Chen Qian habitually turned on the system, and the improvement of the elf level was no longer so important, but it was Pikachu who broke through the level forty mark without accident and reached level 41.

At this level, subsequent improvements will slowly level out.

But such a level increase speed is enough to make all the trainers in the world envious to tears.

Next, it's time to pick up the items you get with one click.

[Dark Stone]: A one-time consumable that can be used silently on elves to reach the corresponding level, which can make specific elves complete their evolution.

An Evolution Stone, and a number of common but effective potions.

are all items that Chen Qian is more satisfied with.

The Darkstone is not needed for the time being, but even if it is used for money, it is excellent.

Chen Qian left the hotel, had breakfast, and marched unhurriedly towards the competition venue.

When he came to the venue, Chen Qian still saw a crowd of people.

Today's game, there are only four games left, divided into two halves, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, but the enthusiasm of the people has risen again and has not retreated at all.

Before the game started, the audience was still slowly queuing up to enter the venue, and Chen Qian entered through a professional channel guarded by a special person on the side, avoiding the boring queue.

Today's people are accustomed to privileges.

But when there were still hundreds or even thousands of people lined up in front of him, he saw Chen Qian walking through the passage that did not need to queue, and a small number of people were more or less dissatisfied in their hearts.

"Didn't he have a VIP seat when he bought a ticket? Why didn't he have to queue?"

"Isn't brother stupid?"

"Young man, this is the first time you have come to watch the game? His name is Chen Qian, and he is the player of today's game, and he is almost determined to be the champion. "

"Damn, it's so terrifying? I was too busy at work a few days ago to have time, and today because the boss also came to watch the game, we were specially approved to come on vacation for a few days, is he really so strong?"

"Go back and make up the previous game video and you'll know. "


Chen Qian turned a deaf ear to this, and he never cared so much about the gossip.

"Brother Chen Qian. "

A girl in a long skirt quickly waved at Chen Qian and ran towards Chen Qian.

Chen Qian looked at Li Xiu'er's brothers and sisters in a familiar voice, and said with a slight smile: "Didn't you say that the finals only came? Why are you here now?"

"It's been a great game, so of course I'm here to cheer you on. Li Meier couldn't wait to pounce on Chen Gan, and said happily: "Originally, I left because I was eliminated on the first day, and I felt ashamed to stay here, but now it's the quarterfinals, and with my brother's strength, it's impossible to enter the quarterfinals, so there is nothing."

Li Zhenjiang on the side was a little embarrassed, but said, "Brother Chen Qian, see you." "

"It's only been a few days, long time no see?"

Chen Qian looked at Li Zhenjiang with a questioning expression, don't you kid think about the wording first when you say hello?

"You've been standing in line for a long time, let's go, I'll take you inside. "

Chen Qian looked at the long queue and said to the brother and sister.

"Uh-huh. Li Xiu'er nodded like a chicken.

After seeing Chen Gan's figure just now, she didn't think about it, and walked out of the halfway line, and now if she goes back to line up, she can only start from the end again.

Just thinking about it makes her scalp tingle.

The three of them walked through the VIP passage together, and entered the venue with a calm face, and Chen Qian didn't even need to take out his identity certificate.

Every good battle before is the best proof of identity.

There are many people queuing outside the stadium, and the stadium is also crowded, quietly waiting for the game to start.

At this time, there is still nearly half an hour before the start of the game, and the spectators who should enter the stadium have almost arrived.

"Brother Chen Qian, who is your opponent today?" asked Li Xiu'er.

"I don't know about this yet, we need to wait for the official start of the game. "

Chen Qian was not in a hurry at all, anyway, no matter who it was, he was confident of victory.

Time passed slowly, and Tian Yuyi, who was as usual, also came to Chen Qian's side, she was in a nervous state all night yesterday, but now she is relieved.

As soon as nine o'clock arrived, the game started on time.

First up is the roster of players for today's four races.

"Damn, I've had bad luck this year. Tian Yuyi couldn't help complaining when she saw her player today.

She was in the second game, and her opponent was Fang Shixin.

All the ideas of yesterday night have become empty talk.

"Think of it as a grind, the ranking doesn't really matter. "

Chen Qian said pertinently, although Fang Shixin had a bad impression, he had to admit his strength, and Tian Yuyi's chance of winning was almost zero.

And Chen Qian is the third game, and the opponent is a player named Li Liang.

After the list came out, the first game started quickly, and the winner was a girl named Yang Baixue, if nothing else, she should be the only girl in the top four.

And Tian Yuyi, who came on the field next, also after four consecutive games, was unexpectedly defeated and had no choice but to stop in the quarterfinals.

"I tried my best. "

After Tian Yuyi got off the field, her face was not ugly, as she said, she did her best.

"I have to go, or Frogflower might be in danger. "

After the battle, the Frog Flower fell into a near-death state, and if it was not treated in time, it could be really life-threatening.

"Take this one. Chen Qian handed Tian Yuyi a bottle of good medicine spray and instructed: "Find a place where no one is there for Miao Frog Flower to use." "

Tian Yuyi hesitated for a moment, and finally took the good injury medicine spray, this thing is too common, and it works well to treat minor injuries, but the situation of Miao Frog Flower is too serious.

But I don't know why, out of trust in Chen Qian, she immediately left the venue.

"This man is really strong. Li Zhenjiang muttered: "If nothing else, he has only used two elves in this competition. "

"If there is no strong man, then this competition is really not interesting. Chen Qian said with a smile.

The morning game was over, and the trio left the venue for a while, and did not arrive slowly until ten minutes before the start of the afternoon game.

At the start of the game, before Chen Qian came to the stage, Li Xiuer grinned and said, "Brother Chen Qian, come on!"

Chen Qian smiled and walked up without any pressure.

Seeing that both sides were ready, the referee shouted, "Please send elves from both sides!"

Feilu reminds you: there are three things to read - collection, recommendation, and points

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