Seeing the introduction of [Crescent Moon Feather], Chen Qian's face was overjoyed.

Isn't this a prop to restrain Darkrai?

In the past three days, Chen Qian has been afraid of Darkrai's nightmare ability, and he has not dared to release it and tame it, fearing that he will be tortured by nightmares to become the next Murata Ying.

Now, with this prop, it is equivalent to having the capital to be able to be calm and reasonable with Darkrai!

Chen Qian pressed back the excitement in his heart.

It's a good thing to be able to avoid Darkrai's nightmare ability, but that doesn't mean Darkrai's hard power doesn't mean it's overlooked!

After all, Darkrai is as high as level 85!

None of the elves that Chen Qian currently possessed could defeat it head-on in a heads-up situation, even if it attacked it in groups, it might not be able to defeat it, after all, it had a bug-level ability that could burrow into the shadows to dodge attacks!

Last time, it was because of the [Tail Meow's Tail] prop that attracted its attention, and the sneak attack was successful.

This time, without such props, you have to be prepared.

First of all, you have to leave the hotel.

Otherwise, if this place is demolished, Chen Qian will not be able to afford it.

The second is to confirm whether Darkrai can communicate.

If you can't communicate with 493, even if you're immune to it, the nightmare will be in vain.

Then, all the way to the No. 213 Road Forest outside Coconut City, and went deep into the forest for half an hour before stopping, after confirming that there was no one around, Chen Qian released the elves except for Darkrai and the Howler Whale King, and took out the Mega Evolution Stone to help the electric dragon and other elves into the Mega form.

"Are you ready?" asked Chen Gan.

The elves formed a circle and responded one after another, and they put on a vigilant posture that tensed every nerve.

Then, Chen Qian took a deep breath, took out the [Crescent Moon Feather] and held it in his palm, and threw the Poké Ball containing Darkrai into the circle!

When the white light bursts out, the giant golden monster casts the miracle eye, and Latias casts a spiritual power!

Invisible telekinesis enveloped Darkrai in an instant!

However, the released Darkrai didn't seem to realize that he was released, and it was trapped for a long time before it roared like a dream, but it didn't immediately break free from the restraints, but used hypnotism at Chen Qian!

For this move, Chen Qian had already expected it.

At the moment when Darkrai performed this move, Zoroac had already blocked (AEFE) in front of Chen Qian, and used the resistance of his evil immune superpower move to resist this hypnotic move.

Seeing this, Darkrai roared angrily, and it violently broke free!

Just as it was about to attack, Rates pressed the button of the Poké Ball and dragged Darkrai back into the Poké Ball.

"How?" asked Chen Qian.

Latias shook his head in disappointment: "Its mental state is very unstable, when it is first released, I can still hear its inner vague response to my call. "

"Looks like we can't tame it for the time being. Chen Qian frowned and asked, "Do you think it was caused by being awakened in the wrong way at the altar, or because of the potion?"

"It must be because of the potion! And the place where it was awakened was certainly not the altar of the so-called, but the place where it slept, and besides, there was no such thing as a wrong way to wake up. For example, if you are a very vigilant person and have the urge to get out of bed, when you are sleeping soundly, and someone violently breaks down the door of your house, and you are violently awakened, will you get angry?"


"So, when it is awakened, it is angry at best, it is sane, and now it is not sensible, apparently because of your human potions!" said Latias with a deep condemnation.

"Your analysis is very reasonable, but I don't carry this pot. Chen Qian's eyes were empty.


"You know a lot, you've met this elf before?"

"No, I've not been born for a long time, and I've only seen a few very special elves. At this point, Latias paused, "Don't look at me, I'm not going to take you to them!

"I didn't want you to take me, you continued. "

"Oh... I haven't seen it anyway, but we are such a being, well... Even when we meet, we can sense that the other party is also a very special existence.,Oops,I don't know how to describe this feeling.。 Anyway, our race occasionally finds a very hidden place to sleep for a while, so I guess that. "

"Okay. "

Chen Qian didn't ask any more questions.

This little guy obviously doesn't know much.

But Chen Qian's heart did not give up hope of taming Darkrai because of this.

He remembered when he went out to sea in Nancheng, that is, when he encountered the giant howler whale king, and he had encountered Kapu finfins.

At that time, the Lord of the Howler Whale was also deeply affected by the potion and was in a state of irriser.

And Kapu Fin easily used its innate purification ability to help the Howler Whale King get out of that state.

Therefore, as long as Kapu Fin can be found again, eighty percent of them can also help Darkrai regain his senses.

But the question is, where to find the Kapu fins?

Thinking of this, Chen Qian unconsciously looked at Latias.

"Look at what I'm doing, don't look at me, when you look at me, I think it's not good!"

"It's okay, just ask you, do you know Kapu fins?" Chen Qian said, taking out the energy cube.

Seeing this, Latias straightened his eyes, took the initiative to come to Chen Gan's palm, and said while eating: "Of course I don't know!"

Chen Qian suddenly cried and laughed: "Since you don't know, you still have the courage to come over and eat?"

"Didn't you just let me eat when you poured it out? Besides, I really don't know! I can't waste it, right?"

"I really convinced you, why are you so thick-skinned. Chen Qian knocked Latias on the head.

"Slightly!" Latias grimaced, continuing to suffer.

Chen Qian shook his head helplessly, poured out some energy cubes, fed them to the other elves, and sat down to rest.

Since I don't know the traces of Kapu's fins, I can only put this matter aside for the time being.


I really don't know how long and how long it will take to tame Darkrai.

Just as Chen Qian sighed in his heart, Latias seemed to sense something, and suddenly stopped eating, and looked around, as if looking for a trace of something.

At the same time, a strange and immature boy's voice poured into Chen Qian's mind: "I know where it is!"

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