As a beam of white light burst into the field, the huge oppressive body of the giant golden monster appeared in everyone's sight.

[Giant Golden Monster].

Grade: 62

Attributes: Steel, superpowers

Characteristics: Light metal (body weight becomes half of normal).

Potential: A


Seeing the data of the giant gold monster, Chen Gan's heart was a little surprised.

A giant gold monster with A-rank potential and level 62, plus the characteristics of light metal...

This is the strongest elf he's ever encountered!

You know, even his electric dragon is only level 57.

The most important thing is that the other party has a Mega Evolution Stone!

It's a little tricky.

The audience was boiling.

"Damn, a super rare giant gold monster! This blonde is really a rich second generation!".

"It's hard for the Scorpio King's trainer right now!".

"I don't think so, although this giant gold monster looks very strong, the trainer command level of this Scorpion King is very good, and the other party chose to show the elf first, and he also has the opportunity to come up with an elf that restrains the giant gold monster from the attributes!"

"Look, that blonde is holding a Mega Evolution Stone in his hand, this giant golden monster can Mega evolve, what does that mean, anyone who has watched the game understands it!"


On the stage, from the moment he threw the giant gold monster, Li Zhenjiang was observing Chen Gan's expression.

How he wished that Chen Qian would be a little nervous after seeing the giant gold monster.

But it's a pity that he hasn't been able to catch any emotional changes from Chen Gan's face, which makes him a little frustrated.

"Is he hiding it too well, or is he just sure of it?"

While Li Zhenjiang was guessing in his heart, Chen Qian threw out the Poke Ball.

A beam of white light emerged, and the appearance of an electric dragon appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing this, Li Zhenjiang was slightly stunned: "Electric dragon? also, after all, the giant gold monster has both steel and superpowers, and is resistant to more than a dozen attributes, although the elves of the electric system do not restrain the attributes of the giant gold monster, but they have resistance to the steel moves, which can slightly limit the play of the giant gold monster, this person is really good at details! But since it is an electric dragon, then it can also evolve Mega, right?"

He stared at Chen Qian.

But until the referee began to count down, he didn't see Chen Qian take out the Mega Evolution Stone, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that his electric dragon doesn't have the Mega evolution, but where does his confidence come from? Forget it, no matter!".

As the referee waved his flag to announce the start, Li Zhenjiang held up the Mega Evolution Stone: "Giant Golden Monster!"

When the words fell, I saw the giant golden monster and the Mega evolution stone erupt at the same time

In this burst of light, you can see that the silhouette of the giant gold monster is undergoing a huge change that is visible to the naked eye!


With a low roar with a bit of electronic synthesis, the light dissipates into a little starlight.

The Giant Golden Monster has grown even larger, reaching a height of almost three meters!

Its four legs turned into four thick arms and stretched forward, with four smaller arms extending from its back, the metal cross on its face turned golden, and its jaw had an extra sharp spike.

At the same time, Chen Qian observed through the Eye of Data that the characteristics of the Mega Monster had changed to "Hard Claw" (increased power of contact moves).

Subsequently, both sides commanded almost simultaneously!

"Giant gold monster, test the other party with your mental power first!" Li Zhenjiang spoke, he was very vigilant this time.

"Electric dragon, with a plasma bath. Chen Qian calmly commanded.

I saw that although the giant gold monster body had not moved, the invisible mental power had spread out in a fan shape!

As soon as the electric dragon finished performing the plasma bath, it was wrapped in a layer of azure static electricity, and suddenly felt an invisible force envelop it, trying to imprison it.

But this force is not strong for the electric dragon, the electric dragon roared, struggled to struggle, and the invisible force suddenly collapsed.

The giant gold monster roared in return to Li Zhenjiang - his mental power had been broken.

"Sure enough, this electric dragon is not simple, ordinary moves have no effect on it, in this case, giant gold monster, high-speed movement and thought hammer!".

When the words fell, the giant gold monster suddenly burst out with an astonishing speed that did not match its size!

Chen Qian immediately reacted: "High-speed movement plus shadow clone!".


The electric dragon's body flickered, and in an instant, it split into three identical clones, and switched positions at this moment!

When the giant gold monster hits in, it only crashes into a clone.

However, this giant golden monster's combat consciousness is unexpectedly amazing, and when it realizes that it is a clone, it immediately stops its momentum, and its four thick arms are shrouded in white mangs, relying on its size advantage, and it rotates and sweeps in a clockwise manner!

The electric dragon hidden in the clone hurriedly moved at high speed to avoid it, and was almost swept by the arm of the giant gold monster!

At this time, it felt the pressure it had never felt before, so its eyes burst with fierce fighting spirit!

Chen Qian was also surprised by the battle consciousness of this giant golden monster, no wonder Li Zhenjiang said such things before!

This battle is interesting!

"With a strange light!" commanded Chen Gan.

"Get out of the way!" Li Zhenjiang hurriedly commanded.

But the giant golden monster did not dodge, but blocked it horizontally in front of it with two thick arms, blocking the intrusion of strange light.

The strange light has to hit the eye to have an effect, and it will be too much to dodge, so this move of the giant gold monster is undoubtedly the most correct way to deal with it!

For the giant gold monster not acting according to his command, Li Zhenjiang just smiled helplessly.

It's not that the giant golden monster doesn't listen to him, on the contrary, he has a good relationship with the giant golden monster, and he has privately agreed that if he makes the wrong order in battle, then the giant golden monster will have to choose the right way to deal with it.

It's just that he is a little helpless, and he feels that he can't intervene in this battle.

Because of the communicator, Chen Qian, who was standing at the other end of the field, didn't know this, but even if he knew, he didn't care, it was a blessing to fight against a strong enemy, whether this strong enemy was a trainer or an elf.

At this moment, he was already engrossed, and while deducing the battle situation in his mind, he ordered: "Use the electric ball, be ready to use the light wall at any time!"



I want to say here that some readers may say that ghost moves are useless against superpowers.

But that's the attribute restraint that the game's first generation employed.

Since the second generation, the ghost system has begun to restrain the super system, so the latest attribute restraint relationship is used here, which is convenient to straighten out, and I hope you know.

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