The surrounding spectators struggled to step forward, wanting to see what was going on in the game? Who will be more powerful, Fire-breathing Serpent or Latias?

People around were pushing and shoving, trying to see who was standing where in the middle.

“”Back up, back up.”

Suddenly, a group of police officers emerged from the surrounding area. They stood in front of the audience and prohibited the audience from moving.

They formed a circle directly in front of the audience and prohibited anyone from approaching the Fire-breathing Snake and Latias..

Wang Hao kept retreating under their pushing, the anger on his face getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Qian and Wang Xu could feel the strange looks, but neither of them paid attention to Wang Hao. He was punished by the police officer After setting up the scene, a large open space appeared in the middle.

Now the only people standing in the middle were Chen Qian, Wang Xu and their two elves.

Now because of the sudden action, the people in the middle have become the entire center.

“Let’s move forward a little bit. We can’t see anything from this position.”

“Yes, the people in the middle don’t need to occupy such a big space at all. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.” The surrounding audience couldn’t stand the situation of standing in front but not seeing anything.

And now it is the most At the critical moment, why not give them a chance to witness this wonderful moment?

However, the people standing in front of them were serious soldiers, which they could not push forward, especially the military personnel they had in their hands. The stick gave them some oppression.

“It’s not just a competition, there will always be someone competing against me anyway. Don’t bother with this result now.”

Wang Hao was thinking silently beside him. No matter who wins the game now, the two of them will be injured.

But he is different. From the beginning, he has no movements, and the elf is not injured.

Chen Qian After using Latias for two consecutive games, the elf’s exhaustion and physical injuries were definitely unbearable.

Wang Xu reached the second game and had almost used his elf, and the elf was still injured.

So, he There is no need to worry about anything.

Wang Hao didn’t even think that Chen Qian would use new skills to sort him out, so he was looking forward to the result of the game as soon as possible.

No matter who he meets next, he can show his strength.

Thinking that he is In the next game, he could order both to close, and he couldn’t help but want to laugh.

And the scene surrounded by everyone finally started to act. The surrounding fog was slowly dissipating, and the scene in the middle gradually appeared in front of everyone. In front of their eyes.

The audience who could not see what happened at the scene looked directly into the sky. After all, the two elves Latias and Fire-breathing Serpent had been in the sky before they fell.

“There are no elves in the sky, Latias and the Fire-breathing Serpent fell down.”

Soon, a startled breath attracted all the audience, and they took a quick look at the sky.

Sure enough, there were no elves in the sky, so now the two All the elves fell down.

The audience immediately became excited. They were eager to see what happened in the middle and what happened to the two elves that fell.

Everyone pushed and pushed, wanting to see the middle for the first time. situation.

However, no matter how they pushed, the police officer standing outside the protective line still made no movement or showed any sign of movement.

The baton in his hand gave the surrounding spectators a warning, telling them not to act rashly

“The two elves, Latias and Fire-breathing Snake, are already hugging each other.”

Suddenly, an exclamation broke out from the audience.

What’s going on?

Didn’t the two elves lose anything?

Wang Hao, who was standing outside with an indifferent expression, finally became nervous. Standing up, he pushed the audience in front to see clearly what was going on inside.

However, how could the audience give him a chance to do this?

The audience in the middle did not leave a gap, and almost no one could rush in.

Chen Qian and Wang Xu watched the situation on the playing field without any movement. Everything that happened now seemed to be within their expectations. The two elves were equally powerful, and it was acceptable for them to tie in the end. However, according to the situation of the game, Look, Chen Qian is still better.

Wang Xu’s elf was chosen based on Latias.

Basically every skill of the fire-breathing snake restrains Latias, and Latias has already beaten him In a game, the energy of the fire-breathing snake was not as strong as that of the fire-breathing snake.

Wang Xu could obviously accept the result of the game.

He came to Chen Qian with a look of amazement and looked at Chen Qian with appreciative eyes:”Chen Qian, although you use the elf for a long time, Short, but there is no doubt about your strength. I am honored to have played a game with you. I believe your future will be more than this. And I think the game is over here, I am convinced, and you can do whatever you want next.”

When Wang Xu spoke, his eyes kept looking at Bai Hao, and the meaning was self-evident.

Chen Qian nodded, and was satisfied with the result. I didn’t deny it.

I also understood what Wang Xu meant.

But don’t pay attention to him now. He doesn’t need to pay attention to Bai Hao at all. A villain like Shuguang is nothing to be afraid of, and it’s not easy to teach him a lesson..

Chen Qian took the initiative to stand in front of Wang Xu. Although it was not clear why Wang Xu did not take any action even though he had a powerful elf.

But his strength was indeed extraordinary.

“This game is very meaningful and I look forward to the next one.”

Wang Xu nodded. He didn’t know why he felt a little relieved.

After that, the two people put away their elves and stopped showing the excitement to the audience. Chance

“Hahahahaha, both of them are strong men. It is an honor for our hotel to have these two strong men patronize us. I have decided that we will bear all the expenses that Chen Qian and Wang Xu spend in our hotel in the future. We will definitely make you stay here comfortably.” The hotel owner saw that the two people had already discussed the final result of the game and did not say anything more. What was the content of the game?

He walked up to them with a big smile, and then talked about how much the two of them would spend in the hotel in the future.

Bai Hao, who didn’t hear his name at all, had an unhappy expression on his face.

Who is he? This is. It doesn’t matter that he was ignored. Now he will prove his strength and let this person regret it.

Now he is the only one qualified to be the best elf coach in this hotel. Everything they have now is his. , it is natural to get back your own things.

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