A large plate of meat was served, probably because of the high prices here, but there were enough ingredients.

If it is just for the sake of being full, I think that even if I can eat, I can still be full.

There are not many stores with such affordable prices anymore.

Although the price is a bit higher, as far as Chen Qian knows, in many places, especially places with relatively high prices, the per capita consumption of thousands is actually less than two taels of meat.

Although this is just a sentiment for rich people.

But for Chen Qian, it was a bit difficult to accept.

Although I have money now, I was poor for a long time in my previous life. Before I turned eighteen in this life, I didn’t have much money.

For the time being, Chen Qian felt that he could not enjoy such a life.

Thinking about it, only a rich girl like Ma Yiyi, who grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, has no feelings about this.

Because for them, money is actually just a number.

After such a long period of contact, Chen Qian once asked Ma Yiyi how much her monthly living expenses were.

Ma Yiyi scratched her head and thought for a long time before replying:”I don’t know, I’ve never used it up anyway.”

She was going too far.

Eating is the most important thing right now

“Woo!”Su Yunyun picked up a piece of cooked meat and put it in Zuoli, she immediately showed a satisfied look.

“This is definitely the most delicious meat I have ever eaten in my life. Although I don’t know what it is, come on, try it too!”

Su Yunyun said as she picked up a piece of meat from the pot that was already completely cooked not long after she put it down, and handed it to Chen Qian.

Chen Qian tasted it carefully and found that this unknown meat was indeed good.

It doesn’t have the mutton smell of beef and mutton, but it is much more delicious than pork.

People can’t help but wonder what kind of meat this is made from.

When Aunt Su saw this scene, she immediately smiled. The female student was not satisfied, she She didn’t expect that Su Yunyun would be so kind to her when she grew up.

After all, she also changed from a girl to a woman, and she knew the truth.

Since she got married, she has had very little contact with her natal family.

Except for the first day of the first lunar month Except for the past trip, she almost never goes to her parents’ house throughout the year.

Although she misses her family and childhood playmates.

But that’s the way it is, some things are out of control.

If Uncle Su works overtime at the beginning of the year, she won’t even She can’t even go back to her parents’ family.

She is very satisfied now that her daughter is so close to Chen Qian. Although Aunt Su feels that Su Yunyun is indeed a bad match for Chen Qian. A genius like Chen Qian will definitely have to face challenges in his life. There were too many things that ordinary people could not experience.

But she felt that the two children had grown up together after all. Do they really have no feelings at all?

She had joked with Su Yunyun a lot in the past, and she was not worthy of Chen Qian at all.

Although She was joking. She was very satisfied with her daughter’s performance in recent years.

But she felt that something was wrong.

Especially Chen Qian was always worried that if her daughter really got good with Chen Qian, Chen Qian would become

What should she do? Will others say that she is following the crowd?

But seeing the happy scene at this moment, she suddenly figured it out.

None of this can be forced, no matter whether it is successful or not, with She doesn’t have much to do with it.

That’s all the business of her children.

Although she has always treated Chen Qiang as her own son over the years, the wealth does not go to outsiders.

If she had watched Chen Qian grow up since she was a child, It would be better if we could become real relatives with the Su family.

Of course, the person Aunt Su considered rich and powerful was Chen Qian, not Su Yunyun.

Uncle Su didn’t seem to see this.

He experienced Having received higher education, he is very open-minded about these things. Although speaking out may cause estrangement, Chen Qian is indeed not a bloodline of the Su family.

There will be no problems with Su Yunyun.

But he usually doesn’t care about these things. I won’t care about it, or I’m too lazy to care about it.

But as a person who has experienced it, everything my daughter shows to Chen Qian, if it is simply a sister’s kindness to her brother, it is obviously impossible.

That kind of look, as a sister, It is absolutely impossible for a person to have it.

Chen Qian didn’t seem to see the couple’s eyes, and just smiled. He continued to eat the delicious hot pot.

During this period, the family of four was enjoying themselves and was very comfortable.

While the waiter was adding soup , At the end of the day, Chen Qian asked:”What are the ingredients used in your store?”

He saw that Su Yunyun and Aunt Su both liked food.

He thought that when he had free time in the future, he might be able to buy some and have a hot pot meal at home.

After all, although hot pot looks high-end enough, it is actually In fact, it was just that.

The waiter looked at Chen Qian in surprise.

“We are a themed restaurant here, didn’t you know that in advance?”

Chen Qian looked confused. He had heard of theme hotels himself. What is a theme restaurant?

“The dishes and ingredients used in our store are all the richest meat from elves.”

The waiter did not shy away from this.

After all, it is a theme restaurant. Most of the customers are repeat customers, and the rest come here because of its reputation.

If Chen Qian’s family can become repeat customers, for him, the benefits will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.


Su Yunyun’s expression immediately changed, and the chopsticks that were bringing the meat into her mouth stopped momentarily.

Her expression was a little ugly.

“Any questions?”The waiter asked curiously

“no problem.”Chen Qian thought for a moment and immediately called the waiter away.

The waiter left with a smile without stopping at all.

“Do you think it’s cruel?”Chen Qian looked at Su Yunyun with a complicated face and asked.

“Sort of.”

Su Yunyun is not a pretentious person, but it is still a bit hard to accept it at this moment.

Aunt Su, who is sitting opposite Chen Qian, has the same expression.

“Human beings are inherently cruel. Chen Gan said meaningfully:”If this is the meat of ordinary animals, wouldn’t it be cruel?””

“When I think about such cute Pikachu, I feel my stomach churn.”

Su Yunyun said helplessly.

She still couldn’t accept this.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading – collection, recommendation,

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