white light that was more intense than self-regeneration.


In just a few seconds, Pikachu's injuries all over his body had healed, and his health had reached a very healthy state, full of vitality.

"It's incredible......


After Shirley saw Pikachu's methods, she sighed again.

How many secrets does this Pikachu, or this boy, hide, that she doesn't know!

The battle is over.

Ye Feng also put Pikachu into the system again and hung up.

"On-hook...... Pikachu gained 256.2 ......" experience

"On-hook...... Pikachu gained 237.6 ......" experience

"On-hook...... Pikachu gains 240.5 ......" of experience

Ye Feng looked at the pleasing system screen, and then left the battle building with Shirley.

The Elf Center in the school is in the same direction as the school gate, and you have to pass through the battle area on the way.

Inevitably, the figures of the two reappeared in the battle area.

A handsome boy in bright clothes walked up to him.

Although he is handsome, he is still a little worse than Ye Feng, and when the two stand face to face like this, the gap can be clearly seen!

The boy was followed by several students, who seemed to be his younger brother.

"Look, Boss Lin Yu is here to give gifts to the school flower again!"

"The big guy is the big guy, every time he sends high-quality elves to the school flower, he is worthy of running a company at home, rich and capricious!".

"But the school flower hasn't paid attention to him once, and it is estimated that he will hit a wall again this time. "

"Be quiet, if Lin Yu hears it, he will trouble us, his elves have reached the advanced level, and he can easily beat us all!"


"Xiaoxue, I bought you a mid-quality Pokeby, do you like it?".

Lin Yu saw Shirley and was courteous in front of her like a puppy.

Ye Feng looked at his childish actions lightly.

At the same time, he shifted his gaze and saw Pokébi's data:


Grade: 8

Quality: Intermediate 3 stars

Pokéby is a rare elf in this world itself, and it has reached the intermediate level, which is very valuable.

This Pokeby is very cute.

Although Shirley wanted to touch it, she restrained her hand when she thought that its owner was Lin Yu.

"Xiaoxue, who is this?".

Lin Yu saw that the goddess in his dream was with other boys, and a touch of unhappiness flashed in his eyes.

"He's my new friend. "

Shirley said indifferently perfunctorily.

This Lin Yu belongs to the kind of villain rich second generation that often appears in novels, relying on the family's money to be powerful at school, bullying men and women.

She doesn't like this kind of person, and she is even more disgusted with the other party's "Xiaoxue" name.

She really wanted to say that Ye Feng was her boyfriend.

But without Ye Feng's consent, she couldn't speak.

"Since it's Xiaoxue's friend, it's also my friend, hello. "

Lin Yu smiled and pretended to be friendly and stretched out a hand towards Ye Feng.


Ye Feng didn't shake hands with him, but looked at him with a smile like a fool.


You deserve it too?

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