In the stadium, the cheers were almost deafening.

The electric dragon in the venue stands proudly, exuding the appearance of a king, and the fluffy white hair on its tail moves gently in the wind.

Judging from the appearance alone, coupled with the special roar, it can definitely be regarded as a cute pet.

But the strength it showed made no one dare to look down upon this elf that roared like it was cute.

As the protagonist who was once penetrated three times, Ding Yuntian’s expression at this time was strangely calm, ever since the end of the second scene.

He already knew that he could not be Chen Qian’s opponent. As for whether he would lose to three elves or an electric dragon.

Essentially, there is no difference

“Thank you, you made me see my own shortcomings.”After Ding Yuntian said a word, he left the field directly.

Entering the top thirty-two, no matter what the final result is, there is no shame.

If you blame others for wearing three and humiliating yourself because of losing, that would be really shameful.

Feeling humiliated, can’t you be stronger?

Chen Qian nodded politely and didn’t care too much. He calmly put the electric dragon back into the elf ball.

What does advancing to the top sixteen mean to Chen Qian? In fact, it is just one step closer to completing the mission.

As for whether he can complete the mission, of course, it is up to fate to do his best. Although Chen Qian is now the most powerful contender for the championship among the top 16, he never feels that he is certain. To be able to win the championship.

I never hope for anything in advance.

Take it one step at a time.

Just try to stand firm on each step under your feet.

As for where you can go, it depends on where the end of the step is.

“Why do the top 32 players in the country, who used to feel like heavenly beings, now seem like nothing more than that?”

After Chen Qian returned to the audience, Su Yunyun immediately tilted her head and asked

“Xiao Qian didn’t say anything, but you swelled up first.”Aunt Su feigned anger and patted Su Yunyun on the head lightly, scolding

“Stop fighting, don’t fight, you’ll be stupid if you fight again.”Su Yunyun held her head and pretended to be in pain:”If I hadn’t been beaten by you all the time when I was a child, I wouldn’t be in this state now. Chen

Qian laughed and joked:”You are so stupid to begin with. Even if Aunt Su doesn’t hit you, it won’t make much difference.””

“You’ve rebelled against me! Su Yunyun pretended to be angry and said angrily:”Mom beat me because she is older than me. How could you say that to me?” What is your identity? so rude!”

Smiling, the matter is over.

Su Yunyun is very nervous, so naturally she won’t be really angry.

“Xiaoqian, do you want to go back now?”Uncle Su has always been the most stable person in the family. He did not participate in the joke, he just asked

“Let’s see, among the candidates who can advance to the top 16, there are still a few people who are still a certain threat to me winning the championship.”

Chen Qian thought for a while and said calmly.

Although by now, all the spirits that should be shown have been shown.

From the middle of the game, there is no longer a dark horse. Who is who, what is the background, what is the background, and what is in hand. What a powerful elf.

It has been made public a long time ago.

But there is nowhere to go after leaving the stadium. Go back and lie on the bed and watch the live broadcast on your mobile phone. The effect is naturally not as good as staying at the scene.

Because in the top 32 games, there are only sixteen games in a day. Naturally, There is no need for multiple sessions to be held at the same time.

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