Early the next morning.

Chen Qian still woke up early to wash and exercise.

Because he had to wait for Wu Hulie to send the red fragments, he planned to stay in Coconut City for two more days.

In the past two days, Chen Qian didn't have any detailed planning, and only challenging the gym was a must-do, which can be summed up in two words - leisure.

That's why he came up with the idea of inviting two guests to dinner yesterday night.

Before going out to challenge the gym, Chen Qian specially sent a message to the neon girl who was added last night: "Are you free at noon?"

Perhaps because he got up too early, the neon girl didn't reply to the message immediately.

Chen Qian didn't care about this, he immediately went out to challenge the gym, and easily obtained the fourth badge.

At this time, he received a message from the neon girl: "I'm sorry Mr. Chen Qian, I just woke up, and my brother and I are free at noon, where is the choice?"

"Just yesterday at the entrance of Qingyun East Square, there are many restaurants and snack bars nearby, don't worry, meet again at 11 o'clock. "

"Okay! We'll be there on time!"

After reading the reply, Chen Qian put away his mobile phone.

Because it was still early, Chen Qian was not in a hurry to rush to the destination, so he searched the navigation and planned to walk over 827 to relax by the way.

When we arrived at our destination, it was exactly 11 o'clock.

In the distance, I saw a small girl in a JK uniform standing not far away, looking around from time to time.

When Chen Qian approached, he said happily: "Mr. Chen Qian!"

"How long have you waited?" asked Chen Gan.

"No, we've just arrived. Takiya Chiyo smiled slightly, then turned around and walked towards a young man who was shopping at a stinky tofu stall next to him, raised his hand on tiptoe, grabbed the young man's ear, and dragged the young man over despite the wailing.

"Emma, it hurts, it hurts, sister, you light, let go, it hurts!" the young man kept wailing, and as soon as he opened his mouth, there was a big smell of ballast.

"Mr. Chen Qian has arrived, brother, how can you be so rude, hurry up and greet Mr. Chen Qian!"

"Wasn't I hungry, so I didn't say hello. Takiya Yun hurriedly slapped his sister's hand away, and sorted out his dress and state in a little hurry.

Then he enthusiastically took Chen Gan's hand: "Eh, brother, you are the Mr. Chen Qian mentioned by the housekeeper yesterday night, right? Emma, (aedi) When I heard the description of the housekeeper last night, I felt that you must be the dragon among people, and I was able to meet you today.

Hearing this mouth full of not very authentic big ballast, this floating touting, Chen Qian was slightly stunned, and his eyes unconsciously skimmed to Takiya Chiyo next to him, revealing an inquiring look.

Are you two really from Neon?

Takiya Chiyo sighed helplessly, and without waiting for her to explain, Takiya Yun continued: "Oh brother, look at my memory, I forgot to introduce myself, I cloud, the dragon of the three points of water, the valley of the rice, the cloud of the clouds, although we meet for the first time, don't see each other, call me Xiaoyun, Ayun Shicheng!"

"Uh... Okay, Ayun. "

"It's a hot day, it's rare to let my brother run here, so let's do it, I have a treat today, I specially searched, there is a Sichuan restaurant next to it, I heard that the taste of the thief is authentic, the thief is strong!"

"I'd better please, after all, I..."

Before Chen Qian could finish speaking, Takiya Yun grabbed Chen Gan's shoulder: "Eh! When I look at my brother, you feel that you are in love, how can I let you have a treat? Let's go, I have decided on this meal today, don't argue with me!"

"It's not..."

"Oops, don't say so much, come on, come on... Boss: Three people, do you have a box? No box? Okay, then sit in the hall, yes, just that big table! Come, brother, you can order the food first!"

As soon as Takiya Yun put the menu on the table, he turned his head and went to the boss to get the wine, and he was so skilled at entertaining.

Chen Qian was shocked, and he couldn't stop Takigu Yun's enthusiasm for a while.

How can he, the host, seem to be a guest from afar?

"My brother is really a first-time visit. Takiya Chiyo had a chance to explain, "It's just that when he used to go to school, he had a friend from **, and the two also shared a house outside the school for a period of time, and my brother was taken by his friend at that time to like the culture of **, and even learned the accent of speaking, and these are all learned by him." "

"No wonder..."Chen Qian couldn't laugh or cry.

Also, the contagion of the Northeast is strong.

When I was in college in my previous life, there were three southerners in the dormitory, and I was stunned that the only Northeast brother was collectively northeasternized.

"Then why didn't you learn?" Chen Qian teased.

"I'm not familiar with my brother's best friend, so I've met once or twice, and our brother and sister didn't go to the same elven school. And my brother used to be very rebellious, he was a bad boy, and I didn't like to have contact with my brother at that time. Chiyo Takiya explained.

"Bad boy?" Chen Qianchao glanced at Takiya Yun, who was chatting with the boss at the moment, to be honest, the feeling of seeing Takiya Yun at first sight, if there was no big smell of ballast, it was a young man who looked very sunny, which was completely inconsistent with those bad boys in his impression of comics or film and television works.

"It used to be, but after meeting my brother's best friend... Well...... To be precise, after being severely taught a lesson by his brother's sworn friend, he began to learn to be obedient. "

"I'm afraid the story in this can be made into a comic?" Chen Qian teased.

"My brother always says that, but he's not good at it. Chiyo Takiya shrugged.

"And then? What about the best friend?"

"I went back to ** before my brother graduated, and I thought I would have kept in touch all the time, but I don't know why, and then I broke off contact. My brother didn't just come to play against a good trainer, but also to find that best friend, but I think there is little hope. "

"I see..."

The two were chatting, and the big TV behind Chen Qian suddenly loudly inserted a piece of news.

"At 11 o'clock today, a number of shops on Zhongqing Road were attacked by trainers! Subsequently, the trainer ordered elves to attack a number of passers-by on Cuiyuan Road, and even attacked the elf treatment center! This heinous behavior has seriously violated Articles 13 and 32 of the "Trainer Code" promulgated by the Elf Alliance! Now the Elf Alliance has issued a wanted warrant for him to ensure the safety of the citizens!"

"The photo of the trainer is now released! Please hide immediately after you find out and call the police!"

Chen Qianben didn't have much interest in this sudden news, but he noticed that Chiyo Takiya, who was sitting opposite him, had wide eyes and a look of horror that he didn't want to believe.

Seeing this, Chen Qian sighed in his heart, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the TV..._

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