It is true that Chen Qian was very satisfied with all aspects of himself, but he did not expect that he would become the protagonist of this banquet.

I said that I was about to graduate in the last year, but I said my heart but the regret in my heart, what does it have to do with me as a freshman?

To put it mildly, they are planning to eat young grass from old cows.

Facing Liao Yuanyuan, who was getting closer and closer to him, Chen Qian's face was calm, but he kept retreating under his feet.

I'm going to hug it any further!

Although it was not that he had not hugged it before, it was Liao Yuanyuan's excitement that he couldn't refuse, and now this scene is a little difficult to control.

"I like you. Liao Yuanyuan still said calmly.

Step by step, she used her face as a flower, and there were countless people who chased her or wanted to chase her in the past four years, but every success was rejected by her.

Even the vice president of the student union, who was recognized as the best before, had publicly confessed to him, but in the end, it was not enough.

I've met it before, it's handsome, it's nothing but handsome.

It's powerful, and it's arrogant like something.

Only Chen Qian is simply a perfect character that can only appear in novels.

Not to mention being handsome, the elves in his hands each have king-level strength, and the most important thing is the attitude of 620 for others, and they have not become fluttering because of their own strength.

Where to find such a boy?

Everyone present, whether they are girls who like Chen Qian or boys who like Liao Yuanyuan, all maintain an attitude of eating melons and watching dramas at this time.

Although there is unwillingness in my heart, I have no idea of fighting.

Some people even saw Chen Qian retreating slightly, and they had already begun to coax.

"You're playing with fire. Chen Qian stood in place and no longer retreated, looking at Liao Yuanyuan very seriously.

"Just give me a clear answer. Liao Yuanyuan's face remained unchanged and continued.

"Not bad. Chen Qian replied very pertinently, what have you done yet, and you have started to ask for a name?

In fact, for Chen Qian, who likes himself, he is as clear as a mirror in his heart.

But if he is the first to break the window paper with himself like this, he is the only one in Liao Yuanyuan's family, and the older girl is really different from the little girl.

Of course, Liao Yuanyuan is older than Chen Qian, and now she is twenty-two years old, and she is like a flower.

"What is not bad, can it be done, my sister has figured it out. "

Chen Qian hesitated for a moment and was relieved in the face of Liao Yuanyuan's pressing step by step and the coaxing of a group of people who ate melons.

I'm a man, what are you afraid of?

So he suddenly reached out and grabbed Liao Yuanyuan's shoulder, pulled it over, aimed at the red lips and bowed his head and kissed it.


After a long time, Chen Qian said calmly.

"That's enough. Liao Yuanyuan bowed

She just wanted Chen Gan to show his attitude, or to see Chen Gan's attitude, so it was enough.

At the end of the banquet, the lovers finally became married, and they left separately.

When leaving, Chen Qian calmly let Liao Yuanyuan follow, and walked towards the school instead of fighting.

There was a little gap between the two at first, and finally they slowly walked side by side.

"You figured it out before, what does it mean?" Chen Qian looked back at Liao Yuanyuan and asked suspiciously.

He was pure, and he really didn't know what it meant.

"Before, I never thought about finding a partner, no matter how good the person chasing me was. Liao Yuanyuan lowered his head and said softly.

When Chen Qian saw this, he immediately understood, I am afraid that there is not a psychological shadow.

"What's the situation?

Although he knew that this might be something that Liao Yuanyuan didn't want to remember, he still asked.

It's not because I'm curious, I just want to be enlightened.

"My father, if he could still be called a father. Liao Yuanyuan (AEG) did not hide it, and said cheerfully: "He abandoned my mother and me in confinement, and never appeared later, and even took away all the money that my grandfather and other relatives gave to my mother before leaving." "

Back then, Liao Yuanyuan's mother ran out of home at the age of seventeen or eighteen, met an unemployed man, quickly fell in love, and became pregnant with her.

For unmarried pregnancies, the traditional grandparents naturally do not agree, and directly tell them that if they dare to have anything to do with the other party, they will cut off the father-daughter relationship.

But her mother ran away with the man and gave birth to him.

Although the grandfather who is a parent said that he would not agree, his daughter still came to the door and gave a lot of money after giving birth.

Then, her father ran away with the money.

"This, can I swear?" After listening to the story, Chen Qian couldn't help but say.

"No, you can't. Liao Yuanyuan said with relief, although he cursed the father he had never met countless times when he was a child, he had already been relieved.

The only thing that made her feel uncomfortable was that her mother didn't have any hatred for that man.

Even, her mother is not surnamed Liao, Liao is the man's surname.

"Well, there's not much more to say. "

"Haha. "

Liao Yuanyuan let out a silver bell-like laugh, which was very good, but it was even more pitiful.

The two walked all the way to the school, and then separated, Chen Qian backhanded the mark left on his face by Liao Yuanyuan before parting, and looked at her back with some regret.

I thought she figured it out.

It's a pity, Chen Qian is not an urgent person, and he doesn't care much about it.

Wipe the lipstick marks off his face and walk towards the dormitory.

When he returned to the dormitory, Chen Qian found that he had completely become a celebrity in the school, and even the aunt who watched the dormitory was amazed by him.

Not to mention the girl, who almost pounced on him like a wolf and almost pounced on him and ate him.

When he returned to the dormitory, Chen Chu just pushed the door and wanted to leave, but the two collided head-on, Chen Chu reminded: "Boss, you are finally back, your sister came to look for you just now." "

It's been so long since we've been together, and the original joke has long been explained.

Although the three of them were convinced of the concubine's statement at first, they did not believe so much in Chen Gan's explanation.

But what is fake is what is false, and it can still be explained after all.

"What did she come to me for?" asked Chen Qian, puzzled.

The phone didn't turn off.

I don't make phone calls, so I have to run to the dormitory in person, which doesn't seem necessary.

"I don't know, she didn't say. Chen Chu shook his head and said. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

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