[Elf Egg].

Race: Leo Road (Lucario).

Gender: Female

Expected Qualification: A—S

(not hatched).


Seeing this data, Chen Qian remained silent on the surface and walked away silently, but his heart was actually very excited!

Leo Lu is a very rare elf, and the evolution of Lucario has a race value of up to 525, and it has the gene that can evolve in Mage!

Because of its handsome appearance, absolutely loyal character, high race value, and innate "waveguide" ability, it has a high popularity in the hearts of trainers!

Which trainer is not tempted by such an elf?

What's more, this Leolu that has not yet hatched must at least have A-level potential!

If you're lucky, you might even have the only S-class potential!

Whether this is a leak or not, Chen Qian doesn't know.

But the planners who held this event were definitely a blood loss!

Leolu, even the most inferior D-rank potential can be put on the auction house by those rich people who like to collect rare elves to sell millions or even tens of millions!

Fortunately, the elven eggs of most races are too similar to each other, even experts specializing in elven research cannot distinguish the race by the appearance of elven eggs, and the world has not developed a device to detect the potential and race of elven eggs.

Otherwise, the egg would never have been here.

If this Leolu hatches at the end of the event...

That's a lot of fun.

Then, Chen Qian immediately went to the staff to go through the formalities for the competition.

This Leo Road, must be obtained!


Due to the entry conditions set at the threshold, there were not many trainers who participated in this event.

The registration time lasted for three hours, and only nine people were scattered together.

And these people who come to sign up are basically people who have confidence in themselves and have expectations for the "unknown" elf egg.

What if a very rare elf hatches?

There are more people in the world who have the idea of "fighting a bicycle and turning a bicycle into a motorcycle".

Chen Qian was the first to sign up, so he waited for three hours, so bored that he dozed off.

It wasn't until the planners of the event finally realized that it was time to close the registration, and someone was just in time for this last minute, and there were just 10 people.

However, the last person to sign up was a familiar face for Chen Qian.

"Wu Mengting?".

"Chen Qian?".

The two saw each other's familiar faces, stunned slightly, and then looked at each other and smiled.

"Such a coincidence?" Wu Mengting pulled the hair next to her sideburns.

"Just trained in this city, what about you?" Chen Qian shrugged.

"Come to travel, after all, summer is rare, take advantage of the start of school to enjoy more happiness. "

"I see, you also have a crush on that elf egg?"

"Yes. Wu Mengting smiled helplessly, "It seems that we don't happen to fall in love with the same elf." "

Chen Qian blinked: "I still won't let it this time." "

Wu Mengting joked: "Then you are very ungentlemanly!".

"I'm sorry, I'm a straight man of steel. "

"Huh..." Wu Mengting pretended to pout in disgust, and then was a little more serious, "Okay, although I know that I will definitely not be able to win against you, I will not abstain, just take this opportunity to exercise my elf and command skills." "

While the two were chatting, the staff posted a battle table and shouted, "In the first game, No. 1 vs. No. 10!"

After the words fell, Chen Qian and Wu Mengting looked at the number plate in their hands together.

No. 1, No. 10....

The two raised their heads and looked at each other, not knowing how to describe their mood at this time.

"Fight?" Chen Qian couldn't laugh or cry.

"Don't fight!" Wu Mengting was very decisive, she still remembered how Chen Qian defeated her grandfather in the Jiangcheng Dao Hall, although her grandfather did not take out the main spirit at that time, and he lost because he was a little careless, but it also showed the strength gap between her and Chen Gan.

"Didn't you just say that you want to take the opportunity to exercise your elves and command abilities?" Chen Qian teased.

"That has to be an opponent with little difference in strength, I won't have any combat experience with you, I'll be autistic! I was easily defeated by you at that time!" Wu Mengting wrinkled her cute little nose.

She hadn't forgotten that some time ago, Chen Qian's Baa Li sheep evolved into an electric dragon.

And it hasn't been long since his own fireball rat evolved into a fire rock rat.

Coupled with the gap in the command level of the two sides, if you fight again, you will only lose worse than you did in the first battle, and you can't say if you will be killed in seconds.

So Wu Mengting went to tell the staff about abstaining, and Chen Qian was promoted to the second round.

Because of the ten-person competition, there are five people left after the first round, so one person is destined to have a bye and be promoted to the next round.

Chen Qian was ready to show his strength in the second round, but unexpectedly, he coincidentally drew a bye in the second round.

"You don't have a bye until the finals, right?" Wu Mengting teased with a smile.

"I'll lend you good words. Chen Qian shrugged.

At the end of the third round, there were a total of 3 players left with Chen Qian.

It's time for a bye again.

When Chen Qian touched his hand into the lottery box, he felt that the audience's gaze on him could be described in two words - dog support!

Chen Qian didn't care.

Who wouldn't want to be a "dog trust"?

With such a thought, Chen Qian pulled out his hand, spread out his palm, and there were two words written on the paper on it-bye!

At this moment, the air was somewhat quiet.

Wu Mengting's beautiful eyes widened, and she looked at Chen Qian in surprise, at this moment even she wondered if Chen Qian was invited by the planner.

To this, Chen Qian responded with a helpless smile.

There's no way, you really can't stop it when luck comes.

The crowd of onlookers began to talk.

"If it weren't for the invited To, I would have eaten upside down!".

"It's too obvious to cheat, it's been empty three times in a row, I'm a real Buddha!".

"This planner is too stupid, isn't it?

"It's good I didn't attend!".

There is a lot of talk and there is a tendency to get worse.

Even the other two contestants were dissatisfied.

The planner at the scene had a somewhat ugly face, and he was innocent and confused.

What the hell?

Did I send someone to ask for help?

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