"Good play," Nanfeng took out the Poke Ball and took back the unfinished "Little Sun" flash wind speed dog.

Lin Wei, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, rolled her eyes.

My boss said that every time I finished fighting, I didn't know how hateful my words were.

When Da Luoren heard Nanfeng's evaluation, his face turned red, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to fight with Nanfeng again, but think about the performance of the wind speed dog on the field just now, and then think about this flash wind speed dog is unknown in the hands of the south wind, and it should still be a spare elf.

Suddenly it was like a deflated balloon.

Challenge it right away, and you don't seem to have a genie to deal with.

Besides, Da Rollen felt like he had to think about whether he would have to have an official Four of Six Challenge with the South Wind in a few days.

Da Loren was distracted, and South Wind was already standing on Lokia's back, asking Chris.

"Where's my island?"

"Please come with me" Chris patted the fire-breathing dragon that was sitting down, and immediately led the way for Nan~Feng.

Looking at the black Lokia that covered the sky, Da Lorren was silent for a long time.

Although I have known it for a long time and have seen it in the video, I really saw the legendary elf and felt the sense of oppression that belonged to the legendary elf.

Da Lorren couldn't help but replace the opponent from the flash wind speed dog to the orange dark Lokia

Suddenly, Dalloren's face was as black as iron.

Fast forward to the next Masters of Eight.

I don't play anymore!

The empty island given to Nanfeng by the World Elf Alliance is not large, only a quarter the size of Nanfeng's foothold at Qiantang University, "No. 7 Trial Island".

However, it is more than enough to put down a villa with a back garden, a special training ground and a battlefield area.

There are also dense green belts and barricades around the island, ensuring that the trainers will not be able to do anything if they let their elves run around the island.

"If you need anything, you can always contact me" Chris gestured and left.

"I'll sleep in the guest room downstairs, I'll contact you as soon as I have anything, now, boss, you can play games comfortably" Lin Wei waved the mobile phone in her hand to signal that she would do the job of an assistant.

"Then I'm going to trouble you"

Nanfeng walks towards the garden in the backyard and throws a handful of Poké Balls into the sky.

Although the island in the air was not bad, he was not prepared to live permanently, so he didn't bring too many elves, only Lokia and Shanaiduo, and a group of elves from the second and third teams, Pokebi and Kiraqi didn't bring a few pistachios, and the chef of the Super Power King also kept it for the little ones.

The Poké Ball opened in mid-air, and in the flash of silver light, the garden was suddenly filled with the spirits of the south wind.

Wind Speed Dog, Wonderful Frog Flower, Bear Apprentice, Leave King, Tutu Dog, Fossil Pterodactyl....

These elves have been "stocked" by the south wind for a long time, and they don't feel uncomfortable in a new environment, and they immediately go to do their own things.

Fossil pterosaurs flew to the roof of the villa to bask in the sun, posing as gargoyle statues.

The king of leave sleeps on the spot.

Tutu took out his sketchpad and began to draw with the garden as a backdrop.

The rattan whip of the wonderful frog flower came from nowhere and began to water the flowers, and at the same time drove away the wind speed dog that was on fire.

The bear apprentice began to punch on the grass. Its level is very high, but the south wind has not given it the intention of evolution, waiting for an opportunity.

"Elves, it's so beautiful~" Nanfeng sighed and turned around and walked to the second floor.

There is a balcony on the second floor of the villa facing the garden, and Nanfeng decided to use the room connected by the balcony as his own resting room. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A table was set up on the balcony, and Shanaido came up with tea and moo milk.

It seems to have returned to the days of trial island on the seventh trial island of Qiantang University.


However, there are other things to do now, and I will not play handheld for the time being.

Nanfeng took a notebook from his bag.

This time, he brought the second and third teams over, and he didn't just think that he didn't need one team to play, so he gave the elves of the first team a holiday.

The elves in the first team already have their own training plans, so they don't have to keep an eye on themselves.

But the second team and the third team are different.

Whether it's the wind speed dog, or the fossil pterosaur, the wonderful frog flower, or even the leave king.

In terms of their cultivation, Nanfeng has always carried out the cultivation of "level" and "strength", but he has not built a good tactical system and his own combat direction.

0 for flowers0

This is mainly due to the fact that they have fewer high-intensity battles on weekdays.

After all, before Nanfeng, the first team was used to gnaw hard bones, and only when encountering weaker opponents would the second team and the third team be on it. And those weak opponents also can't put a little pressure on the wind speed dogs.

Therefore, this time, Nanfeng uses the elves of the second and third teams as the "main combat force" to explore the limits of the elves themselves, and then carry out extended training in tactics and moves according to their characteristics.

A battle with Darollen.

Wind speed dog is doing well.

But it also exposed some problems, Wind Speed Dog was able to crush Da Loren, mainly because Da Luo Ren was relatively weak, if he ran into a stronger opponent. The effect of the overlord color domineering is not so strong.

And the follow-up is only for the sake of Wind Speed Dog, which only has an offensive move of the strength of "Flash Charge".

It was enough for other trainers, but in the team of the south wind.

In front of it is the "Golden Flying Water Spiral Wave Missile" of the Koga Ninja Frog, and in the back there is the "Earth Burst Star" of Banjira. To be able to be the main force of the south wind must be to sublimate a certain skill, not only to be able to abuse vegetables, but also to be able to leapfrog and fight more intensively.

Therefore, the research on the "big move" of wind speed dog must be put on the agenda. As for what moves are based on, then you can see for yourself.

In addition to the low upper limit of attack power, there is another problem with Wind Speed Dog, that is, there are not many means of attacking.

In other words, it is the striking surface of the attribute.

In the skill bar of Wind Speed Dog, except for fire-based moves, there are only four attack moves with other attributes.

The desperate survival of the fighting system, the speed of the general system, the bite of the evil system and the "frolic" of the goblin system.

Nanfeng remembers that there should be many more moves that the wind speed dog can learn.

Grass-based ultimate "Sunny Flame", general ultimate "Destruction of Dead Light", electric ultimate "Crazy Volt"....

Thinking about it, Nanfeng silently took out the handheld, these skill CDs, for him who has been playing for two weeks, it doesn't seem to be a rare thing.

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