Ma Cuilian was stunned.

What she originally meant was, think about it from another perspective, if your daughter is also fascinated by a man at her age in the future, you will definitely behave like me.

I didn't expect Chen Qian to answer like this.

She never expected that people could be so shameless.

"I'm sorry for you to go in and tell them, I'm in a hurry, so I'll go first. "

Chen Qian turned around and left, no matter what the purpose was, he didn't want to pay attention to this kind of family that looked down on others because of their wealth as soon as they met, let alone deal with it.

Especially since this is just an aunt, not to mention the direct parents, seven aunts and eight aunts.

Ma Cuilian was slightly stunned, she didn't expect Chen Qian to turn around and leave, and wanted to say something, Chen Qian had already opened the door of a black car and went in directly.

There is a free parking lot in front of the hotel, and many black cars are parked here all day long, picking up some guests who climb the mountain to and from the city, and the income is quite considerable.

Naturally, there is no shortage of cars to go back.

"Brother, Xiu!"

The driver of the black car was a young man in his early twenties, and after Chen Qian got into the car, he immediately gave Chen Qian a thumbs up and said.

"It's nothing. Chen Qian's expression was indifferent, not surprised at all, and said calmly.

The car was very close to the place where the two were talking, and the windows were fully open, so that the content of the conversation between the two could be heard clearly from beginning to end.

"The master is actually by my side!" The driver couldn't help laughing and said: "I used to watch TV, and I was really angry when I saw this kind of parent." "

"Well, it's a bit excessive. Chen Qian bowed slightly, deeply convinced.

But he doesn't care too much, not only because he is not a person with a small belly, he just doesn't deal with it if he looks unhappy, and there is no need to hold grudges.

It is also because he firmly believes that he will be able to get everything he wants in the future.

Money is just something outside the body, and it's just a passing thing.

"By the way, brother, where are you going?" the driver's brother remembered that he didn't know where Chen Qian was going.

"Let's go down the mountain. Chen Qian didn't choose to return to the hotel as soon as possible, it took two hours, and he came here, so he was considered to have come out.

"Okay, brother. "

The hotel is located halfway up the mountain, and there is a fairly lush forest at the bottom of the mountain.

It's all here, maybe you'll be lucky enough to meet something good.

The car drove for more than ten minutes, and the driver stopped and said: "Brother, here, there is a village in the past, and you can enter the forest by walking along this road, but the car can't get in." "

"Thank you. Chen Qian paid the fare, got out of the car and walked straight to the forest along the forest path.

On the other side, inside the hotel.

"What about Chen Qianren?" Ma Yiyi delayed Chen Qian, and stretched out the private room on the second floor to look at the square, but Chen Qian could not be found.

"I guess it was you and your aunt who said they ran away. Tian Yuyi didn't have to think about it, and said directly.

She had encountered this kind of thing before, but because of her gender, she was only subjected to a few simple interrogations.

But along with sexual proximity, you need to interrogate the purpose of approaching, so what about the opposite sex?

"Auntie, why did she do this?" Ma Yiyi didn't understand.

"I'm afraid you've been deceived, isn't this simple?"

"So what do I do now?"

"How do I know? My family hasn't been like this. "

"No, I have to apologize to him. Ma Yiyi was adamant, she was just introverted and shy, but she was not a fool, and she thought about what had just happened.

"Don't eat it, just ordered so many things..."

Tian Yuyi said that her heart hurt and her stomach was empty.

"Let's go back to the city and find him and apologize, and then I'll treat you to dinner. Ma Yiyi said stubbornly.

"Okay, but why can't I make a phone call to apologize? I have his WeChat. "

"Don't you think that apologizing on the phone is as unreliable as WeChat confessions and text message breakups?" Ma Yiyi said seriously.

"Okay. "

Tian Yuyi nodded helplessly, and the two left the hotel together to get in the car and walk towards the city.

In order to be able to catch up with Chen Qian, she drove very fast.

However, no matter how fast she was, it was impossible to catch up with Chen Qian.

Because at this time, Chen Qian had already walked into the forest.

Birdsong often comes out of the quiet forest, and now the attitude of human beings towards the protection of the forest is quite good, and the fresh breath of walking in the forest is refreshing.

The nearest village was also quite a short distance away, so Chen Qian could often see some wild spirits passing through the trees.

Frog seeds, green caterpillars, walking grass, stinky flowers.

None of the elves that walked in front of Chen Qian's eyes, Chen Qian could see their data.

However, he didn't take action to capture these elves, and most of them were too low potential to catch them.

Although no matter how much you catch, it doesn't matter if you put it in the background and hang up, after a while, you can also be level 100.

But for now, it can't be said that you can't look down on the elves with potential below S, it's crazy.

But the potential is not S-, Chen Qian is really too lazy to catch it, it is really a waste of time.

During this period, I also saw A-level potential elves, but the elves themselves Chen Qian was not very satisfied, so naturally he didn't arrest them.

I'm strong enough, so let's give the young lads a chance.

"There's a pichu here?"

As he walked, Chen Gan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a small yellow jerboa lying on the trunk of a big tree not far in front of him.

If you look closely, this Pichu actually has S-class potential!

Whether it is the leather god after Pichu's evolution, or the potential of the S-rank, it is enough to make him take action.

"Electric dragons. "

Chen Qian sent an electric dragon and asked him to summon Pichu.

Not only trainers, elves also want to become stronger, generally speaking, with a powerful elf, it is much easier to subdue elves with the same attributes.

Needless to say, the electric dragon is the most suitable elf at this time.

"Electric spider, use silk!"

At this time, Chen Qian heard an excited voice suddenly sounding on the opposite side, obviously the trainer was commanding his own elves.

A huge yellow spider then appeared in Chen Qian's field of vision, spitting out spider silk towards the bark chu on the branch, wrapping it around?

Dare to rob my fancy elf?

Chen Qian's face turned cold, and his eyes looked coldly at the non-mainstream teenager under the electric spider, and his expression was extremely unkind.

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