“Ask, what’s the matter?”

Chen Qian looked at Li Xiuer and asked calmly

“Your elf level has increased so quickly. Do you have any secrets?”

After Li Xiuer said goodbye to Chen Qian last time, all the images in her mind were occupied by him, and she would naturally learn about him through her brother. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t understand him. Previously, she was mostly attracted by Chen Qian’s handsomeness.

But after getting to know him, she felt inferior. After a month of leisure, she couldn’t help but ask herself in her heart: Is she worthy of such an outstanding boy as Brother Chen Gan? The answer is obvious. Although she was dissatisfied, she still knew herself and knew that she was not worthy at all.

Until some time later, This low mood has improved a little.

Regarding this, she now just wants to know why Chen Qian has such a terrifying talent, and how the several elves in his hands increase in level as fast as a ghost.

“In fact, most of it comes from the elves’ own talents. Chen Qian smiled humbly and said,”I was just lucky enough to get some elves with good enough talents.””

One thing to say is that the potential of the elf in Chen Qian’s hands is indeed good enough. Although the fundamental reason for the rapid level improvement is the system’s heaven-defying ability.

But this ability cannot be shared. You can’t tell Li Xiu’er that you have the system. That’s all I can say

“Then why does every elf you capture have better talent than ordinary elves? Li Xiuer asked, tilting her head.

This was the question she really wanted to know.

After all, he was not a powerful trainer, but he had received nine years of compulsory education, and the school teacher had already mentioned it during class.

The talent of the elves is related to the upper limit of the elves and the speed at which they reach the upper limit.

This is a consensus shared by almost everyone.

She is mainly curious about why Chen Qian’s elves have such good talents.

As far as she knows, in the Jiangnan area, Before the Elf Competition, Chen Qian’s family situation was not bad, but not good.

He couldn’t afford the elves prepared for rich children.

Even the Li family could not afford those elves. , even after receiving the bonus, Chen Qian cannot afford the kind of top-level elf with super potential.

But so far, of every elf in Chen Qian’s hands, which one is not the top-level existence?

“To be honest, before I owned my first elf, I read a lot of records about elves, and read a lot of information, so I knew which elves were very strong and worth buying.”

Chen Qian muttered, as if he had returned to the time when he had not graduated from high school and went to the school library every day to check out books. It has been more than ten years since he came to this world. Before the system awakened, he was like an ordinary person here. I stayed there for more than ten years, but I didn’t find anything special about myself.

There was no golden finger, no incredible background, and no system.

I could only use all the places that could improve myself to improve myself, and at that time In his opinion, the thing that can best improve oneself is knowledge.

What he used to think was that although this is the age of elves, ordinary people do not have no chance of survival.

Read more books, and you can live better than ordinary people in the future. It’s better, which is good.

In fact, in many things, before the system awakened this year, he has always treated himself as an ordinary person.

“Is that so?”Li Xiuer nodded very seriously:”In the future, I will also work hard to read books and strive to be like Brother Chen Gan.”

“you sure?”Li Zhenjiang looked at his sister with distrust. He still knew what his sister was like.

Apart from liking Chen Qian, no matter what it was, she always had only three minutes of enthusiasm.

Although, this little girl has never been Admitting that he has any thoughts about Chen Qian, at most it means that he has a little affection for Chen Qian.

But let alone his brother, even if a random person stands up on the street, he can tell that this little girl is up to no good.

“In fact, the element of luck is also very important. Chen Gan said with a smile:”I feel that my greatest talent may be luck.””

Although he has been silent and an ordinary person for eighteen years, he is the only one among the billions of people in the world who can have a luck awakening system.

Of course, Chen Qian is not sure. Among many people, is he really the only one with a system?

He is not even sure whether others are reborn or time travellers.

If in his previous life, someone told Chen Qian that he was a time traveler or a reborn person, he would definitely not He will believe it.

But in this life, even if someone tells him that he is Qin Shihuang, he will consider getting to know him.

Of course, except for the kind who can tell at a glance that he is a liar.

“Um.”Li Zhenjiang nodded with deep understanding:”Luck is also a kind of strength. If you weren’t lucky enough to get to know Brother Qian early, it might be difficult for someone like me to get to know you after you become a successful person.”

“You can’t say that, it’s all fate.”Chen Gan said with a smile.

After talking for a while, the food was served, and it was very rich.

But there was nothing surprising. After all, everything was ordered according to the menu.

The only thing that surprised Chen Gan Yes, the food made by the chef in this restaurant can actually match the picture on the menu, reaching a degree of restoration of more than 90%.

This can be regarded as an honest store.

After finishing a simple meal,

Li Zhenjiang asked :”Brother, are you free tonight? I have a few friends who also want to meet you”

“Male or female? Why do you know me?”Chen Qian couldn’t help asking.

He is not a big business man, nor does he know anyone powerful. What can he do if he knows him?

Could it be that he is greedy for his own body?

Then he can’t go there even more.

“Male, I was in the same class before, we had a good relationship, now I’m studying in Longcheng”

“Zhenjiang? Why do I feel like you are hiding something from me? Chen Qianmi looked at Li Zhenjiang and asked,”No one wants you to introduce me to her, right?””

“Okay, brother, it’s actually those classmates of mine who said I knew you, and they happened to be here at Dragon City now. I want to take you there to confirm it.”

“Don’t be too competitive as a person.”Chen Qianyu patted Li Zhenjiang’s shoulder sincerely.

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