For example, Zhao Man, a dull beast, his eyes instantly became clear after receiving the order.

A thick jet of water shot out from its mouth.

The diameter of the water column is about half a meter, its momentum is like a rainbow, and its speed is extremely fast. It is a magical skill for dealing with fire-attributed elves.

Chen Qian wanted to give instructions, but when he saw the fire-breathing dragon raising its head proudly and standing motionless, he kept silent.

In fact, for elves, when faced with danger, they can instinctively dodge even without the trainer’s order.

You must know that the reaction ability of elves, especially the powerful elves, is several times that of humans.

Charizard naturally has its own ideas when doing this.

The water column washed over the Charizard’s body like a waterfall, and the water flow spread and swallowed every corner of the Charizard’s body.

Just raising the blue flame on its tail high, it is still burning extremely vigorously

“Is Charizard stupid?”

“As a fire attribute elf, when faced with water attribute skills, he didn’t even dodge?”

“Chen Qian didn’t even make any move? What’s going on here?”

“Could it be that Zhao Man did something to Chen Qian during his break?”……

When the audience saw this scene, they all said in confusion.

They simply couldn’t understand what Charizard and Chen Qian were thinking in their minds at this moment.

This is simply suicide, or the same as committing suicide.

“pretty! The attack works, Slowpoke continues to attack!”Zhao Man was overjoyed when he saw this.

As a powerful trainer, he has experienced many hard battles over the years and knows how important attribute suppression is.

So when he saw the elf sent by Chen Qian in this game, The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He was very happy.

At least he saw the dawn of victory.

“Charizard, have you had enough bathing?”The tone was very calm and there was no trace of panic.


The Charizard once again let out a loud dragon roar, which resounded in the sky above the gym.

Then the Charizard took a step forward and walked directly out of the water column, staring at the Slowshell Beast with its eyes like a torch.

Fiery flames began to rise from its body. , the water droplets on the body instantly evaporated.

Speaking of which, compared with the electric dragon, the roar of the fire-breathing dragon is really domineering.

As for the roar of the electric dragon, Chen Qian didn’t even want to say it, it was simply embarrassing.

“Charizard, use flames!”

As Chen Qian’s voice sounded, the fire-breathing dragon took a step back and stepped firmly on the ground. He opened his huge mouth, and a hot blue flame shot out from the mouth.

The blue flame seemed to It was as if the space was distorted, and the audience in the audience seemed to be able to feel the rolling heat.

This scene directly frightened the audience.

The fire-breathing dragon was just taking a bath? This was really terrifying.

The scene just now , they felt that the fire-breathing dragon could hardly hold on, but in fact it did not suffer any damage.

The attack it sent out at this time was still at the level of destroying the world.

“Slowpoke, use Freeze Beam!”

When Zhao Man saw this scene, the smile on his face gradually dissipated in an instant, and was replaced by a very solemn look. He could only give instructions quickly.

The Slow-shell Beast was not at all stunned at this moment, and quickly released an icy blue light.

And Compared with the previous water column, the icy blue light was even more terrifying.

With a biting chill, the ground where it passed was condensed into ice.

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