After packing up, I have to leave this city for a while.

Chen Gan took a taxi to the airport. The hotel was located in the center of Longcheng, two hours away from the airport.

As a result, Chen Qian bought a plane ticket for the evening, and when he arrived at the airport, he had enough time.

When a group of four people entered the VIP rest room, Aunt Su said helplessly:”In the future, don’t buy this kind of air ticket anymore. There’s no need.””

“Well, since they all land at the same time, there is no need to waste so much money.”Uncle Su also echoed from the side.

Naturally, the couple’s views cannot be completely changed in a short time.

Chen Qian didn’t say anything, but nodded repeatedly.

In the lounge, many young people were excited after seeing Chen Qian. They gathered around me, and if they hadn’t gotten close, they would have asked if they could take a photo or something. Those who didn’t know it would have thought someone else was here looking for trouble.

“Should you consider wearing a mask when you go out in the future? Su Yunyun laughed and joked at the side:”I finally understand why those obvious people have to wear masks to prevent others from recognizing them. This is really annoying.”

“The young cadre sits upright and has nothing to show off to others, so why does he wear a mask? Aunt Su said dissatisfiedly on the side:”It’s you yourself. You haven’t found a partner at any age, so you never thought it was because of you?””

“From now on, it’s better to find a mask and wear it, so as not to scare boys away when they see you.”

When it comes to hurting others, my mother is still the best.

“Then it’s your fault, why didn’t you make me more beautiful in the first place?”This time, Su Yunyun’s wings suddenly became stiff and she actually started to fight back.

Chen Qian looked at him with a smile on his face, but he did not participate in the war between mother and daughter.

Soon, it was time to board the plane.

A few of them During the hour-long flight, other than staying by his side, other passengers would look at him a few more times when they boarded the plane.

There were no major incidents such as hijacking or aircraft malfunction.

After all, business class and toilets At the back, other passengers had no reason to come to the front to look for Chen Qian.

After a short nap, when he woke up again, it was the flight attendant who reminded Chen Qian that the plane had arrived. After the plane stopped, Chen Qian took out his mobile phone, turned off the airplane mode, and saw the text message prompt During this period of time, a number called me countless times.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Just as he was about to call, the phone rang again. It was obvious that the other party had been calling all the time.

There was almost no pause in the middle.

After leaving the gym , Chen Qian didn’t call anyone to announce the good news, but many people called to congratulate him.

He couldn’t even remember who called him.

Naturally, he wouldn’t remember who he missed.

“Hey, do you finally know how to answer the phone?”Wu Mengting on the other end of the phone said angrily.

“Just got off the plane.”Chen Qian explained with a smile.

“Then why didn’t you know to call me to tell me the good news? I waited all afternoon in vain!”Wu Mengting’s last sentence was almost word for word.

“I thought, you must have been paying attention to my game, wouldn’t it be unnecessary to call me again?”

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