This is not conceited, but out of self-confidence.

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. The female reporter showed a nice smile and continued to ask: "Many of the opponents you met in the previous games are strong, if you don't meet you, you will definitely be able to go further, what do you think of them?"

"Well, there are indeed a few that are strong. Chen Qian nodded and did not refute this, "But luck is a little bad, when you meet me, you are indeed a bit of a bully." "

The previous opponents, whether it was He Gu who was not dealt with or Du Wei at the beginning, were very strong.

With their strength, because having him in the championship is definitely not to think about it.

But it is not impossible to make it to the top 100, or even to the final eight.

It's a pity that there is no way, who let them be unlucky to meet themselves?

Especially Du Wei, who can't win the championship and has to go back to inherit the family business, with her strength, even if it is a year when there are many strong people, it is possible to go further than last year to enter the top four.

But he met himself in the first game and was ~ eliminated.

I can't talk about this kind of thing, and I don't have a place to reason.

"Thank you for your time, it's a pleasure to visit you. Because of time problems, it is impossible to continue the visit, and the female reporter said with a smile: "After you win the championship, I look forward to interviewing you again." "

Chen Qian smiled slightly and expressed his gratitude.

I don't know if this is a female reporter who really wants Chen Qian to win the championship, or a compliment that she will say every time she interviews, but Chen Qian doesn't care.

Thousands of clothes don't wear sycophants.

Not to mention that he didn't care, a person suddenly ran in front of him and pointed his nose and scolded: "With your strength, what kind of competition to participate in, let's go back to raising pigs quickly." "

No one would be happy.

As the most favored player in this competition.

After the interview here, several media also wanted to interview Chen Gan, and Chen Qian accepted the interview without exception.

I can't leave the scene anyway, and I won't lose a piece of meat when I give an interview.

But there was a reporter's question that made Chen Qian more helpless.

"What's the rumor that you didn't challenge people before, just to force them for the competition?"

I don't know if it's a rumor, or if this reporter deliberately asked it for the sake of traffic.

Chen Gan's face remained unchanged, his expression was indifferent, and he said calmly: "If I want to pretend to be forced, I can send out an electric dragon, and I only use one move in every game, and I wear three in succession." "

This is no exaggeration, with the strength of the electric dragon, there are almost no elves who can withstand its full force in the previous competition.

If they want to pretend to be forced, why send them other opportunities to fight?

After this reporter, Chen Qian refused to be interviewed by follow-up reporters, and the ghost knew what stupid questions the reporters would ask in order to attract traffic.

The interview stage did not take much time, and it only took more than ten minutes in total, and then the official of the competition said a few words such as congratulations to everyone on advancing to the top 100.

He also told everyone that in order to adjust the high-intensity fighting players, the rules that the top 100 competition will start in three days, and the players left the field separately.

Chen Qian didn't care about this, but planned in his heart what he could do in the past three days.

After leaving the arena, Chen Qian, who was walking normally, suddenly paused, and the shadow under him twisted slightly imperceptibly.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qian asked in his heart.

"I feel like I've been discovered. Darkrai's voice sounded in Chen Qian's heart, and there was a slight helplessness in his tone.

"Cresalia?" asked Chen Qian, his face was as usual.

He knew in his heart that Cresalia's strength must be stronger than Darkrai's, otherwise he wouldn't let Darkrai avoid it.

But as a divine beast of the same level, it is impossible for Kreselia to suppress Darkrai by nature, it is nothing more than a higher level.

But he still has twelve magical candies in his hand, so it's a big deal, and now it's all for Darkrai to use, and he will upgrade it to level 98, and then he will rely on other powerful elves.

Even if Creselia's level is as high as level 100, it is impossible to fight a few powerful elves on its own and gain the upper hand.

"Hmm. Darkrai replied softly, although he didn't really want to admit it, but he was really a little embarrassed to be chased and beaten all the time.

········ Asking for flowers...

"Why don't you go outside and lure it out for these three free days?"

Chen Qian had even made a plan to arrest Cresalia in his heart.

Darkrai doesn't object to this, after all, it's not so nice to be stared at every time you sleep.

Chen Qian didn't act in a hurry, after all, Creselia was a divine beast stronger than Darkrai, and it was almost impossible to solve the battle in an instant, and the people of Shencheng were mixed.

There are not a few strong people.

Among them, there must be many ill-intentioned people, and when the time comes, the battle will attract the attention of too many people, and it is difficult to guarantee that others will not secretly shadow themselves.

He didn't want to go through all the trouble himself, but in the end he made a wedding dress for someone else.

... 0.......

At this time, Wu Hulie called again.

"There are still three days left before the start of the top 100 competition, how are you going to spend these three days?"

Wu Hulie's tone was rarely relaxed, and he asked with a smile.

"Of course, the hotel is lying down and resting, and in the past few days of fighting, the elves have been injured a lot. "

Chen Qian responded with a smile, although he didn't know why, every time the old man called, he would have the idea that something must have happened.

"You kid, don't fight with the old man, haha, how do I think you have three days of ease? "

Wu Hulie said with a straight face, although he has been too busy to take a break from the recent events, he will watch every game of Chen Gan.

He naturally knew that Chen Qian didn't use all his strength at all.

"It's not like the next opponents are all strong, and I want to be in the best shape for the game. "

As soon as he heard the old man like this, Chen Qian suddenly became vigilant, this kind of tone, there must be something!

"Are you still so cautious with the old man?" Wu Hulie said solemnly: "Let me tell you the truth, many elves were injured during the game, and many of them were seriously injured, but many of the elves who were sent to the elf center have mysteriously disappeared recently. "

Chen Qian instantly understood, and said helplessly: "Say, what do you want me to do?"

"Haha, sure enough, it's someone I'm optimistic about. Wu Hulie smiled: "There will be alliance investigators coming to you, I'm very busy here, so I'll hang up first." "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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