This time, Chen Qian easily gave the scorpion a good medicine.

And the scorpion recovered quickly from his injuries under the effect of the good wound medicine spray, and suddenly became alive again.

It immediately jumped up from the ground and made a defiant gesture at the dragon.

"Don't make a fuss. Chen Qian reminded.

"XIA!XIA!" called the scorpio fiddling with his pincers, pointing at the electric dragon and then at himself.

Chen Qian guessed: "Eh, you mean that you want to have a decent fight with the electric dragon, so that you are willing to listen to me?"


"Okay, electric dragon, you can fight with it. Chen Qian silently stepped aside, not worried.

Although the Scorpio is a notch superior to the Electric Dragon in terms of potential, the Scorpio is inferior in terms of level and evolution.

The most important point is that the electric dragon has experienced several battles with Chen Gan, and it is very intelligent, and it has learned some things from the battles with Chen Qian, which the wild elves do not have.

Therefore, there is no possibility of defeat in this battle.

"When this coin falls, you begin. "

Chen Qian played the role of a referee, took out a coin from his pocket, flicked it with his fingertips, and the coin spun and fell from the air.

When the sound of the "bang" coin hitting the ground sounds, the two elves move in unison!

The electric dragon let out a low cry, and the electric shock followed!

The scorpion first spat out a dense poisonous needle in its mouth, and then its wings shook and soared, avoiding the electric shock.

Seeing that the poisonous needle was coming, the electric dragon did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and hurriedly used a high-speed movement to avoid it, but the scorpion cast a flash of lightning at this moment to take the opportunity to approach!

The speed of the scorpion was extremely fast, even faster than the electric dragon that had moved at high speed, and its twin pincers glowed with white light, attacking the defenseless neck of the electric dragon!

Seeing this, the electric dragon's eyes condensed, and the flame fist condensed in his right hand, and burst out at the moment when the scorpion approached in front of him!

But the Scorpio is in good shape, dangling in mid-air, avoiding the scorching flames, and the offensive is unabated, and it goes straight to the point of the electric dragon!

The electric dragon was still cautious, and he still had spare strength when he cast the Flame Fist, and he knew that he couldn't let the Scorpio fight with him in close combat, so he slammed on the ground and used the discharge skill, and the dazzling lightning burst out from his body, enveloping him in a semicircle to all sides at a very fast speed!

With such a wide range of moves, the scorpion had no chance to dodge at all, and was hit by lightning all over his body, with a painful look on his face, and a circle of scorched black appeared on his body.

It is a ground-and-flight dual-system elf.

The ground restrained the electric system, while the flight was restrained by the electric system, and the two contradictory attributes were reflected in it, and it was difficult to distinguish how much damage it had suffered.

But there is one detail!

When a dual-attribute spirit is in a certain situation, the effect of a certain attribute will be weakened.

For example, if the Scorpion is not touching the ground at the moment and is in mid-air, then the attribute effect of its ground system will be weakened!

According to one of the knowledge points that Chen Qian had learned in class, the reason why the ground elves have great resistance to electric moves, the most important point is precisely because when the ground elves are in contact with the ground or other objects, the body will automatically direct the electricity to other objects when they receive the electric moves, so as to achieve the effect of reducing damage.

At this moment, the Scorpion's body is in mid-air, and there is no object to touch, which means that it has lost the greatest advantage of the ground elves!

Although the ground elves still have a certain resistance to electric moves, without this advantage, they will naturally take more damage, plus the scorpion has the characteristic of being restrained by electric moves.

Therefore, the electric dragon is very effective in discharging the damage it causes!

It's just that the toughness and willpower of this scorpion are beyond imagination, and he is still approaching the electric dragon despite the damage, but the speed is significantly slower!

Naturally, the electric dragon also noticed this, and it was a little surprised, but it was not merciful.

It charges up on both feet and sprints violently the moment the discharge skill stops!

At such a close distance, the scorpion couldn't avoid it at all, and it was even more difficult to stop this fierce momentum, and it was immediately knocked out by the sturdy electric dragon, and it hit a tree trunk behind it!


The Scorpion landed, already badly injured, but still struggling to get up and fight.

It is too arrogant, knowing that defeat is certain, but it is still unwilling to admit defeat.

The electric dragon naturally didn't bother to reason with it, so it slammed into it again, knocking the scorpion out again!

Now, Scorpio really can't get up.

It's just that the strong unwillingness can be seen in its eyes.

Chen Qian shook his head and approached helplessly: "You lost." "

"XIA..." Scorpio's voice was weak, but he could still hear stubbornness.

"It's normal to lose, not to mention that you don't lose unjustly, the electric dragon was cultivated by me. Chen Qian comforted.


"I mean, be obedient, follow me well, I promise you will get stronger and stronger, your potential is outstanding, and one day you will be able to surpass the electric dragon and defeat it. "

Hearing this, Scorpio suddenly became a little hesitant.

It raised its head with difficulty and looked at the electric dragon, and saw that the latter turned its head and snorted softly as if disdainfully, as if to say: Even if you follow Chen Qian, you can't win against me.

This time, it aroused Scorpio's desire to win again.

It didn't know where it got the strength to get up, and rushed to Chen Qian: "XIA!XIA!XIA!".

Looking at the excited tone of its tone, it may be expressing: From now on, Lao Tzu will be mixed with you, you cultivate Lao Tzu well, Lao Tzu must be better than it!

Chen Qian suddenly cried and laughed: "Okay, good, you will be better than it." "

Hearing this, Scorpio felt much more comfortable, and suddenly collapsed to the ground again.

It was so badly wounded that it could only be regarded as a sudden return to light.

"I'll spray you now, don't move. "


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