Chen Qian was unmoved, and said calmly: "If things were so simple, I wouldn't have tried my best to suppress it, and the monitoring should not have started during that time." "

Although it was just a guess, Chen Qian was extremely sure.

"Well, it's that I'm thinking too simply. Cai Binbin also calmed down and nodded at this time, and then showed a smile: "But the process still needs to go through a while, and this is the only way we can do it at the moment." "

Chen Qian bowed slightly, and when he couldn't see his five fingers at the moment, he could only do so.

The monitoring room had already been taken over by the alliance investigators, and it was not surprising that the person saw Chen Qian and the two coming, many people had already come during this time.

"During the time when the elf disappeared, the area of the elf center happened to have a power outage, and all the monitors that were intended to be activated when the backup power was activated. "

The young investigator took the initiative to explain the situation to Chen Qian.

Chen Qian asked, "Why is there a power outage?"

"A worker had an accident when he was changing 18 devices, and the person was gone. The investigator said helplessly, and the first people tried to start from this point, but they didn't get any clues.

Chen Qian was a little surprised, even if he knew that this matter would never be simple, but he didn't expect that his mind over there would be so meticulous and ruthless to such an extent.

What was the reason why the maintenance worker chose to complete this thing when he knew that he was dead.

As for using the life experience of the maintenance worker to investigate this matter, Chen Qian never thought about it, since it can be handled so well here, it is impossible for there to reveal any suspicious things.

The fact is that the maintenance worker was born an orphan, and he has a withdrawn personality on weekdays, and has almost no friends.

Chen Qian looked at Cai Binbin and asked, "How many days do we have at most to resolve this matter?"

"Five days at most. Cai Bin thought for a moment and replied, "Because the injuries of some elves are not very serious, they can heal in five days at most, and their trainers will naturally come and bring them back at that time, and they will basically not be able to hide it at that time." "

There are no outsiders here, so naturally there is no need to hide it, and what he said at this time is already extremely optimistic.

This is not a matter of one or two people, there are already many people in Shencheng, and this competition has attracted a large number of trainers from the entire Jiangnan region to participate.

It's easy to coax one person, but it's not easy to coax a group of people.

"So that means that the time we spend looking for elves can't exceed three days at most. "

Chen Qian calmly analyzed, you must know that even if you find the elves, it doesn't mean that you just need to tell the trainers: Your elves are lost, but we already know the location.

Instead, we need to bring back every elf in its original form.

"Let's go, there's nothing good here."

Chen Qian calmly glanced at the young investigator and took the lead.

He had no doubt about the strange trainer in front of him, not to mention that his rank was too low to participate in such a big thing.

Even if they were really involved, they wouldn't have been sent here at this time, and the people above weren't so stupid.

The two turned to leave, and the young investigator looked indifferent, he had never seen the two of them before, and he did not show any abnormality.

Cai Bin wanted to leave the elf center directly, but Chen Qian stopped, since these elves were all at the scene at the time of the incident, naturally they couldn't miss this first-hand source of information.

"Huh?" Cai Binbin looked back at Chen Qian, who was stopping, his face was a little puzzled, he didn't know what else information he could get here.

"Ask the elves here what they have been through during that time. Chen Qian commanded in his heart.

I saw that Chen Gan's shadow was slightly distorted, as if the shadow was reflected on the surface of the water, and the surface of the water suddenly stirred up a ripple.

After a while, Darkrai's voice sounded in Chen Qian's heart: "They vaguely feel that something happened, but they don't remember the specifics. "

Erase memories?

Chen Qian thought of Mewtwo for the first time, but quickly rejected the idea, Mewtwo's uncontrollability made it impossible for anyone who could control a god-level elf like Mewtwo to be born.

If someone really could control Mewtwo, there would be no need for so many bells and whistles, and they could climb almost as high as they wanted.

"Let's go. Chen Qian looked at the elves present and gave up the idea of continuing to look for clues here.

There are strong and weak spirits left behind, and there is no deliberate feeling left.

Cai Bin shrugged his shoulders and nodded helplessly, this is not a task that cannot be accomplished, the reason why he is concerned is because he does not want the reputation of the alliance to be impacted.

But if there is really nothing he can do, he has nothing to do, this matter is too involved, and it is not completely linked to the fate of a little person like him.

"Let's go have a meal first. Leaving the Elf Center, Cai Binbin proposed.

Chen Qian nodded and agreed, sharpening the knife and not chopping wood, I don't know when this matter is a head, I can't find the missing elf for a day, so I don't eat for a day.

Cai Binbin drove to a relatively remote community, after all, it is the peak season, if you go to the center, you may need to wait for 057 in order to have a meal.

Even though the place they went to was relatively remote, the traffic on the road was surprisingly high.

"This is the old town, I used to come here to eat in a place, the craftsmanship is good, but I don't know if it's still open. "

Cai Binbin turned his head to Chen Qian while driving.

Chen Qian smiled and joked: "Drive well, don't you know that the driver can't make small talk?"

Cai Binbin responded with a smile: "There are not so many cars on the road now, it's nothing to say two words, you said this time..."


In this moment of distraction, the car was solidly hit.

"This......."Cai Binbin's face was a little embarrassed, and he just said that it was nothing.

"It's not your fault. Chen Qian said calmly.

The car didn't hit something head-on, but was hit sideways by something that suddenly came out of nowhere.

Parked, the two of them opened the door and walked out of the car, and saw that the body of the car on the side of the cab was knocked out of a small pit, and the impact was not small.

And in the back of the car, a wounded fire dinosaur was lying.

The fire dinosaur's eyes were red, and he looked extremely manic, this scene reminded Chen Qian of the neon man who had been tortured by nightmares to the point of suicide before. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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