Its color and shape were extremely similar to those of stones, all of them were silver-gray, if it weren't for Chen Qian's chance to see a red eye on the top of its head that looked like a camera probe, and reacted instantly, this thing was really no different from a strange-looking stone!

And it's fast, trying to escape with the chaos among the stones!

"Lucario! It's mixed in with the rocks, and in the back, hit it with a wave missile! Electric Dragon, Scorpio King, block the road for me, don't let anything pass!"

Chen Qian shouted as he took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it backwards.

As two white rays burst out, the Scorpion King and the Electric Dragon appeared in the center of the passage, blocking the way of the Flash Iron Dumbbells!

But the glittering iron dumbbell still tried to slip away from the gap between the two elves, but unexpectedly, a blue wave missile suddenly hit its body!


With a muffled sound, the iron dumbbell's body flew upside down to the rock wall on the left side uncontrollably!

Unexpectedly, the cunning and defense of this flash iron dumbbell was more powerful than expected, and instead of being hit hard after eating Lucario's wave missile that issued water, it also deliberately acted, and when everyone thought that it was about to crash into the rock wall and unconscious 04, it suddenly stabilized its body, and took advantage of the terrain to slam through the gap in the lower right of the electric dragon!

The electric dragon reacted, but this little thing was very fast, and it took advantage of the terrain and size that the electric dragon failed to stop it in time.

But in this lightning and flint, the Scorpio King on the other side suddenly jumped backwards, and at the same time, his wings shook violently, bursting out with an astonishing speed, spinning in mid-air, and instantly caught up with the flash iron dumbbell in an extremely tricky and beautiful posture!

At the same time, its tail swung violently like a long whip, and the iron dumbbell couldn't dodge it, and it was smashed to the ground!

Then the Scorpio King flipped his body in mid-air, and stomped heavily on the iron dumbbell's body, suppressing it with the advantage of weight and strength.

Witnessing this scene, Chen Qian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although this flash iron dumbbell is cunning, when it comes to the show, the Scorpio King can really throw it for eighteen streets.

All this was less than half a minute from beginning to end.

Cai Binbin and Lin Hongtu reacted suddenly, they had just patronized and avoided the splashing rubble, and they didn't pay attention to anything else, and when they saw the flash iron dumbbell being pressed to the ground by the Scorpion King and couldn't move, their faces were already full of surprise.

"What just happened?" Lin Hongtu was a little confused.

"Uh... I also want to know..."Cai Binbin was stupid.

Chen Qian quietly took out a few high-grade balls from the storage bar, and then walked over to the suppressed iron dumbbells.

【Iron Dumbbells】

Grade: 18

Gender: Genderless

Attributes: Steel, superpowers

Personality: Cunning

Characteristic: Light metal (body weight becomes half of normal)

Potential: S+

【Flash Variation】

Special Ability: Super Ability Skill Power


Seeing the data of the iron dumbbell, Chen Qian's eyes were in his eyes

I really found a treasure!

Not only is it a glitter elf, but it also has an extremely rare S+!

The most important thing is that this flash iron dumbbell also has the special ability of "Super Power × 2"!

The glitter sprites of this world are different from the game.

A hundred years ago, some elf researchers proved through research that the flash elf is not only different from the same race in terms of appearance and color, but the biggest special feature is that the flash elf will inevitably have an additional "specialty" on the basis of the original race!

That is, the special ability that Chen Qian saw through the eye of data.

These perks are random, and some Glitter Sprites have both.

And some glitter sprites are in terms of speed, strength, etc... Growth is much more than the same race.

You can even learn skills with different attributes that this race can't learn.

In short, varied.

Moreover, as long as the flash elf is concerned, the qualifications are generally not bad.

This is also the reason why people are very revered for the glitter elves, and every glitter elf that appears on the auction house is a sky-high price that surpasses the rare elves!

They are not extremely rare vases, on the contrary, they are the lucky ones favored by the heavens.

"Well, don't struggle. Chen Qian patted the head of the flash iron dumbbell and pressed the button of the advanced ball center to put it in.

The premium ball fell to the ground and shook violently, while the center button flashed red.

It can be seen that this flashing iron dumbbell is extremely resistant to being subdued.

This is also normal.

Many people only know that iron dumbbells are rare, but they don't know that the temperament of this race is actually extremely irritable, especially when they are disturbed and attacked.

In addition, they can control the magnetic force and the superpower of maneuvering, and it is easy to break free of the Poké Ball, so even if they are discovered, it will be difficult to successfully subdue them.

The stone that had just clinged to the rock wall exploded because this little guy was extremely unhappy because he was found hiding, and he deliberately created it.

It's cunning, though.

Normally, iron dumbbells don't care about their opponents when they are angry, and it's over!

But this flash iron dumbbell was obviously much smarter, and after a deliberate retaliatory counterattack, he immediately chose to escape.

It even makes people suspect that it is not just revenge, but also to create a chance for themselves to escape.

If it weren't for the Scorpio King's quick enough reaction and show off his position, he might have really let this little guy slip away.

By this time, the Poké Ball had stopped shaking.

The Iron Dumbbell struggled fiercely, but it was hit hard, and it was already too weak, plus the most crucial point - the advanced ball produced by the system.

Even a behemoth like the howler whale king who lost his mind at the beginning can be subdued, why can't this little guy?

"Successful takeover?"

Lin Hongtu and Cai Binbin walked over, their eyes full of 350 envy that could not be concealed.

Chen Qian put away the Poke Ball and nodded: "Yes, it's fortunate for the two of you." "

Lin Hongtu smiled helplessly: "Sure enough, my reputation is well deserved, I was still a little lucky, but I was still accepted by you." "

He shook his head, his eyes complicated.

Half of them were happy that Chen Qian was able to accept the flash iron dumbbells, and half of them were helpless because of their failure to make meritorious contributions.

"Boy, don't be sad, I'll ask your team to wash for half a month... No, a month's feet as compensation!" Cai Binbin comforted Lin Hongtu by the shoulder.

"Just waiting for your words!" Lin Hongtu suddenly grinned, the depression on his face disappeared in an instant, and there was a little smugness in his eyes.

"Rub, you kid pit me!" Cai Bin said angrily, raising his slap and making a gesture to beat someone.

Lin Hongtu dodged with a smile, picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "The flash iron dumbbells have been subdued, all the teams are closed, gather at the entrance of the cave, and Brother Cai will take us to wash our feet tonight!"

There was a burst of cheers over the intercom.

The atmosphere was momentarily joyful.

Cai Binbin took advantage of the situation to hug Chen Gan's shoulder: "Let's go together?"

"Okay. Chen Qian was in a good mood because he caught the flash iron dumbbell.

Just as the three of them hooked their shoulders and walked slowly outside the cave, Lucario suddenly paused, and at the same time, his ears shrugged slightly, as if he sensed something, and reminded Chen Qian: "Wow!

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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