The driver's words were mostly helpless, who didn't have a dream of dominating the world when he was young.

However, the family's financial resources really can't support him to become a powerful trainer, although in this great era, there are still elves.

But after all, it can't be separated from the category of ordinary people.

Chen Qian didn't talk to him, he didn't know what to say, this was a helpless normality.

Moreover, no matter what era it is, the world always needs ordinary people to exist.

The driver stopped asking questions and drove to the train station in silence.

Half an hour later, Shencheng Railway Station.

Aunt Su and the three of them had already walked out of the train station and came to the square, and after Aunt Su saw Chen Qian getting off the train, she said distressedly: "Look at you, it's only been a long time, and you've been losing weight a lot, and you've been suffering a lot these days." "

Aunt Su reached out and touched Chen Gan's face with pity, like most parents in the world, she had been worried about Chen Qian during the time that Chen Qian left.

"There is no such thing as thinness. Chen Qian said seriously.

This is not nonsense, I really didn't lose weight during this time, and even my weight rose slightly.

"Mom, I said I must have picked it up, you never cared so much about me. Su Yunyun pouted, looking dissatisfied.

"You 940 look at you, you are about to become a pig if you don't move every day at home, do you still need to worry?"

Aunt Su glanced at her daughter and belittled Su Yunyun's fairly slender figure to nothing.

Mother, this is definitely mother.

"I just got off the train, I shouldn't have eaten yet, let's go and finish eating first. "

Chen Qian suggested that there was no shortage of food on the train, but it was unpalatable and expensive, and he guessed that the three of them must not have eaten.

"I'm a little hungry, so let's eat some. Uncle Su touched his stomach and said with a smile, the family will naturally not be too restrained.

"I'm starving, you're the worst and runner-up in the finals now, it's not too much to give you a chance to treat me to a big dinner. "

Su Yunyun said happily, and it could be seen that the three of them were happy from the bottom of their hearts for Chen Gan to enter the finals.

"No problem. Chen Qian smiled indifferently and waved his big hand: "Malatang tube is enough, is six yuan enough?"

"Okay, you, my sister came thousands of miles to cheer you on, and you invited me to eat six yuan Malatang?"

"What, do you still want to slaughter Xiao Qian?" Aunt Su glared at her daughter, then looked at Chen Qian and whispered: "Just find a place, we are not delicate." "

Chen Qian smiled and nodded slightly, although he can buy a luxury car and a mansion with a shot, but with his current net worth, Shencheng still has the money to find a place to have a meal.

He doesn't care about himself, every morning and evening is about to be a day.

But Aunt Su and the others are here, so naturally it is impossible to just have a roadside stall.

Then, Chen Qian brought four people to the restaurant with a magnificent decoration.

Those who know know that this is a restaurant, and those who don't know think that the palace is saint.

Chen Qian ordered a few dishes casually, and he was already nagged by Aunt Su for a few words.

The price of the dishes here shocked her, and any dish exceeded her half a month's salary, if it weren't for Chen Qian's persuasion, Aunt Su would definitely leave as soon as she saw the menu.

After ordering, the dishes came up quickly, Su Yunyun looked nervous and ate Haisai, but Aunt Su and Uncle Su were sitting on pins and needles, thinking that the food here was so expensive, they couldn't eat it at all.

Are you the one who eats this kind of stuff yourself?

"Wait, I'll go to the bathroom. After eating, Chen Qian got up and went to the bathroom.

During this period, the couple glanced at each other, and finally Aunt Su got up and went to the cashier to settle the account.

When Chen Qian came back, Aunt Su looked at Chen Qian with a painful expression, looked at Chen Gan and admonished: "Xiao Qian, don't blame Auntie for talking too much, this money is not spent like this, and you will have to pay a lot of money to marry a daughter-in-law and have children in the future." "

Chen Qian's face changed after learning that the two (CGCG) people had already settled the bill, but he was not a hypocritical person, so he didn't say anything: "Since I invited you here, I must pay for this money." "

I just silently decided in my heart that when I went to college, I would leave a sum of money for the old couple.

After eating, Chen Qian took the three of them to the hotel where he lived, opened two double rooms, and settled them down.

This time, Chen Qian didn't give them a chance to rush to pay.

Accompanied by the three of them, time passed extremely quickly, and in a blink of an eye, the sky was completely darkened.

The old couple had a very regular schedule and rest, and they were tired on the train and went to bed early, while Chen Qian and Su Yunyun stood on the balcony of the hotel room, looking at the steel forest.

"Tomorrow, come on!" Su Yunyun patted Chen Gan's shoulder and laughed: "When you become a champion and we go to school together, my face will also shine." "

She turned around and left Chen Gan's room, and Chen Qian looked at her slender back and smiled slightly.

Su Yunyun, who regarded her as her daughter when she was a child, has grown so big now.

There was no word all night, and the first rays of sunlight of dawn quietly pierced the dark sky, and there were less than four hours before the finals of this year's Jiangnan Regional Elf Competition.

Aunt Su and her husband got up early, but they didn't dare to knock on Chen Gan's door, and they didn't dare to disturb Chen Gan at all, they just wanted to see him participate in the competition in the best condition.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Qian took the initiative to call them, had breakfast together, and went to the competition venue together.

It was already nine o'clock when I arrived at the venue, and at this time, there was a lot of noise inside and outside the venue, waiting in line for the finals to begin.

Although everyone knows, today's final may not be as intense as yesterday's semi-final.

But it's the final anyway.

With this name alone, it is able to attract a large audience.

Yesterday, Yang Baixue advanced to the finals after Chen Qian and successfully joined Chen Qian.

Because she is a girl and has an outstanding appearance, she has even more fans than Chen Gan's, and for a while, whether it is on or off the stage, it is full of smoke and smoke.

At 9:40, fifteen minutes before the game, the girl who was in charge of commenting yesterday took the stage again, and said with a hearty smile: "I believe that everyone is the same as me, and I am looking forward to today's game. "

"Before that, let's put an ad on the line. "

After the explanation, the audience booed, and a man in a suit and leather shoes came to the stage and talked eloquently: "After the decision of the group's senior management, the group will reward the champion of this competition with 5 million yuan!"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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