Chen Qian fell into deep thought, and did not say yes, although he was very curious about what the most secret project was.

But he didn't really want to know, if he should know, Old Man Wu probably already told himself.

The reason why I don't know is nothing more than two situations, one is that Old Man Wu doesn't know, but this is not what I should know.

What he didn't know was that Wei Zhengkai attached great importance to what he wanted to say at this time.

However, he didn't tell Chen Qian at the first time, because he also wanted Chen Gan's reply, the twisted melon was not sweet, and this did involve some secrets.

"Let's talk about what you're going to do here. Chen Qian said calmly, looking at his eyes, he knew what he wanted to do at the moment.

"It's cold outside, let's go in and talk. "

Wei Zhengkai was silent for a long time, a full half a minute, and then spoke.


Chen Qian looked at him with a strange expression, he held it for so long?

I don't know and I think you're going to trick me into doing something you can't describe.

But he nodded and said, "Okay." "

Although he didn't have much contact with him, and he had even met twice, Chen Qian felt that Wei Zhengkai was okay.

These relied entirely on intuition, but Chen Qian always felt that his intuition was accurate.

Under the leadership of Wei Zhengkai, Chen Qian entered the compound again, although it was still very early at the moment, there was still a sentry at the door, and these people may not have left all night.

Suffice it to see that this place is indeed important, at least not a simple place.

"Since I called you, I won't hide it. "

Back in the room, Wei Zhengkai didn't intend to hide it, and said directly.

There is quite a sense that Chen Qian was allowed to enter the house because he was afraid of others eavesdropping outside.

Chen Qian bowed slightly, signaling him to continue.

"Since a few years ago, the predecessors of Huaguo have found that the elves in ancient times are generally larger and stronger than the current elves. Wei Zhengkai stared at Chen Qian like a torch: "So not long ago, we launched a plan to clone the elves of the ancient period through existing technology. "

Chen Qian nodded, although he didn't deliberately understand this aspect, but through the school's elf history class, he had some understanding.

According to the teacher, in ancient times or before, the skeleton of elves was much larger than that of today's elves.

This means that the previous elves were bigger, and being more natural meant being stronger.

If nothing else, strength alone is definitely needed.

While Chen Qian was thinking about it, Wei Zhengkai continued: "But it's very good. "

Chen Qian looked puzzled: "Why?"

It seems that in the nineties of the last century, cloning technology has appeared, and it has been so many years, especially in this era of rapid technological development.

The technology must have matured quite well, otherwise it wouldn't have been used to execute this project.

"The cloned elves are no different in size from the current elves. Wei Zhengkai took a deep breath, they paid a lot for this, but in exchange for this result.

The mood is naturally conceivable.

Although extinct elves have also been cultivated through cloning, they are not much stronger than the current elves.

It is as if there is a solid barrier invisible, and the existing science and technology cannot break through the shackles at all.

Chen Qian was surprised, but asked with a strange expression, "So what does this have to do with you looking for me?"

Besides, you don't have an ancient spirit for you to study.

"Your elves are very powerful, so I wonder if I can extract some genes from your elves. "

When it comes to this, Wei Zhengkai no longer hides it, and says very directly.

To Wei Zhengkai's surprise, Chen Qian did not refuse or hesitate after hearing this, and said directly: "Such a simple matter, just say it, what's the use of saying such a lot." "

"If you say that, you agreed?" Wei Zhengkai looked at Chen Qian happily, because he didn't have much contact, and to be honest, he didn't know the bottom of his heart.

It's not that I'm too familiar with Chen Qian's character.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have talked so much about Chen Qian.

Although after the last contact, he checked Chen Qian's information from childhood to adulthood through his own channels, but he got very little useful information.

"And it won't harm my interests, will it?" Chen Qian smiled indifferently and said calmly.

Genetic technology is indeed superior, but it has long been used in in-person testing in daily life.

It doesn't cause damage to the body, after all, only the hair on the body needs to be extracted.

"Of course!" Wei Zhengkai assured in righteous words: "If this matter is sincere, the merit will be in the future!"

"I don't have that big ambitions. Chen Qian's face was calm, "I just need to live well for the past 180 years." "

"Okay, okay!" Wei Zhengkai was excited, although Chen Qian said very calmly, he knew that Chen Gan's heart must also approve of this project, otherwise it would not be so.

"I only hope that, if successful, we will not forget the original purpose of researching this project in the first place!"

"I pledge with my life that once..."

"Stop, stop, don't talk about this, I don't care about this, it's worthy of my conscience. "

Then, under the leadership of Wei Zhengkai, Chen Qian came to the hall where he was waiting last time, only this time, he followed Wei Zhengkai to the basement by elevator.

The elevator opened, and Chen Qian saw a long corridor, as if there was no end in sight, and there were many closed doors on both sides of the corridor.

It's like being isolated from the world, but you can't help but want to explore the inside.

In front of each room, there was no introduction to this room, and Chen Qian thought that it should not be a problem for these scientific research bigwigs to remember where they work every day.

It's not a problem.

He just followed Wei Zhengkai's pace, and people often walked out of the room, but they didn't seem to know each other, Wei Zhengkai didn't say a word of greeting, and the other party didn't say hello.

Wei Zhengkai finally pushed open a door not very far from the elevator, and the decoration inside the door looked like a conference room, and there were five older people in it at this time.

Most people don't know Chen Qian, and they haven't even seen it.

But one of them happened to meet him a few days ago, and when he saw Chen Qian, he was smiling.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - collection, recommendation,

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