As he spoke, Chen Qian took out the good wound medicine spray produced by the system.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the effect of this thing on elves, but in humans, Chen Qian has not tested it, so I don't know if it works.

In the current situation, a dead horse should be a live horse doctor.

If it can really save people, it will be great.

But if something goes wrong...

"Then I can only say sorry to you, it's up to you!"

Chen Qian took a deep breath and sprayed the wound medicine spray at the middle-aged man's wound gently.

Then, a magical scene happened.

All the injuries of the middle-aged man are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Seeing this, Chen Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

This wave not only saved people, but also discovered another use of good wound medicine spray, a good thing.

Then, he turned to the Electric Dragon and the Scorpion King and ordered, "Go and clean up the traces just now." "

The Electric Dragon and the Scorpio King immediately complied.

Chen Qian also took this opportunity to extinguish the bonfire, and by the way, he packed up everything and was ready to leave at any time.

Chen Qian, who learned the identity of this middle-aged man, knew very well that in this forest, it could even be said that near this area, there were hidden man-made dangers.

Dare to injure an alliance investigator like this, the degree of danger is naturally needless to say.

At least, getting rid of people like Chen Qian, who have no identity background, will never be the slightest burden.

So you have to be careful.

Soon, the electric dragon and the Scorpio King returned.

And the middle-aged man who was in a coma finally woke up at this time.

"Hmm... Am I dead? It turns out that this is the world after death..."

Cai Binbin opened his eyes in a daze, the environment was dim, coupled with his lack of consciousness, and Chen Qian extinguished the bonfire, so it was almost dark for him in front of him.

"No, you're alive. "

Chen Qian's sudden opening startled Cai Binbin and hurriedly turned over and sat up!

He almost reflexively reached for the holster around his waist, but it was empty.

Years of professionalism allowed him to quickly calm down and immediately make the most correct decision - to distance himself!

He tried to keep his breathing as steady as he could, looking warily at the place where he had just heard the sound.

At this time, he was completely sober, but he was frightened.

By the moonlight, he saw Chen Gan's face, observed Chen Gan's dress, and also noticed the electric dragon and the Scorpion King next to him, so he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

But he remained vigilant and asked tentatively, "Who are you?"

"Ordinary trainers passing by. "

Chen Qian replied very calmly, and did not feel the slightest psychological discomfort because of this.

If it were me, after being in such a serious coma with such a serious injury, it would be the same reaction when I woke up.

After all, the identity of the other party is an alliance investigator, which is equivalent to a criminal policeman, mainly responsible for cases involving elves, but in the wild forest, he was injured so seriously that he could think of the clues with his toes.

If the other party is not vigilant at this time, he will be a little sorry for that identity.

"Proof, I need proof of your identity. Cai Binbin said again.

"Wow. "

Chen Qian took out the trainer qualification certificate in his wallet and threw it over.

Cai Binbin caught it, and while being wary of Chen Qian, he followed the moonlight to check carefully.

"Chen Qian, a trainer who just graduated from high school?"

"Yes, if you still don't believe me, I still have a trainer's watch. "

"I'm sorry, but I was too nervous. Cai Binbin completely let down his vigilance, walked over and returned the qualification certificate.

"It's okay, understandable, after all, you were badly injured before. Chen Qian put away the qualification certificate.


Cai Binbin was slightly stunned, thought about it suddenly, and hurriedly checked his body, his eyes gradually changed from stunned at the beginning to sluggishness.

The injuries are all healed?

How is this possible?

It's not that he doesn't know how badly he was injured before, otherwise how could he feel like he was in the afterlife as soon as he woke up?

After a while, he looked at Chen Qian: "You healed my injuries?"

"Not me. Chen Qian decisively denied it, he knew very well that the effect of the good wound medicine spray could not be exposed casually.

He used it in public before when the electric dragon was in a state of minor injury, and there was no external injury, and others couldn't see it at all, so there was no need to worry.

But the situation is different now.

Save people to save people, and believe people to believe people.


"Then how are my injuries?" Cai Binbin asked.

"My elf found you and brought you to me, and at first I was at a loss for anything about your injuries, but you were lucky enough that a very magical elf appeared. I don't know how it appeared, but it healed your injuries and then disappeared. Chen Qian said casually.

"Uh..." Cai Binbin frowned, having great doubts about this passage, "Then can you describe what that elf looks like?"

"It's a pink, cat-like elf, it's small, it's long, I can't describe it in detail, it's cute anyway. Chen Qian took the opportunity to think of his dreamy appearance, so he replied.

Anyway, Dream is also a legendary elf, even in this world, it is estimated that few people know its specific abilities.

That's it.

But after hearing this description, Cai Binbin was stunned: "Dream?".

"What?" Chen Qian blinked, this thing knows?

"It's nothing..."Cai Binbin shook his head, pondered for two seconds and explained: "That's the legendary elf, someone found the trace of this elf decades ago, as you said, it is elusive, so no trainer has ever been able to capture it, and the elf alliance also named it Dream, and I only knew by chance that there is still this elf in the world." "

"I see, no wonder it's so magical. Chen Qian showed a sudden realization.

"It's just—" Cai Binbin glanced at Chen Qian deeply.

"Just what?".

"Nothing. "

Cai Binbin shook his head, what he wanted to say was that the description of the dream in the information did not treat the injury, so he was still a little skeptical about Chen Qian.

But then he thought of it, Chen Qian, a trainer who had just graduated from high school, what could he do to treat his serious injuries?

This is very unconscionable and unscientific.

So why do you doubt a child?

As for the dream....

I don't even know much about the Elf Alliance, but I just collected some information scattered and scattered, and it's hard to say whether it really has healing ability.

"Forget it, what do you want to do so much, anyway, I'm still alive, that's a good thing!".

Cai Binbin shook his head and threw away the cluttered thoughts in his head, and then looked at Chen Gan: "If I'm not mistaken, your name is Chen Qian, right?"

"Yes. Chen Qian nodded in reply.

"Anyway, you saved my life, thank you very much, I will remember this kindness in my heart. But now there is something more important that I must tell you, and I have a stake in your life, so please listen clearly!"

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