A game is a struggle, and it is so normal that there are casualties in the struggle, and no one can say anything as long as it is not intentional.

You can't be in the elf competition, and the elves are dancing and singing.

But it's not intentional, who knows?

Unless someone is stupid enough to tell someone I'm going to kill your elves.

In previous games, there have been cases of elves dying - there are also many cases.

"I don't read the Three Kingdoms, I don't read the Water Margin, I've reached the age where I can watch the Water Margin, so it's recommended not to be too rash. "

The principal persuaded slightly, and sighed in his heart that it was good to be young.

It's a pity that the flowers have a reblooming day, and no one is young.

He looked at Chen Qian seriously and praised: "But as the principal, it's good to have a student like you!"

The headmaster praised it. Chen Qian smiled modestly and said, he didn't know whether the principal was talking about strength or heart.

Maybe I'm happy with both.

The two walked all the way to the school, more than 20 minutes by car, and the two walked for more than an hour before returning to the school gate.

It's not because of how fast the two of them walked, but when they came by bus in the morning, it was rush, and the bus was too slow, and it often stopped in the middle of the road because there were too many cars in front.

"The principal is in good health. Chen Qian looked at the principal whose face was not red and out of breath, and said with sincere admiration.

Like many adults nowadays, not to mention being over the age of old, even if they are in the prime of life, they may not be able to walk for an hour.

"Even though I'm older, I've never forgotten to exercise. The headmaster smiled and said, "Although the elves are good, they can't live for us." "

"Hmm. Chen Qian nodded, he still agreed with this.

After entering the school, the two parted ways, and the places where they lived were not in the same direction.

After returning to the dormitory, he rested all night, and Chen Qian woke up as usual the next morning.

Although the rate of elf level increase slowed down, the first thing he did when he woke up was the usual eye system.

Electric Dragon Level: 8

Scorpio King Level: 9

Lucario Rank, 78

[Soroark] Level: 78

[Giant Golden Monster] Level: 8

Charizard Level: 2

Geng Ghost Level: 72

[Pikachu] Level: 63

Divine Beasts:

Ladios Level: 80

Latias Level: 81

Darkrai Level: 100

Creslia Level: 97

Ladias has managed to upgrade to level 81 these days, and with the exception of Darkrai and Cresalia, he continues to come out on top.

You must know that its level has been overtaken by the electric dragon for several days, and the experience required in the later stage is too much.

Chen Qian even suspected that when Pikachu was in his nineties in the future, the elves who had been far ahead in the early stage of the electric dragon would still be in their nineties.

But it doesn't matter, you can use magic candies to improve later.

But I don't know why, magic candy, which is not a very precious item, seems to have a reduced chance of obtaining it after you have a full-level elf.

As for one-click pickup, the items obtained in the day yesterday were of different grades, and the only thing that interested Chen Qian was the two magic candies.

You can use it directly after Creseria level up, or before it reaches level 98, and get a few more magic candies to use it directly.

Before today's expedition, Chen Qian found that there were far more students gathered in the playground than yesterday.

Perhaps it was hearing about what happened yesterday that sparked the emotions of the students.

Many students spontaneously formed a support group in case they could not beat the students of the opposite school in case of an accident.

There is no way to lose on the field, and you can't lose people in a fight off the field.

"That's good. "

Chen Qian couldn't help but sigh with emotion when he saw the excitement of the students, and he didn't want to pay so much for this.

Taking yesterday's bus to a familiar place, Chen Qian found that the venue was much more lively than yesterday, and there were more people, obviously the same idea as the students of Dragon City Elf University.

"There's still an hour to go, we've already rented the team, who do you want to team up with?"

When getting out of the car, Liao Yuanyuan turned his head to look at Chen Qian and asked.

"Just give me two groups that are not very strong, it's best to be injured after yesterday's battle and the main elf can't play. "

0 begging for flowers······

Chen Qian said confidently that personal strength is not too important in the 3v3 team competition.

But sometimes there will be personal strength that is too prominent, enough to smooth out factors such as cooperation, tacit understanding and so on.

"Okay, a hundred people can only form a team of thirty-three, and there will be one bye, so I will match you with two main elves who were seriously injured in yesterday's game, and you can only play some players who don't use elves very much. "

Liao Yuanyuan was not hypocritical out of trust in Chen Qian, and said directly.

"No problem. Chen Qian smiled slightly and said confidently.

Chen Qian soon saw his two partners today, a man and a woman looked embarrassed at this time.


There was not the slightest excitement about being able to team up with Chen Gan, but he looked melancholy, blaming himself for becoming a burden to Chen Gan.

"Smile and don't be sad. Chen Qian said with a smile, although the two teammates were his seniors, Chen Qian was an elder.

"Hmm. The girl nodded heavily, "I won't hold back." "

"Me too. "

Chen Qian shrugged his shoulders and expressed helplessness, and then waited for today's game to begin.

There will only be a hundred matches going on today, and since there are six elves playing at the same time, it will definitely take much less time than yesterday.

So today compared to yesterday, only three venues have been opened.

While allowing the audience to see the fierce competition, it will not end too quickly or too late, but with care.

Chen Qian was not among the two sides of the three venues in the first round, but interestingly, one of them was a clash between Dragon City Elf University and Engineering University.

For a while, the smell of gunpowder gradually became stronger, and it may not be an exaggeration to say that it was tense.

Chen Qian looked at the three players on the court, was silent and did not speak, but just cast an encouraging look.

Eighteen people took the stage, and the game began quickly.

Chen Gan's eyes were all focused on the No. 2 venue, and he didn't look at the other two venues.

In this game, the opponent's strength was obviously stronger than the three players from Dragon City Elf University, but none of them showed the slightest timidity. _

Please see the ununderlined version of the novel

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