"Damn, giant gold monster, it's so shiny!"

"Damn, this Nima rich second generation is here to have fun?"

"I said how did he start fighting with his sister without saying a word, it turned out that he was hiding this hand, damn, isn't this just like driving a sports car directly, and showing off the real estate certificate?

"I'm convinced, isn't this just showing off your wealth..."

"Don't panic, this girl is very calm, too, this girl looks like the family is not short of money, and she won't fall!"

"The trainer still has to look at the strength to speak, what's wrong with the glittering monster, it's not necessarily powerful, not to mention that the command level is the foundation of the trainer!"

There was a lot of noise around.

Most of the eyes that converged on Chen Qian's body were quite strange.

Chen Qian didn't care, he expected this situation from the beginning.

It doesn't matter, though.

I came out to test the strength of the giant gold monster with the characteristics of "Hercules", and I didn't come out to perform for them.

Love is misunderstood.

And the neon girl on the opposite side of the venue also showed a surprised look after seeing the glittering giant gold monster.

But she didn't show timidity or a negative attitude because of this, but there was a bit of fighting spirit and expectation in her eyes that Fang Cai didn't have.

Before the start of the game, Chen Qian took a look at the data of the opponent's elves.

【Fairy Elf 790】

Grade: 48

Attribute: Fairy

Trait: Charming Body (When using contact moves, there is a chance to enchant the opponent)

Potential: A


The level and potential of the elves are not much different from the opponents they often encounter.

I just don't know how it is at the level of command.

With anticipation, Chen Qian listened to the mechanical referee count down with an electronic synthesized sound.

"Three... Two...... One..."

When the words fell, the neon girl took the lead: "Use a flash of electricity and a shadow clone, and then use the voice of charm to don't give the other party any chance to attack you!"


I saw that the fairy elf fearlessly rushed towards the giant gold monster that was several times stronger than himself, and at the same time, in the process of sprinting, his body shook suddenly, and he conjured up three exactly one, and hummed a strange frequency, but it sounded inexplicably soft.

Under this sound, even the audience outside the stadium was somewhat immersed.

Some of the small elves held by the audience, Kachu and others unconsciously showed a fascinated look in this soft voice.

This did not have such an effect on the audience outside the venue, so it is conceivable that the fairy elf used the power of this move!

However, the Golden Monster was indifferent to this unique voice, and its demeanor seemed as vicious as ever, unaffected.

This made the neon girl a little stunned.

Although the steel type is resistant to fairy moves, she has an understanding of her fairy elf strength, and it is too exaggerated to be indifferent.

Could this be the straight man of steel among the elves?

However, after all, this charm voice is only an auxiliary move to cooperate with the attack, and even if it fails at this moment, it will not affect the attack of the fairy elf.

With the effect of a flash of lightning, it and the three clones are attacking the giant gold monster from different angles.

On the way, it and the clone continuously and rapidly changed positions, and at this moment it was impossible to tell which was its real body.

Seeing that the fairy elf's offensive was about to work, the audience outside the stadium showed excited looks.

And Chen Qian finally spoke up at this time to command: "Spiritual strong thoughts, and then comet fist." "

As soon as the words fell, the invisible telekinesis swept away in all directions with the giant golden monster as the center point!

This move, Tianke shadow clone!

Because the shadow clone is an illusionary move and does not have an entity, when the range shape skill of the changeable form of the spirit of strong mind spreads out, it will not have the slightest effect on the clone, so you can distinguish which one is the real body in an instant!

The next moment, I saw the fairy (aebg) sub-elf that pounced on the giant golden monster from the left suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if it was choked by a pair of invisible big hands, and its face was painful and unable to move.

Seeing this, the neon girl's face changed slightly.

She tried to command, but the golden monster's comet fist had already smashed into the fairy elf's delicate body!


Accompanied by a deafening sound and the cries of pain from the fairy elves.

Its petite body made an arc in mid-air, leaped dozens of meters away, and slid on the ground for some distance, and finally fell to the neon girl's feet, and fell unconscious on the spot!


In the powerful physical attack of the giant gold monster and the "Hercules" characteristic, even the strong elves may not be able to withstand this blow, let alone the fairy elves who have been restrained by the steel moves and are delicate?

The audience who saw this scene outside the venue first fell into a dead silence, and then broke out into a burst of "groaning" sounds.

"Damn, that's it?"

"I Nima just looked at my phone, and the first game was over?"

"This monster... One punch directly killed that girl's fairy elf in seconds?This is too ruthless, isn't it? No... Even if there is a gap in strength, it shouldn't be so exaggerated!"

"Yes, I used to see this girl use fairy elves to string people in three!"

After the exclamation, someone began to analyze.

"The fairy elf itself belongs to the elf that is not resistant to physical attack, and it mostly appears in beauty contests, it is restrained by steel moves, and this glittering giant gold monster is not weak at first glance, it is not an exaggeration to be killed in one move, it is common sense!"

"I understand the reason, but why does that girl want the fairy elf to close the distance and fight in close combat? I remember that the fairy elf is good at special attack flow, right? Close the distance, whether it can play effective damage is still one thing, the most important thing is to close the distance, isn't this equivalent to taking the initiative to give it for nothing?"

"I think that girl must have thought that the giant gold monster itself is a high-defense elf, and it has excellent resistance to goblin-based moves.

Therefore, even if you let the fairy elf put skills remotely, it is basically useless, but it is easy to be cracked by the superpower skills of the giant gold monster. She should want to let the fairy elf's 'charming body' characteristics create a winning chance of the battle, and I personally think this is the only chance for the fairy elf to win. "

"I see. "

"Well, this guy is right, and I think so too. "

"In the final analysis, a big factor in this game is losing to the elf Tianke, the moves of the fairy elf club are too single, let's see how the second girl plans to deal with it. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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