But according to Yue Wuxiu, Chen Qian knew for the first time that the elf had broken through from level 99 to level 100 without the help of the system.

There is a big hurdle to overcome.

But he never had to think about this issue. As long as he had enough experience, his level would increase.

But speaking of it, Chen Qian didn’t know if there were special conditions from level 99 to level 100.

After all, he currently has three full-level elves in his hand, all of which were forcibly upgraded using magical candies.

At this time, only the venue was visible.

Dazzling lightning suddenly appeared in the field, overwhelmingly sweeping towards Regice.

“Regice, use Blizzard!”

Yue Wuxiu commanded immediately.

The huge Regius raised his right arm, as if he had completed some kind of spell.

Within ten meters around it, ice crystals condensed out of thin air and appeared in front of everyone.

Putting his body Firmly protected within it.

At the same time, it is slowly spreading outward.

When the powerful thunder and lightning sweeps over, these ice crystals almost block all the power of thunder and lightning.

Although these ice crystals withstand the attack of thunder and lightning, they themselves are all Turned into powder.

But after the ice crystals shattered, the ice crystals condensed again and appeared in the venue.

At this time, the temperature in the venue dropped sharply. If this situation continues, these ice crystals will be almost inexhaustible. Inexhaustible, almost endless existence.

Is this the extremely powerful ice attribute elf?

Chen Qian’s face showed a fighting spirit that he had never seen before.

It was also difficult to conceal the excitement in his heart.

For him now Yan said that it is very difficult to meet opponents of comparable strength.

Therefore, he even felt that this National Elf Competition was not even as interesting as the Jiangnan Elf Competition during the summer vacation.

Although he crushed many opponents along the way, It was not difficult to achieve the final victory.

But at that time, he had only debuted for a long time, and the strength of many opponents was not very different from his. It could also inspire the fighting spirit in his heart.

But as this semester With the increased strength of the elf in his hand, Chen Qian no longer had too many ideas about the competition.

Even though the opponents he encountered in the National Elf Competition were far stronger than those he had encountered before.

But he knew that he would definitely win.

Especially when it came to In the second half, the strength of the electric dragon increased significantly twice in a row, which made him feel even more.

Even if he lost 0 to 2, as long as he sent the electric dragon on the field in the last game, he could have reversed the situation. The situation.

Although such a stable situation makes people feel good, it loses the real meaning of the game itself.

That is the passionate state during the battle.

On the field, the electric current released by the electric dragon for the first time was completely eliminated by the ice crystals that appeared out of thin air. After resisting it, it did not attack Regice’s body at all.

Moreover, it continued to condense ice crystals, and it continued to spread towards the side where the electric dragon was.

Looking at the posture, it seemed to cover the entire venue.

The extremely low temperature was also Affecting the action of the electric dragon, Chen Qian can clearly see that the action of the electric dragon has become a bit sluggish.

This is a unique characteristic of ice elves, and it subtly affects the final result of the game.

It is not difficult to see during the game. , the opponent of the ice attribute elf was slowly frozen into an ice sculpture during the battle, and finally lost the entire game.

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PS: After today’s update is completed, please subscribe, support, flowers, and vote!!!!

PS: After today’s update is completed, please subscribe and support. , please flowers, please review votes!!!!!!

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