For such a person, Chen Qian still expressed enough respect and smiled politely, he didn't know much about the past, but he knew that he would definitely have to pay a lot for it to get to this point.

Before Chen Qian could say hello, Li Zizai took the lead in asking with a smile: "Chen Gan, that bad old man of Lao Wu often mentions you." "

Chen Qian nodded politely, "Exactly, I don't know what the old gentleman should call him?"

"Just call me Lao Li. Li Zizai smiled heartily, and didn't seem to care much about it.

Li Lao said with a smile. Chen Qian said respectfully, as a young junior, he must always have the way he should be when facing his elders.

After hearing this, Li Zizai gave Chen Qian a look of extreme appreciation, and asked, "Are you really Old Man Wu's grandson-in-law?"

Chen Qian was embarrassed, a little bit didn't know how to answer, although Li Zizai was very happy with Wu and Lao Hei, but as long as anyone with a discerning eye who was not a fool could see that the relationship between the two was definitely good.

Otherwise, Wu Lao would not have informed him of the news as soon as possible.

This is like the ancient emperor could comment on the prince's unintelligence, but if the courtiers dared to echo it, not only would they not leave any good impression on the emperor, but they would also offend the prince to death.

The end was naturally miserable.

Of course, in this era, there will be no such serious things as the above, but talking about others behind his back has never been Chen Qian's hobby.

He just laughed dryly, looking a little helpless.

At this time, Li Zizai looked back at the investigator who had come to report the situation, instructed the next course of action, and asked about the situation in the base.

After learning everything in the base, Li Zizai's smile on his face was even worse, and he said regretfully: "It's a pity, it's a pity." "

Chen Qian was confused, and looked at the other party with some puzzlement, could it be because there was no heavyweight of the V organization in the base?

"Let that bad old man Wu put up such a good grandson-in-law as you, why don't you let me meet the old man earlier? "

Li Zizai said to himself, Chen Qian expressed helplessness, it was not the first time he had heard this from the mouths of the bigwigs in various regions, and when he heard it at this time, he didn't feel it at all.

Maybe it's numbness.

Li Zizi looked at Chen Qian appreciatively: "Such a hidden place can be discovered by you, in comparison, it is really embarrassing!"

He didn't have the slightest suspicion of Chen Qian, although this place was indeed very hidden, and it was almost impossible to find out the secrets in it.

But if you suspect Chen Qian, it is nothing more than a possibility, a traitor.

But if it is to win trust, it is like a big gift, and the leader of V weaving must have a bruise in his head.

No matter what you do, what your purpose is, in the final analysis, wanting is nothing more than profit.

It is obviously impossible to use such a large pharmaceutical base as a vote to let him enter the top of the alliance, and the price is too great.

"It's just a coincidence, there's nothing to brag about. Chen Qian said modestly with a smile.

"Young people, there is no need to be so modest. Li Zizai smiled: "If you are too modest, that old man will be proud of you." "

Chen Qian smiled, the two didn't keep talking, there were still many things in the base that Li Zizi needed to deal with, and there was basically nothing Chen Gan doing here.

The Elven Alliance attaches great importance to this matter, and more people will come here next, so Chen Qian left the depths of the mountain on the returning helicopter.

After Chen Qian left, Li Zizai looked at the closed cave and ordered: "Block the one-kilometer radius, and you can't enter again until the follow-up technicians arrive." "

Chen Qian had already told him about the situation here, and he needed to wear a gas mask to get in, and he couldn't go in rashly.

The next thing to do is wait.

Inside the helicopter, the sound of the propeller roaring filled Chen Qian's ears, and there was no charging equipment in the helicopter, but fortunately, he was witty enough and did not return the mobile phone.

Anyway, for that person, in the next few days, there may not be a mobile phone, and there is almost no difference between having it and not having it.

If you have the opportunity to see it in the future, you can return it to him.

Twenty minutes later, the helicopter stopped at the Dragon City Elf Center, and the pilot originally said that he wanted to send Chen Qian to the school, but Chen Qian refused.

The Elf Center wasn't very far from the school, there was no need to get such a thing, he wasn't a vain person.

Some things are very light, especially things that seem awesome to others, and in his opinion, they are nothing more than that.

Leaving the elf center, Chen Qian stopped a taxi, fortunately, he used the charging equipment in the taxi, and he connected his mobile phone as he wished.

After all, what I am holding in my hand is someone else's mobile phone, and I don't have any money on me, and I can't escape the order, so I have to fully charge the phone.

It takes about forty minutes to get from the Elf Center to the school, and at least an hour and a half if you count the traffic jams at night.

Chen Qian took advantage of this time to lie on the seat and rest with his eyes closed.

Not long after, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, and Chen Qian subconsciously took out the mobile phone and connected it.

There are not many people who know his phone number, even if it is not the number he has saved the remarks, as long as he has not been marked too many times by an intermediary to promote something, he will answer it.

It's just that after connecting it, he found that this voice didn't seem to be someone he knew very well.

"Congratulations to Chen Qian, after this time, you should also have a certain prestige in the Elf Alliance. "

The slightly hoarse voice was obviously processed, and it was no wonder that Chen Qian couldn't hear the voice of the owl, he had really heard it once, and it had been so long.

However, Chen Qian's mind turned, and he thought about who would speak in such a voice and say such content, so he immediately said, "Then should I thank you?"

"Don't be so angry, in fact, I want to be friends with you more, you can take this incident as a gift from me. Xiao said leisurely, as if it was all in his plan.

Chen Qian sneered slightly, he didn't do any good things every day, he just knew how to pretend to be forced.

But he was very curious, what was the intention of the owl to call him this time, to buy himself?_

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