Looking at the announcement on the big screen in the center, the two people, who had been talking happily just now, suddenly fell silent.

Chen Qian spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders and said, "This is not something for me to decide. "

Tian Yuyi is a good person and can be friends.

If Tian Yuyi had the ability to defeat him, he wouldn't say anything, and he would still be friends after losing.

But friends to friends, he will not give up on winning the game.

Honors and rankings, he doesn't really care about himself, but he cares about the rewards given by the system after completing the task.

"It's nothing, it's no choice. Tian Yuyi smiled slightly, smiling a little helplessly, but she didn't complain.

Luck is also part of strength, who can blame you for your bad luck?

Then, the two walked on the playing field together.

The referee doesn't care if the two have any personal relationship, after all, not everyone is a lone ranger, and there will be some companions.

He's seen a lot of this kind of thing.

The two of them, who were tired of communicating together just now, were able to start a fierce fight in the next second, as if they didn't know each other at all before.

After all, now that you're here, it's the competition that's all about that.

He gave both sides a look and asked if they were ready.

There was no problem on Chen Qian's side, but Tian Yuyi lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

When everything was ready, the referee raised his arms and shouted, "Please send elves on both sides!"

As the words fell, Chen Qian threw out the Poke Ball, white light burst out, and the high-spirited Charizard stood proudly, raising its head high, majestic.

However, Tian Yuyi did not throw out the Poke Ball, but looked at the referee: "Referee, I admit defeat, I am not his opponent." "

As soon as these words came out, Chen Qian was slightly stunned, a little puzzled, and the audience exploded.

"What's going on, you can't even fight?"

"This blonde sister seemed to be quite strong last year, I watched her game before, and the elf in her hand was not weak, why did she pull it all of a sudden now?"

"She competed last year and got good results, why now?"

"It should be clear that he is not Chen Gan's opponent, and he doesn't want to consume the elf's physical strength, after all, according to the competition system, even if he loses now, he still has a chance in the future. "


"The first game, Chen Qiansheng!"

The referee didn't care what the reason was, he just looked at Tian Yuyi, and after seeing her nodding in confirmation, he shouted directly.

Within his scope of responsibility, he only manages who wins on both sides, and does not do anything illegal during the period, and he doesn't care about anything else.

"Why did you throw in the towel?"

After the scene, Chen Qian asked.

He felt that Tian Yuyi should not be the kind of person who has no fighting spirit at all, and it shouldn't be like this.

"According to the competition system, after today's game, there will be a game in the lower bracket to determine the seven winners and gather the top 32, I am saving my strength!"

Tian Yuyi looked up at Chen Qian and smiled slightly.

"Oh. "

Chen Qian nodded slightly, there is indeed such a rule in the competition system, so it is understandable that she chooses to admit defeat and preserve her strength at this time.

"You pervert, how can I be your opponent, if I fight to the death with you, in addition to fighting myself to the death, I have to bury all opportunities, I am not stupid. "

Tian Yuyi doesn't care about other people's opinions at all, since there is such a competition system, why not take advantage of this loophole to make her ranking go further.

This little episode is nothing, and it doesn't affect anything, after all, even if the fight continues, the final result is also Chen Qian's victory.

The second race quickly followed, as if nothing had happened.

With only 50 players left today and only 25 matches to play, the schedule looks a lot more relaxed.

However, if you count the matches in the lower bracket, there will be a lot of them.

And there are more games than yesterday, and the audience can see more games, so they don't care so much.

And this time, Chen Qian chose to stay at the scene to watch, and a morning hurried by, and as soon as it was one o'clock, all 25 games were over.

The top 25 of this year's competition were all decided.

Next, it's up to the 50 players in the lower bracket to compete for the last seven qualifying spots.

However, in the lower bracket, there were not really 50 people.

Some people are still somewhat self-aware, plus some of their elves are injured and are no longer capable of continuing to fight.

So in the lower bracket, a total of 29 people participated in the repechage.

The repechage format is simpler and more brutal.

Each sends an elf, and the winner moves on to the next game, with no breaks in between, one round followed by the next.

Almost every game is a state of desperate fighting.

But it's nothing, after all, this is a chance to be resurrected by someone who has been out.

If you want to have a chance at repechage, it's nothing if the format is more brutal.

Tian Yuyi's match was the third, and her opponent was a fighter who was eliminated today and had just had a fierce battle.

Not to mention whether the elves can recover to their best condition, and even have some injuries.

Her strength is not weak, so she naturally won the first round easily.

"See, that's where I'm smart. "

After stepping down, Tian Yuyi walked to Chen Qian's side and said with a laugh.

With an easy win in the first round, she was clearly in a relaxed mood.

"Well, indeed. Chen Qian nodded, and now it seems that Tian Yuyi's approach is undoubtedly a very wise choice.

"I just hope for the rest of the game to avoid you. Tian Yuyi smiled slightly: "After all, in the future, there will be no resurrection match." "

"Hopefully. "

Chen Qian nodded, this is not something he can control, speaking of which, it is always a bit cruel to eliminate the friends around him.

"I wish I hadn't met him. Tian Yuyi looked at Zhang Zhenhai, who was playing at this time, and said helplessly: "His strength is also very strong, and I am not his opponent." "

"Well, it's a little bit worse, he's really strong. "

Chen Qian commented very pertinently that Zhang Zhenhai's strength was the strongest he had encountered so far.

If Tian Yuyi encounters it, it is very likely to be eliminated. _

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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