Chen Qian subconsciously looked at Aunt Su and his wife, and when he saw their blank eyes, he remembered that the old man was not talking about them.

So he hurriedly asked, "How do you say this?"

"Your biological parents were the greatest scholars of the last century, but unfortunately an accident befell them mercilessly. The old man said with a look of regret.

Looking at his appearance, Chen Qian felt that it should not be a lie.

Chen Qian didn't know much about his parents, he didn't see each other much when he was a child, and he didn't leave much information.

And Uncle Su and his wife, because they were afraid that he would be sad when they were young, rarely mentioned the two.

As a result, although Chen Qian was a man in two lives and was mentally mature, his cognition of his parents in this life basically only stayed in an accidental car accident.

And judging from the expressions of Aunt Su and the others at this time, they were not surprised, obviously they had more or less understanding of the identity of their parents in this life.

"I feel very sorry for the death of your parents, and at the same time I sent someone to check 05, but there is no clue. "

"In other words, their death may not have been an accident?"

Chen Qian was so smart that he immediately understood the old man's voice.

If it was a simple car accident, who would be idle to investigate?

"I don't know much about that. The old man shook his head: "It's just because of some rumors at the time, as an old man, I didn't want them to die unclear, so I launched an investigation, but unfortunately, I didn't get anything." "

Chen Qian is not a hypocritical person, after so many years, Aunt Su and her husband treat themselves like their own children, and there are not many intersections, so their feelings for the couple are not too deep.

Even the appearance of the two in his mind has gradually blurred.

But, if it really wasn't an accident, but someone deliberately did it, no matter what, he would take revenge!

This is the bottom line and the principle!

"More than ten years ago, ** was far less developed than it is now, and many things that seem sparse and ordinary now were unthinkable before, and we didn't even find any clues. "

"Thank you. Chen Qian said gratefully, no matter what the result was, at least the old man in front of him did it and paid sincerely for it.

The old man didn't care about this, but continued: "After the perpetrator of the year was arrested. DNA is happy with the information left over from the scene of a rape case many years ago, and he was beaten as a fool shortly after he was imprisoned, and those who did it were simply because they couldn't get used to it, and there was no push behind it. "

Chen Qian did not know what happened to the perpetrator after he was imprisoned, and he had no idea that there was another such incident.

But from the tone of the old man's voice, it can be heard that there is nothing abnormal at all in all this, but it is a bit too coincidental.

"That's all I know. The old man sighed slightly, "But about you, I really want to know something, I don't know if I can tell you a thing or two."

"The boy must know everything. "

"Well, I would like to know if you left anything for you when your father was, as far as I know, it was only two months since you had your first elf. "

For a person of his identity, Chen Qian's information is not a secret at all, he graduated from high school in June and went to the ecological park to choose elves, these are all records

To put it mildly.

Almost anyone can find out.

Chen Qian did not hesitate, and replied categorically: "No." "

Because of this, they really didn't leave anything, if they had to say it, only 200,000 in exchange for their lives, and 180,000 in savings.

But this amount of money is not even enough to buy an evolution stone, so there is no need to say it at all.

"It's a pity, I thought your parents' research had results. "


Chen Qian wondered in his heart, what kind of research could make the old man attribute his adventure of possessing several king-level elves for two months to the results of his research.

For this slightly heavy topic, the old man didn't want to say more, and said with a warm smile:

"Back then, your father and I used to be called uncles and nephews, if you don't mind, if there is anything you can ask the two dogs to help in the future, you can also be called uncles and nephews with them. "

"Ahem. The old man coughed twice and said, "When you are old, if you say a few more words, your body will hurt badly, so I won't accompany you." "

Then, with the support of his two sons, the old man left hobbly.

The most bewildered person at this moment was Su Yunyun, she looked at Chen Qian in disbelief, and said in horror: "You still have this kind of life experience?"

"I was also surprised. Chen Qian spread his hands and said helplessly.

Chen Qian looked at Uncle Su, and Aunt Su explained: "Actually, the two of us don't know much about the true identity of your parents, only know that they participated in a study and are often away from home, so you often lived in our house when you were a child, remember?"

"Hmm. "

Chen Qian nodded, when his parents had not passed away, he was often fostered in the Su family, and he still remembered this relatively clearly.

"As for what the old man just said, we don't know. "

The Ma family has a big business, and they have not been able to investigate any clues, and the couple's ordinary 48 working family naturally cannot have any news.

"Until there's enough evidence, let's treat it as an accident. "

Chen Qianyuan looked out the window, his expression a little stunned.

Quickly after, Ma Huayun walked down, looked at Chen Qian, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect you and the old man to have this kind of relationship, the old man has always been very accurate in looking at people, and your parents can become year-old friends with him, and they are obviously the pride of the sky." "

"Hmm. Chen Qian replied softly, a little unsure of what to say.

"My brother-in-law, who is not a good person, has been transferred to the African branch of the overseas market by the old man, and I hope that those unpleasantness can be dissipated. "

"It's nothing, I'm not a small-bellied person. Chen Qian waved his hand and said: "Tell the old man for me, I wish him happiness as the East China Sea Shoubi Nanshan." "

"Good. Ma Huayun responded heartily, sent Chen Qian and the four of them downstairs to the car, opened the car door in person, and watched the group leave.

"What are you going to do next?"

Inside the car, Su Yunyun asked curiously.

"Go to college, does the Ma family really need my help to run it?"

Chen Qian leaned on the back of his head with his hands on his head, his mind was a little confused, and he had an indescribable feeling. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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