When I returned to the hotel after dinner, it was already past nine o'clock.

Chen Qian lay down, habitually looking at his mobile phone before going to bed, and brushing up on his circle of friends, he is a little bored now.

Wu Mengting left Jiangcheng as early as the day before yesterday, and Li Zhenjiang's brothers and sisters also left Jiangcheng yesterday.

They all invited Chen Qian to go with them, but Chen Qian declined.

When he is outside, Chen Qian's temperament is more inclined to be alone, because it is not a problem to take care of himself, but if he wants to take care of others, although it is not difficult, he will feel troublesome, and he has to take into account the emotions and habits of others, so if he can avoid peers, he will try to avoid it.

When he was bored watching short videos, Chen Qian suddenly remembered a very important matter.

"I've gathered three elves that can be taken out for normal battles, so let's leave Nancheng tomorrow to challenge the next golden rank. Chen Qian muttered to himself, he almost forgot the task goal of the system.

"Then set off from Forest Road No. 163, and while practicing in the wilderness, we went all the way south to Izumi City, where I rested for a while, and obtained the badge of the Gym by the way. "

After making a plan in his heart, Chen Qian put down his phone and prepared to rest.

But at this moment, the mobile phone rang suddenly.

When I picked it up, it was Cai Binbin calling.

Inexplicably, Chen Qian felt that the other party was calling for help.

After hesitating for a few seconds, in the spirit of politeness, Chen Qian still connected the phone.


"Chen Qian, have you slept now?" Cai Binbin on the other end of the phone was full of excitement and anxiety.

"I've answered your call, what do you say?" Chen Qian rolled his eyes.

"It's good that you haven't slept, you hurry out now, I'm downstairs in your hotel!".

"Do what?".

"There's no time to explain, get in the car!".

After speaking, the phone was hurriedly hung up by the other end.

Chen Qian was a little puzzled, but he could hear the anxiety in Cai Binbin's tone.

There must be something important, right?

With Cai Binbin's character, he won't play any pranks with him.

So, Chen Qian put on his shoes and hurriedly went downstairs.

In front of the hotel, a black car is parked in front of the main entrance.

Through the rolled down window, Cai Binbin's side face can be seen.

Chen Qian walked over quickly, opened the car door and just sat down, Cai Binbin immediately said: "Fasten your seat belt, the speed may be a little fast later!".

Although he wondered what was going on, Chen Qian still did what Cai Binbin said first.

Then, a deafening engine sound like the roar of a wild beast exploded in my ears.

Apparently this is a modified car.


With a roar, the car quickly sprang out.

Chen Qian felt the speed of the car for a moment, and asked calmly, "What is so urgent?"

"Hey, you have to thank me for saying it!" Cai Binbin grinned, with a bit of smugness.

"Then you say. "

"One of my investigation teams has spotted a glitter elf!".

Hearing this, Chen Qian's eyes lit up: "What race?".

"Flash iron dumbbells! It's the one that can eventually evolve into a giant gold monster, you know?" Cai Binbin gestured with one free hand.

"You know, I only fought the Golden Monster some time ago. Chen Qian was a little excited, but quickly calmed down, "But what does the flash spirit found by your alliance investigation team have anything to do with me? Don't you have to turn it in?"

"Not what we found. Cai Binbin paused, and added, "To be exact, we haven't found any trace of that flashing iron dumbbell." "

Hearing this, Chen Gan's face suddenly fell: "OK, stop, I want to go back to the hotel." "

"What are you anxious about, listen to me finish speaking!" Cai Binbin was a little helpless.

"Then you'd better give me a reasonable and satisfactory answer, or I'll block you. Chen Qian's eyes were empty, and when he said this, he had already taken out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

"Why are you so grumpy?".

"I'm going to sleep, and you made a phone call to make me hurry out, and tell me this?

"I don't want you to be happy, and besides, how can I trick you, I can't help you. "

"Then you hurry up!" Chen Qian urged impatiently.

Cai Binbin organized the language a little: "That's right, the investigation team below me has just arrested a group of organized poachers on Forest Road 163, and during the interrogation, one of the arrested poachers told the story of the discovery of flashing iron dumbbells in the arrested cave in order to get a reduced sentence. Then I immediately sent someone over to investigate, and in the meantime, as long as the investigation team didn't find any trace of the glitter iron dumbbell, it didn't belong to the Alliance, you know what I mean?".

"Understood, as long as I rush over and find that glitter iron dumbbell first, then it belongs to the trainer himself in the wild and catches it by normal means, and your elf alliance has no right to confiscate that glitter iron dumbbell, right?"

"Clever!" Cai Bin grinned, "I know you have a Leo Lu, this race's special ability waveguide can be used as a radar, and it is better than any radar instrument that detects elves, especially when searching for some elves who are born with the ability to shield instruments, as long as we arrive as quickly as possible, then that flashing iron dumbbell is basically yours." "

"Thank you. Chen Qian's face looked much better.

"You're welcome, I owe you two lives, and a mere flash elf is nothing. "

"Hmm. Chen Qian nodded, and did not continue on this topic, but asked: "I'm more curious, since that poaching gang found the flash iron dumbbell, why didn't they catch it, aren't you worried that they are lying?"

"The possibility of lying is very small, after all, providing false information to trick investigators is a punishable sentence. As for why they didn't catch it, according to the oral account, it was because the color of the glittering iron dumbbell was silvery-gray, and the color almost blended in with the cave, making it difficult to detect. At that time, they inadvertently found the flashing iron dumbbell by the light of the fire, and they wanted to catch it, but it happened that our people broke in and arrested them, and then the flashing iron dumbbell disappeared in the cave. "

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