A huge roar resounded in the stadium.

A huge amount of dust instantly rose from the ground, and the scene just now was like a careful explosion, taking place in the center of the stadium.

The fire-breathing dragon landed firmly on the ground, raised its head high, and let out a thunderous roar.

A blazing blue flame also shot into the sky at the same time.

Declaring one’s own powerful power.

The dust and smoke slowly dispersed.

Slowpoke’s body finally appeared in front of the audience again.

I saw that the part of the Slowshell beast’s body where it landed sank deeply downwards.

Cracks like spider webs were spread across every corner of the field, and the impact of the landing was evident.

Watch the changes that have taken place in the venue.

Looking at the body of the Slowshell Beast, we saw that it had collapsed on the ground. The shell on the tail of the Shell Beast was also covered with cracks due to the strong impact.

Obviously he can’t stand up and continue fighting.

“Sluggish Beast lost its fighting consciousness, and player Chen Qian won the game!”

The referee’s voice shouted loudly, announcing that Chen Qian was only one victory away from the top eight.

Since the national competition has been held, the youngest top eight will be born.

No one knows whether there will be no one after him. But at this moment, it is absolutely unprecedented!

Although most viewers have already determined that Chen Qian will still break many records in the future.

But those are all things in the future.

The road is walked step by step.

Trainers want to go on it At the peak, the most important thing is actually to rely on the strength of elves.

The role of humans is to train elves. This is a truth that everyone knows.

After this battle, Chen Qian may be praised by countless people as the human being who is best at training elves. If

Chen Qian is willing, even if he has no experience in training elves, he will just rely on one-handed system to force upgrade.

But as long as he talks, he will attract countless devout apprentices.

If you want to get rich, it just depends on Chen Qian It was just a thought.

Chen Qian looked at Zhao Man across the field, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration in his eyes. Even in this situation, he still didn’t admit defeat.

This was indeed difficult for him.

Chen Qian looked at Zhao Man Man looked a little disappointed at this time, but he still had no intention of surrendering.

I thought there would be a fiercer battle next.

But he was also happy to let his elf undergo the baptism of the competition and gain more strength. Powerful elves are fighting.

Just like when facing Chen Qian before, he had a challenger mentality, thinking that regardless of winning or losing, as long as his elves can be improved, it would be a good thing. But for Chen Qian, it is not a good thing.

The so-called game, in fact, as long as the mentality does not jump at the end of the game, regardless of winning or losing, it is a win-win situation for both parties.

Therefore, this Zhao Man can be regarded as a respectable opponent.

After a short break, the referee just wanted to speak, Zhao Man took the lead.

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PS: After today’s update is completed, please subscribe and support , please give me flowers and review votes!!!!!!

PS: After today’s update is completed, please subscribe and support, please give me flowers and review votes!!!!!!!

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