"If you can beat it, I'll throw in this fight. Before the start of the second game, the girl said seriously.

"No, just send all the elves out. Chen Qian smiled slightly and responded calmly.

The girl was stunned for a moment, and her face became extremely ugly.

What's the matter with this person, didn't I just say that this is the only elf I didn't get hurt, who else can I send if it loses?

Chen Qian naturally knew this, but this kind of obvious can't be beaten, and he has to find a decent reason for himself to step down, in this case, why not just admit defeat because the elf is injured?

Since you want to pretend to be forced, then I'm sorry, I just like to tear things down.

The short three-minute preparation time passed quickly, and the referee waved his flag and shouted, "Please send elves from both sides!"

The words fell, and the two immediately threw out the Poké Ball.

White light burst out, Chen Qian sent a fire-breathing dragon, and the girl sent a spirit with a green upper body and a white lower body.

Chen Qian squinted, and all the data of this elf appeared in front of him.


Grade: 70

Gender: Male

Attributes: Superpowers, Fighting

Trait: Acceleration (Greatly increased the swordsmanship and 18 speed of the caster)

Potential: S


Chen Gan's eyes couldn't help but become serious, Eluredo's attributes were not too bright, and his potential was not dazzling, but it was the first time in this competition that he had seen someone else's elf reach level 70.

It's no wonder that the girl on the other side dares to challenge herself even if there is only one elf left.

As for why the girl has such a high-level elf, he didn't care too much, the accident in this world always comes one day before tomorrow.

Maybe it was just an accident.

And he didn't care too much, and took out the X-state evolution stone with a calm face.

Charizard's entire body was covered in a blinding rainbow of light.

Soon, the evolution is complete.

The gray-black Charizard had azure flames lingering on its body, and it raised its head and let out a thunderous roar, and then quietly stayed in place, waiting for Chen Gan's attack command.

"Don't you feel ashamed of the release of the elves that you can't control?" Chen Qian looked at Eluredo, who didn't obey orders at all, and said calmly.

There are many sayings circulating in the circle, but the saying that elves without waste only trainers with waste are definitely the most widely circulated.

Because the elves themselves have different qualifications, because different trainers cause the combat effectiveness to be very different, no matter how you think about it, it's the trainer's pot.

The elves don't listen to the trainers, which is even more criticized.

This means that your own elves don't approve of you, so you can imagine how failed this trainer is.

"Now that it's used, I'll also tell you that Eloredo will naturally not listen to my control when it reaches level 70, but as long as it fights with all its might, your Scorpio King is not its. "

The girl stubbornly said that the appearance of Eluredo was an intention, and she accidentally obtained an Awakening Stone to cause Larulas to complete the evolution.

Then Eluredo worked his way up until he didn't listen to her.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in a commotion.

Level 70!

This is definitely the highest rating they have seen in the auditions.

"It's actually a level 70 Eluredo, no wonder he doesn't listen to commands, my elves just evolved and feel a little disdainful of me. "

"Level 70 Eluredo! Even Chen Qian's strongest electric dragon is probably not of such a high level. "

"I don't know if this level 70 Eloredo can complete the feat of wearing one and two. "


The audience does not have Chen Gan's perspective ability, and they can't see Chen Gan's elf level.

They felt that even if the quality of this year's tournament was generally high, the level 60 elves were definitely top-notch.

Although the level of the elf is not a chasm at the first level, if you increase it by one level, your attributes will be significantly improved.

So they are looking forward to this game.

Of course, this is also based on the premise that Eluredo is willing to fight at his orders.

"Huh. Chen Qian smiled slightly.

Level 70 was indeed the highest level he had seen in this competition, but that was enough.

It is not a boast to say that there are eight elves above level 70!

And there's also Darkrai, which is level 86!

And the quality of his own elves is far superior to that of this unobedient Eluredo!

But he won't say it stupidly, after all, it's only been two months since he debuted with his first elf, if he tells others his elf level.

Definitely will catch everyone's attention.

It is then taken to the slicing study.

As for what these viewers think, he doesn't care.

"I know I'm not strong enough to have you right now, but it's all an accident, isn't it?" the girl looked at Eluredo with gentle eyes, and said in a passionate voice: "But this battle is very important to me, as long as you win, I will give you the opportunity to decide to stay, and I will never force you again." "

Eluredo looked contemptuous, as if he hadn't heard her, but he looked at Charizard with a warp of interest.

The reason why it didn't listen to orders was entirely because the girl had sent it to deal with some elves who were not strong and had a very low level.

070 It was completely dismissive to make a move.

But the mighty Charizard has inspired its fighting spirit.

However, there is an embarrassing problem that it still does not obey the girl's orders, and uses the shadow clone on its own to take the lead in attacking Charizard.

With rapid movement, Eluredudo managed to split into three figures, and at the same time, he rushed towards Charizard at breakneck speed.

The girl was slightly stunned when she saw this, although she was very faceless, but as long as Aluredo was willing to attack, she was already very satisfied.

"It seems that your Charizard has inspired its fighting spirit. She looked at Chen Qian and said very sincerely: "Your fire dragon is very strong, but it is still not enough to meet the battle-spirited Eluredo, so let's send your electric dragon." "

Chen Qian shrugged his shoulders noncommittally, and commanded indifferently: "Spray flames, attack the center." "

Hearing this, Charizard erupted a blazing blue flame from its mouth.

Originally, seeing that Elluredo pretended to force it, it had long wanted to attack, but because it didn't get the order to attack, now that Chen Qian gave the order, it naturally wouldn't keep its hand.

A scorching flame erupted, and the super temperature seemed to distort the space, instantly rushing towards the main body in the middle.

However, alas, Eluredo's speed was extremely fast, and this blow only crushed one clone.

Its main body also came to Charizard. _

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