The giant golden monster with Chen Qian's permission immediately burst into dazzling eyes, hitting the blazing roaring tiger that had fallen to the ground and had not yet risen.

Seeing this, the neon girl immediately realized that the situation was wrong, so she immediately shouted: "Hurry up, use the wave of evil!"

Hearing the anxious command, the Blazing Roaring Tiger relied on its amazing willpower to endure the sharp pain in the bones of his body, and quickly stood up in the way of a carp stiffening, and at the same time, his palms burst out with dark purple ripples!

Sure enough, in the next moment, the invisible telekinesis came like a wave!

The neon girl's foresight allowed the Evil Wave to crack this move with the advantage of the attribute Tianke, and the Blazing Roaring Tiger could clearly feel that the invisible telekinesis was torn apart by the evil wave, almost passing by himself.

The power is still there, but after colliding with the wave of evil, this power of "four zero zero" has been weakened to the point that it is insignificant.

But in the next moment, the face of the blazing roaring tiger changed dramatically!

It felt that the power of the incoming telekinesis had suddenly increased by a level, and the most important thing was that the telekinetic offensive suddenly changed, and it took the initiative to avoid the evil fluctuations that it continued to cast!

At this time, it wanted to make countermeasures but it was too late, and the invisible telekinesis suddenly enveloped it, like an invisible big hand holding it in the palm of its hand, restraining its limbs in an instant, and the whole body showed traces of being tightly bound, making it unable to move and at the same time, there was a feeling of suffocating it!

The most important thing is that this mental power involves the serious injury it has just received, and the pain that pierces its heart makes it so painful that it almost passes out!

The neon girl immediately realized that the situation was wrong: "Don't panic!

But at the moment when her words fell, the giant gold monster at the other end of the field had already narrowed the distance by moving at high speed, and at the same time, the two thick arms were glowing white, and the speed was amazingly fast and unstoppable!

Without giving the Blazing Roaring Tiger any chance to react, the bullet punch slammed into the chest of the Red Flame Roaring Tiger with the momentum of its body, and the Hercules trait exploded with an extremely astonishing power at this moment, making it almost ignore the opponent's fire resistance to the steel system, and burst into a thud like a muffled thunder!

At this moment, it could be clearly seen that the chest of the Blazing Roaring Tiger was sunken, and after this heavy blow, its body immediately flew backwards uncontrollably!

When it hit the ground hard, it had already rolled its eyes and lost its ability to fight on the spot.

Defeated miserably.

The giant golden monster raised its four arms and roared loudly to vent the pleasure in its heart.

The audience outside the arena was stunned by the visual impact of Fang Cai's bullet punch.

", this punch is too fierce!"

"Really, I can assure you, I've watched so many competitions and seen many trainers come up with a giant gold monster, but this glittering giant gold monster is really fucking fierce!"

"The special ability of this glittering giant monster is definitely to increase the strength or something, and the punch just now made my eyelids jump unconsciously!"

"Neon girl lost so badly this time, do you think she's going to be a string of threes?"

"Hey, don't talk bad things. "

A group of people were surprised, and suddenly someone in the crowd suddenly "slumped" and shouted with their mobile phones, attracting the attention of many people.

"I said how do you feel about this man, I found him! It turned out to be him, no wonder he was so fierce!"


"Just the trainer who became famous in the video in Nancheng before, in our Jiangnan regional forum, some time ago he was called the dark horse player of this year's Jiangnan regional competition by various media! Oh yes, Chen Qian!"

"No wonder... Before, he used the Scorpion King and the Electric Dragon, right? I remember that those two elves were so fierce that they were yuppies, and now there is such a fierce glittering giant gold monster, and it has become, and the champion of this year's Jiangnan Regional Competition is scheduled?"

"Originally, I felt sorry for the neon girl, but now I'm looking forward to Chen Gan's play, I don't know if he can be a string of three!"


Perhaps it was because she heard the people around her talk about Chen Gan's identity, and the neon girl who was doing a simple bandage for the blazing roaring tiger raised her head in surprise and looked at Chen Qian deeply.

After she took the Blazing Roaring Tiger back to the Poké Ball, she saw that Chen Qian still had no intention of taking the giant golden monster back to the Poké Ball, and her heart was not negative or angry, but full of fighting spirit.

"This one will definitely defeat this giant gold monster of yours!"

Neon Girl took out the third Poke Ball, took a deep breath and threw 0....

As the white light burst out, the last elf on the field appeared in the eyes of everyone - Heracross!


Rating: 52

Attributes: Worm, fighting

Trait: Insect Premonition (Increases the power of insect moves)

Potential: A+


Immediately after, the neon girl took out the Mega Evolution Stone, and Heracrosse was immediately enveloped in colorful light.

After a few seconds of evolution, Heracross's body became significantly stronger, and his appearance changed from the original unicorn fairy to resemble a large insect, and the one-horned on his arms and head looked quite thick.

Obviously, it still looks a few laps smaller than the Mega Golden Monster, but its eyes, its momentum, are not lost at all!

In fact, judging from the dual attributes of mutual restraint between the two sides, the two are undoubtedly evenly matched.

At least in theory.

In the eyes of the audience, this last battle will undoubtedly be an extremely exciting battle!

The mechanical referee began to count down: "Three... Two...... One..."

"Shadow clone, confuse its vision, and then use super horn strikes!" Neon Girl still adopts a tactical supplementary style of play.

After the words fell, Heracross took the first step and cast a shadow clone, conjuring up three identical selves, running towards the giant gold monster while constantly exchanging positions of 0.2.

"Mentally strong. Chen Qian deliberately gave the order one step later and adopted the tactic of striking backwards.

Invisible telekinesis burst out, surging like a wave towards the four Heracrosss who rushed towards them.

But at this moment, the four Herculos had white horns on their heads.

It's a super wrestler.

Although the insect system is not as powerful as the evil system, it is restrained after all.

Moreover, Heracrosse is in a Mega state at the moment, coupled with the high power bonus of the skill, with a fierce momentum, it is easy to break through the telekinesis that envelops a large area.

This mental strength has little effect on it.

And Chen Qian naturally didn't expect this move to cause much damage to the other party, what he wanted was to create flaws in the other party!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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