
He clenched his fists and cursed in an unprecedented way.

At this moment, his mentality has changed again, but he is not aware of it.

Seeing that the Scorpion King was about to take advantage of the victory to pursue, he didn't care about tactics and hurriedly commanded: "Use the Frozen Wind!"

Hearing the sound, Ma Tula, who fell to the ground, endured his injuries, hurriedly stood up again, and spat cold wind towards the Scorpion King!

This cold wind swept towards the Scorpion King in a fan-shape, covering a huge area, mixed with condensed crystalline ice, and it was so powerful that in the blink of an eye, the ground that was affected suddenly condensed into frost.

But this could not deal an effective blow to the extremely athletic Scorpio King, and even at the moment when this move was released, it had already taken advantage of its ability to fly, and in an instant it raised the distance to avoid this blow.

Although Matura adjusted her angle and tried to get the offensive to catch up with the Scorpio King, it was useless.

The Scorpio King's speed was so fast that no matter how much she turned her angle, she couldn't make the slightest touch of this move.

Not only that, the Scorpio King began to exert his character and ability to love show, easily dodging the freezing wind, while spinning to close the distance between him and Ma Tula, and deliberately paused a few times in the process, grimacing or posing to show that he was at ease.

This caused the audience to marvel.

But when it fell into He Gu's eyes and ears, it was not something to be happy about.

He didn't know Chen Gan's Scorpio King's character, and when he saw the Scorpion King make this move, he instinctively thought that Chen Gan was deliberately fighting a tooth for a tooth and messing with his mentality!

Although he understood this, and kept taking deep breaths to keep himself calm.

But the gradually unbalanced mentality made him unable to calm down, his head became more and more chaotic, and the anger in his chest became more and more intense.

And seeing that the Scorpio King was getting closer and closer, the chaos in his head made him anxious, and the anxiety made him lose the rhythm he should have, and in the current situation, he had to command: "Use a secret attack to kill the key ~!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the Scorpion King accelerate violently, almost approaching the eyes of Mahula with a freezing wind, and his right pincer was glowing with white light, attacking Mahula's jaw from the bottom to the top!

It's a punch!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ma Tula didn't care about He Gu's order, and instinctively leaned back to avoid the Scorpion King's attack, but unexpectedly, the Scorpion King was attacking at this moment, and showed a sly smile!

Seeing this, Mazura chuckled in her heart.

It had already dodged the action, and it didn't have time to retract its momentum, only to see that the Scorpion King suddenly gave up the Sky Punch, his wings shook slightly, and he suddenly approached Ma Tula's body, and flames appeared at the corners of his mouth!

It's the Flame Fang!

The ma's pupils shrank suddenly, it didn't have time to dodge, and the flaming fangs hit its defenseless belly!

The flames scorched its skin!

Seeing this, He Gu's face turned ugly, and he shouted anxiously: Keep a distance!"

But the Scorpion King didn't give this chance at all, and the sky-punching fist that closed the momentum came out again, hitting the jaw of Ma Tula!

Her incredible power and move effects not only injured Marula, but also sent her into the air!

"Waves of evil! Waves of evil, fast! Angry and anxious, green tendons appeared on the corners of his forehead.

Komarura didn't have a chance to show any skills at all.

It was struck into the air, and the Scorpio King naturally took advantage of the opportunity of its inability to move freely to chase after it, and quickly made up for it with a cross scissor! Before it fell from mid-air, another flash of lightning flashed, and then swooped down, taking advantage of the moment when Mahula was about to land, cast a punch to the sky, and hit it in the jaw with unmistaken accuracy, and hit it into the air again, and then continued to repeat the old trick!

"Damn! This Nima Scorpion King is a little brutal!"

"It's so fast!"

"The frequency of this attack, the right control, and the unmistakable strike, it's too showy!"

"It's just a deliberate show, do you see its smile?"

The audience in the audience was amazed by the Scorpion King's performance.

The Scorpio King enjoyed the applause from the audience very much, so he deliberately left some strength in his hands.

When it knocked Marula into the air for the third time, the audience cheered even louder.

The Scorpio King is immersed in it.

The successive blows deprived Mahura of the right to struggle, and even caused her to briefly lose the ability to think during the blows.

The Scorpio King wanted to show off again, but He Gu finally couldn't hold his breath and raised his hand: "In this game, I admit defeat!"

The referee immediately announced Chen Qian's victory in this game.

Hearing this, the Scorpio King stopped and pouted with some unfinished thoughts.

Then Matara fell to the ground.

Scarred, although it still retains consciousness, it basically has no ability to continue fighting at this moment.

With a gloomy face, Ho Koo withdrew Ma Rana into the Poké Ball.

Two successive fiascos were an unacceptable blow to him.

Because Chen Gan's ridicule was too much for him.

There is also the discussion of the audience, and the sentences are harsh.

His mentality has actually begun to crumble.

Self-confidence is also beginning to waver.

thought that he would win the battle, but he experienced two rounds of fiascos in succession, and this was when Chen Qian did not come up with the strongest elf.

If Chen Qian came up with the strongest electric dragon, then he... Can you still win?

He began to doubt himself and began to panic, but he was trying his best to hide his inner state at the moment, afraid that everyone present would see his ugliness.

"~No! I can't think like that!" He Gu clenched the corners of his clothes and kept taking a deep breath, "I can win! As long as I send King Yanwu out, I will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory! Leng (Wang Qian's) quiet, think about countermeasures, think about the preparations I made before! I won't lose!"

He told himself over and over again, taking a deep breath over and over again, but he didn't notice that Chen Qian had already taken the Scorpion King back into the Poke Ball, and he didn't hear the referee's shout that he was about to send out the third elf.

"Player 37? Player 37!"

The referee walked to He Gu's side, knowing that he patted He Gu on the shoulder, He Gu suddenly looked at the referee with fear in his eyes as if he had come from a nightmare.

"Player No. 37, are you alright? Do you need to suspend the game and take you to the infirmary?" the referee asked with a frown.

"It's okay... I'm fine. He Gu shook his head and came back to his senses a little, only to realize that he had shed a lot of cold sweat.

He took another deep breath, raised his head, and looked at Chen Qian on the other side of the field.

This time, Chen Qian smiled at him. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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