"I... Fire?" Chen Qian was stunned.

Cai Binbin took out his mobile phone from his pocket, tapped the screen a few times, and then handed it to Chen Qian: "See for yourself." "

I took the phone and took a look at the deposit, and the screen was full of news about myself.

"Nancheng is surprised by a genius trainer!".

"Gangnam big seed?!".

"Shocked, this young trainer actually defeated the rich second generation in this way!".

"Learn the way this genius trainer and you can become a genius trainer too!".

A variety of titles are presented in the eye.

The first few are quite normal, but just looking at the title has an element of deliberately exaggerating and attracting attention.

And the latter ones are purely articles published by marketing accounts.

The bells and whistles made Chen Qian laugh.

He never imagined that he would one day become the target of marketing account consumption.

"How's that?" Cai Binbin asked.

"It's all deliberately exaggerated, how did I not know that I had such a great description in the article? I just played an event competition on the side of the street, and I was also a seeded player in the Jiangnan competition? I haven't signed up yet. "

Chen Qian complained while flipping through it.

"That's normal. Cai Binbin said.

"What's normal? I wonder if the people who follow the news are eating too hard. Chen Qian said.

"Are you really a trainer?" Cai Binbin's expression was a little subtle.

"Nonsense. "

"Looks like you really don't know, so let me explain it to you. Cai Binbin paused.

"Well, now that it's graduation season, and on the eve of the regional competitions, any news about great trainers is undoubtedly extremely interesting. "

"Competition is fierce in every region, and the Elven Alliance encourages this kind of competition, as the saying goes, where there is competition, there is progress. "

"But since it's a competition, the major media must select more amazing, distinctive, and eye-catching representative trainers to create gimmicks, so as to attract traffic and create a sense of anticipation for the upcoming regional competitions. "

Hearing this, Chen Qian couldn't help but interject: "So I was selected to be one of them?".

Cai Binbin was helpless: "How many trainers are looking forward to becoming famous." And I watched that game, and the video is being circulated on major websites, your performance is really awesome, and it's not surprising that you were picked. However, your fame is mainly in the Gangnam area, and it is estimated that many players who are preparing to participate in the Gangnam region competition have begun to pay attention to you. "

"I see. Chen Qian nodded.

"You don't want to be famous?" Cai Binbin observed Chen Qian's expression.

"To be honest, being famous isn't a good thing when you're not really on your own, it just causes me some unnecessary trouble. Chen Qian explained.

"You, you're still too young! What's the trouble? It's nothing more than a little competition for trainers, look at those regional kings, when you were young, which one wasn't chased and challenged every day?" Cai Binbin comforted.

"I understand the reason, I'm ready to be famous, but I don't plan to be famous so soon. Chen Qian shook his head.

Cai Binbin sighed: "Okay, anyway, in the current era of traffic, while the popularity about you has not fermented, you will disappear for a period of time, and soon the news about you will decrease, at most until the start of the competition in the Jiangnan region." "

Chen Qian nodded: "That's exactly what I planned." "

Cai Binbin was helpless: "You, you, you still don't understand the biggest benefit of being famous, this means that you can enter the field of vision of those bigwig trainers, if you are favored by some old-timers and accepted as apprentices, you will have a bright future! As far as I know, there are many old-timers in the Jiangnan area who cherish talents!".

After hearing this, Chen Qian returned the phone to Cai Binbin with a smile.

"As soon as you talk about accepting apprentices and old-timers, I think of one who also said some time ago that he would accept me as an apprentice. "

"Who?" Cai Binbin wondered.

"If I'm not mistaken, it's Wu Hulie. "


"Wu Hulie. "

"Why don't you blow it hard, don't you know who Wu Hulie is?" Cai Binbin obviously didn't believe it.

"I know, one of the former Four Heavenly Kings of the Jiangnan region. "

"Since the old people have left office, they have lived in seclusion and lived a quiet life, you say that people take you as an apprentice, do you know where people are?"

"You know, as the owner of the gym in Jiangcheng, he also stares at the dojo monitor all day long to observe the newcomers who challenge the gym. Chen Qian said this very calmly.

But Cai Binbin was suddenly stunned.

He carefully observed Chen Gan's eyes, and his heart became uncertain.

"You... Do you really know Wu Hulie's predecessors?".

"I said I knew, and he also added me on WeChat, you see, this is his circle of friends. Chen Qian took out his mobile phone

Cai Binbin hurriedly leaned his head to look.

At this glance, he was suddenly shocked: "! You really know Wu Hulie's seniors! Doesn't that mean... You are the apprentice of Wu Hulie's predecessor?!".

"No, he wanted to take me as an apprentice, and he took out a very weak elf to fight me at that time, and then I won, and he couldn't teach me. Chen Qian explained.

"Why did you even win against Wu Hulie's senior?!" Cai Binbin was like seeing a ghost, and his voice raised a few points.

"It's just a fluke, he should have used a newly captured elf that didn't last long, and if he used the main elf, I wouldn't have to fight at all. "

"That's awesome!".

"That's why I said, it's not a good thing for me to be famous at the moment, you see that even the previous Heavenly King didn't take me as an apprentice. "

"You fuck, Wu Hulie's old-timers can't teach you, it must be that you don't need a master to teach, so you will be confiscated, and WeChat has been added, obviously you are very important!".

Cai Binbin excitedly complained about this sentence, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Chen Qian, a person who is good at handling interpersonal relationships, can't he feel that Wu Hulie attaches great importance to him?


Cai Binbin suddenly realized: "You kid is pretending to be with me?!".

"It's rare to have a chance to pretend once. Chen Qian said with a smile.

"Damn, it's really your trick. "

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