"This will take up some of everyone's time, I don't know if you can give me this face, Xu Da is grateful here!" The man looked at Liao Yuanyuan affectionately.

Everyone is an adult, so they naturally know what he wants to do, and you can see from the way he looks at others what kind of thoughts he has.

"It's been four years, it's been four years in a blink of an eye, and I met the jade people around me for the first time four years ago, but I haven't had the courage to tell my love in four years. "

Xu Da said affectionately: "I will leave the school next year, and I will leave you, this is my last chance, the last chance to swear love in front of the whole school." "

"Mr. Xu. Liao Yuanyuan's face was as usual, he calmly looked at the good-looking man in front of him, and said indifferently: "There is no last time, there is no possibility between us." "


Xu Da was not given any chance.

Many girls will enjoy the feeling of being pursued by many boys, because it will make them feel attractive and a sought-after product.

But Liao Yuanyuan doesn't think so, her experience since she was a child, coupled with her mother's chatter, made her actually a little resistant to men from the bottom of her heart.

Although now because of the appearance of Chen Qian, this view has been greatly improved.

But it can't change her essence.

She dares to love and hate, she will speak boldly if she likes it, and she will say it directly if she doesn't like it, and she will not fish others.

"Really, don't you give you a chance at all?" Xu Da looked embarrassed, "I put down my face in front of so many people, do I really not give a little face?"

The reason why I chose such a time and place to launch an offensive in front of so many people is not because I have enough self-confidence and feel that I can definitely do it.

However, the facts obviously told him not to be blindly confident no matter when or what he did.

At this moment, someone in the audience has already begun to coax.

Although Liao Yuanyuan is not a boy or a girl in the school, she has been recognized by many people in terms of appearance and personality.

If you don't catch it, you will naturally be ridiculed.

This is the psychology of the majority of hecklers, and some people don't know why they want to heckle at all, but when they see others heckling, they resolutely feel that they can't be left behind.

For a while, Xu Da's face became more and more ugly.

Although he can't say how good he is, he does have a good skin, and his own ability is not too bad, and he has hardly encountered many setbacks in his four years of college.

Not to mention confessing to a girl in front of so many people, it was a failure.

This was something he had never experienced before, and he felt his face glazed.

So looking at Liao Yuanyuan's eyes changed slightly, the love just now disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Of course, this is no wonder Liao Yuanyuan.

The main reason is that Xu Da is a little forced in his own heart, and he feels that Liao Yuanyuan is in his bag, so he dares to confess in front of so many people.

Otherwise, just find a time, add a WeChat and say it on the Internet, even if it is rejected, others will not know.

Naturally, he kept his face.

However, some people just don't want to do things.

But he also attributed the reason for his disgrace to Liao Yuanyuan's disobedience.

Liao Yuanyuan looked at her expectant eyes and said bluntly: "I'm sorry, I have a boyfriend." "

"Want to send me like this? I've never heard of when you got a boyfriend. Xu Da said resentfully.

"Who are you, I need to tell you first?" Liao Yuanyuan said in an unkind tone.

Xu Da's eyes looked at her as if she was looking at her, which made her very disgusted.

For her, let alone others, even if Chen Qian used this kind of look, it would make her feel bored.

"That's it, there are many more shows in the future, don't affect them. Liao Yuanyuan said calmly.

Chen Qian was watching from below, what should I do if I have been entangled like this and misunderstood?

This is the only thought in Liao Yuanyuan's heart at the moment.

Chen Qian leaned on the chair, his legs overlapped and crossed Erlang's legs, smiling at the scene on the stage.

In fact, sometimes, he said that he didn't know what his feelings for Liao Yuanyuan were.

But fraternity is a man's nature, no man is single-minded, and the reason why he is single-minded is only because he is not capable enough to have many wives, or he is limited by today's laws.

Who doesn't want to have a few more empathetic confidants around them?

But he didn't care, anyone has the right to be liked by others, as long as the one on the stage doesn't make any out-of-the-ordinary moves, he won't do anything.

It's like watching a clown show.

"Yuanyuan, don't go, please give me a chance, I really love you. Xu Da reached out and wanted to grab Liao Yuanyuan's right hand.

But it was empty again.

Liao Yuanyuan dodged this pounce vigorously, and looked at Xu Da with a cold face: "If it's like this, don't blame me for not warning you." "

Then her eyes swept the audience, but the number of people in the audience was too large and very dense, even if she knew the general location of Chen Qian's class, she couldn't find Chen Qian.

I had to say helplessly: "If Chen Qian doesn't come up again, your girlfriend will be snatched away by others!"

In order to cut off being harassed by people like Xu Da in the future, Liao Yuanyuan directly declared his right to belong.

It is much more powerful to let a school flower-level girl announce her belonging in public than a man to declare that so-and-so is his woman.

Chen Qian was quite helpless, how could anything be involved in himself?

But feeling that many people were looking at him, he had to get up and look at Liao Yuanyuan.

"I know that no one else can take you away. Chen Qian said with a smile, full of confidence in his words.

It's just that the moment he got up, Feng Tingyun was a little lost, although he had heard some news before, but it was not confirmed.

Seeing this now, she naturally can't bear it.

However, she didn't mean to blame Chen Qian in her heart, and she did hate herself for not being as good as Liao Yuanyuan.

This failed to really attract Chen Qian and keep Chen Qian.

As the saying goes, love makes people lose their minds.

That's pretty much the case for her. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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