Dabi Bird looked at Chen Qian with a horrified expression, although the expression of the elf was much duller than that of humans.

But ordinary joy, pain, and fear can be expressed clearly.

There are even some powerful elves whose intelligence is almost the same as that of humans.

It simply couldn’t understand why its owner fell unconscious in an instant.

The most terrifying thing is that it didn’t see any movement from Chen Qian who was talking.

“Well done.”

Chen Qian smiled at Fang Cunxin, or rather at Darkrai in the shadow beneath him.

As his most stable talisman, Darkrai’s ability to do things has always been so perfect.

He can hardly find any shortcomings.

Faced with Chen Qian’s praise, Darkrai didn’t feel any fluctuation in his heart. He just came out of Fang Cunxin’s shadow and ran back to Chen Qian’s shadow. This is what Chen Qian admires most about Darkrai. Although it’s a salty fish Even to death, the indifference to fame and fortune after doing things is unmatched by other elves.

Take Electric Dragon as an example. Sometimes after the battle, he will even actively seek praise from Chen Qian.

Such a character is not very good.

“Will you surrender on your own, or will you let me beat you up?”

Chen Qian looked at the big bird carrying Fang Cunxin and asked.

Although an elf of this strength cannot speak yet, it is not difficult to understand human language. After all, they are all from the same country. They spoke the same language.

As Chen Qian expected, Dabi Niao did not hesitate and nodded directly to express his willingness to surrender. He had no intention of resisting at all.

Although Dabi Niao surrendered in compliance with Chen Qian’s wishes, he despised it. He glanced at Dabi Bird.

If all his elves were like this, wouldn’t it be over if he was attacked by a sneak attack?

Dabi Bird understood what Chen Gan meant and felt aggrieved.

The reason why it did this The main reason is that it has no feelings at all for Fang Cunxin.

Not only does it not have any bond with Fang Cunxin, it doesn’t even have shared memories.

It has been subjected to various rigorous trainings since it was hatched, and has done various tasks. All kinds of scientific research were then rewarded to Fang Cunxin. The relationship between the two was not that of friends, but just subordinates of superiors and subordinates. In such a relationship, it is naturally impossible to give up one’s life for Fang Cunxin.

Who can You haven’t thought about it yet?

You just want to live, what’s wrong with you?

Chen Qian winked at the big bird, and the big bird immediately controlled his body and flew towards the ground, landing steadily on the ground.

Although there was a slight bump. , but Fang Cunxin was as stable as an old dog and still fell into a deep sleep.

Under Darkrai’s method, it was almost impossible to wake up in a short time.

Chen Qian didn’t want to wake up Fang Cunxin so early. Seeing that His face was twisted in pain, and he simply waited for half an hour before kicking Fang Cunxin awake.

Fang Cunxin opened her eyes, and her eyes were full of blood. She looked haggard.

The first time she saw Chen Qian, He subconsciously took a step back, his eyes full of fear.

The previous high-spiritedness was gone at all.

Chen Qian was quite helpless about this. It seemed that he could only wait until he had time to educate Darkrai and let him create nightmares. Sometimes, don’t let yourself be a bad person.

There are so many people in this world, and there are many people known to others, so why do you have to let yourself be this bad person?

As a result, you really look like a bad person.

This is not good.

However, Compared with other people who were tortured by Darkrai before,

Fang Cunxin’s will was stronger. After she came to her senses, she looked at Chen Qian and asked,”Who are you?” What happened to everything that just happened?”

“just? Chen Qian smiled calmly:”That’s just a dream.””

“No, it’s impossible. If it’s a dream, how can it be so real?”Fang Cunxin seems to be a little nervous.

He actually doesn’t believe the reality.

Chen Qian ignores this. To be honest, he actually doesn’t know what Fang Cunxin just dreamed about.

“it’s painful? Chen Qian’s face suddenly turned cold:”Pain is all right. Whatever I ask next, you can answer whatever I ask, otherwise there will be even more pain waiting for you.””


“Don’t worry about it, just tell me everything you know.”Chen Qian said seriously:”What is the purpose of Organization V asking you to appear next to me again and again?”

When she heard the name of the organization, Fang Cunxin’s face calmed down quickly, and she pretended to be stupid and said in shock:”What organization? I do not know what you’re talking about”

“Do you know that you have now committed the crime of illegal detention? If I sue you, what kind of punishment will there be? Chen Gan smiled:”

Darkrai, continue to increase the dosage.””

To be honest, Chen Qian doesn’t like letting Darkrai torture others. After all, he can’t see the images in other people’s dreams, so he won’t feel any pleasure at all.

But helplessly, there are always some people who are stubborn and have no choice but to do it. The best way to use this trick.

Fang Cunxin’s face changed drastically. He remembered that the organization had told Chen Qian that there was an evil spirit in Chen Qian’s hand that could make people fall into madness.

Although at first, he felt that the organization It was an exaggeration.

But now he has fully realized it.

Everything he just experienced was actually created by evil spirits.

This is not an ordinary thing.

He wanted to give in.

But Chen Qian did not give him this Darkrai didn’t give him the chance.

Chen Qian’s shadow was distorted, and Fang Cunxin’s eyes were instantly confused, and he collapsed directly on the ground. He fell asleep.

Shortly after Fang Cunxin fell into coma, an alliance investigator Members came to Chen Qian.

Although Wu Hulie did not call Wu Hulie later, Chen Qian knew that according to the alliance’s methods, it was impossible not to know that he was here.

“Hello, Mr. Chen Qian, I am Li Youqing, the investigator here to hand over the task.”

The outstanding-looking Li Youqing looked at Chen Qian and introduced herself solemnly.

“Hello.”Chen Qian nodded in response, politely took the other person’s extended hand, touched it lightly, and quickly let go.

Although the other person is good-looking, as a modest gentleman, naturally he cannot be like the common people in the world.

“What’s up with him?”Li Youqing looked at Fang Cunxin at her feet and asked worriedly.

This is the first mission she has carried out. Don’t you just encounter a dead mission target?_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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