But even if he discovered this, Chen Qian had no intention of exposing it.

Probably because he had been in society for a long time in his previous life, he had developed the habit of seeing through and not telling through it.

"It's not that I watch you carefully, it's that your style of acting always makes me feel that I don't have the maturity of my peers. In the small group of the class, alternative individuals are always easy to attract attention, aren't they?" Wu Mengting explained, then paused and made a small joke: "And you are the only boy in the class who never takes the initiative to talk to me." "

"So that's the case, so, I'm an alternative and interesting man, do you have a secret promise?" Chen Qian answered jokingly.

"Do I look like the kind of girl who just likes someone casually?".

"Hmm... Not like. Chen Qian pinched his chin and groaned for two seconds, teasing: "But I'm not a casual man either!".

"I know, an offbeat and interesting man. Wu Mengting picked up the joke without any pressure.

The two talked and laughed, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, like old friends who hated to see each other late.

Chen Qian found that the other party also has the idea of being better than his peers, his manners are just right, he understands a lot of things, he will not be deliberately pretentious, he can feel it, she is very smart when talking, she will care about the other party's feelings, and she talks in a measured manner, which makes people feel very comfortable, and it makes Chen Qian feel very rare.

No wonder she was worshipped as a goddess at school.

It was the male classmates who glanced over from time to time who gritted their teeth, their eyes full of envy and jealousy.

Chatting and chatting, it's time for the event to end.

Under the arrangement of the school, the students got on the school bus and embarked on the return journey.

Chen Qian and Wu Mengting were in the same class, they were in the same car when they came, and they were naturally in the same car when they left.

It's just that the two didn't sit together and continue to talk with each other.

After all, all eyes on the car were on the two of them.

There is jealousy, there is envy, and naturally there is curiosity.

Needless to say, the jealous and envious eyes came from the boys in the class, and they couldn't wait to eat Chen Qian raw.

And the curious eyes are basically girls in the same class, in their eyes, Chen Qian is the transparent person in the class, if it weren't for seeing Wu Mengting and Chen Qian talking and laughing for so long, they would almost forget that there is a boy named Chen Qian in the class.

It is precisely because of this that they are now full of curiosity about Chen Qian.

Adolescent girls are actually very bold, especially if they are interested in a boy.

Chen Qian had just sat down in the corner of the right rear of the car, and the girl in the front seat asked him to add friends on WeChat.

After all, he was in the same class, and Chen Qian couldn't find a reason to refuse, otherwise he would seem to be pretentious and add friends with a smile.

With one, there will naturally be two.

All of a sudden, Chen Qian became the focus of the girls in the class.

It's just that this caused the male classmates in the class to cast even more jealousy.

There was a faint sour smell in the bus, as if the car was carrying one lemon essence after another.

They don't understand why a transparent person is suddenly so popular

But everyone is a classmate and an adult, not stupid, and will not be full of hostility at people as soon as they open their mouths, not to mention that they can't find a reason.

So, some boys spoke loudly, trying to draw the girls' attention to themselves: "I just caught a rare flying mantis in the ecological park!".

Adolescent boys are very competitive, and when someone shows himself like this, some people naturally compare: "I caught a Casey, do you know how hard it took me? I almost let it run away with teleportation!"

"What about Casey? My Larulas is a hundred times better looking than your Casey. "

"Alas, I'm different, I just caught a six-tailed, and I can only wait for it to evolve to be beautiful. "

One after another, the fancy comparison, each one louder than the other.

It's as if I'm afraid that the people in the car won't hear it.

Adolescent boys and girls certainly like to pay attention to some things that are in love and love, but elves are undoubtedly the main theme of this world, the reason why everyone here is here, and it is a topic that everyone has and pays attention to.

Therefore, when the boys compare with each other, it naturally attracts the attention of the girls.

Everyone began to communicate around the elves caught in the ecological park, so there were many fewer people who paid attention to Chen Qian.

Chen Qian was naturally happy, and in order to keep his ears quiet, he did not join this topic very interestingly.

It's just that I don't know which girl suddenly mentioned it: "Eh, Wu Mengting, is the elf captured by Chen Qian a baa sheep?

"yes. Wu Mengting replied with a smile, "And that baa sheep is very interesting, it likes to gnaw on Chen Gan's trouser legs, and it is very sticky to Chen Qian, I tempt it with energy cubes and don't want to go with me, but now it has evolved into a fluffy sheep, and it is still very cute, but it has been changed to gnawing on Chen Gan's clothes." "

"Really, so funny?" the girl asked, her eyes lit up.

"Hearing Wu Mengting say this, I suddenly want to see Chen Gan's baa sheep!".

"Me too!".

"The Baly sheep who can refuse the energy cube must be very close to Chen Qian, right? I really envy it, the one I fancied before refused to go with me, and I still wasted a lot of effort to subdue the current wonderful frog seed!"

The girls' attention suddenly turned back to Chen Qian.

The eyes were full of anticipation, and he almost didn't write the words "I want to see the fluffy sheep" on his face.

Chen Qian hurriedly covered his eyes, tilted his head against the closed window, and pretended to be asleep.

The boys in the car were full of jealousy in an instant, as if Chen Qian was an immoral flower thief, but he was helpless.

What else can you do with a person who steals the limelight from everyone without doing anything?

Chen Qian was also very helpless in his heart, but fortunately, he pretended to be asleep, and everyone quickly shifted their attention to other points.

Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, Chen Qian fell asleep in the car.

When I woke up, the car was parked in front of the school.

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