Tian Hong urged impatiently, but in fact, if you look closely, you can see that the corners of his mouth are a little unrestrained.

Yes, the communiqué is a personal vendetta.

is really worthy of being the king who often makes the news for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

So, Chen Qian didn't plan to be polite, and took out the Poké Ball and threw out the Electric Dragon, Scorpio King, and Lucario, and directly let the Electric Dragon and Lucario start Mega evolution.

When Tian Hong saw the end of the evolution of the two elves Mega, his expression was a little subtle.

This kid... It seems to be a bit ruthless.

There is no nonsense, when the referee robot counts down, both sides command and give orders at the same time!

"King Nido lunged at the electric dragon, Vulcan Moth danced with butterflies, and Poison Skull Frog used bombs to limit the movement of the elves on the opposite side as much as possible!"

"The Scorpion King uses Yan Hui against the poisonous skeleton frog, and then harasses the opponent as much as possible, and the electric dragon uses thunder against the Vulcan Moth!"

When the words fell, the six elves moved in unison!

The Scorpion King took the lead in taking advantage of it, flapping his wings and bursting out with an extremely astonishing speed, heading towards the Poison Skull Frog!

Several mud bombs were hurled at it, but it dodged them in a posture.

Seeing that the distance between the Scorpion King was getting closer and closer, Tian Hong immediately changed his strategy: "Poisonous Skeleton Frog, use a surprise blow!"

As soon as I shouted here, there was an immediate situation over there.

Ben's dancing Vulcan Moth was hit by a dazzling lightning!

King Nido, who rushed towards the electric dragon, was hit by several waves of missiles, but fortunately, it had thick skin and strong willpower, regardless of Lucario's attack, and relied on its resistance to fighting moves, and crashed towards the electric dragon!

"Electro Dragon, Wall of Light! Lucario continues to fight King Nido!"

When Chen Qian commanded, the grappling between the Scorpion King and the Poison Skull Frog had gained the upper hand.

Although the poisonous skeleton frog is vigorous and has escaped the feint attack of the Scorpion King, compared with the Scorpion King who dares to fight and love show, it quickly reveals its flaws.

Its surprise blow swooped into the air, and the Scorpio King immediately seized this opportunity, flipped 180 in the air and turned back abruptly, and burst out with amazing speed, while his wings flashed with silver!

The poisonous skeleton frog didn't have time to regain its momentum, let alone react, and was hit by this swallow return, and flew out upside down with a wail!

The results are outstanding!

At the same time, the electric dragon had already cast a wall of light, which forcibly blocked the momentum of King Nido.

Although the wall of light was suddenly full of cracks and was about to shatter in the blink of an eye, Lucario next to him grasped this flaw and smashed the unsuspecting back of the neck with a slam slam!

Although King Nido was a fighting move, he was hit by the vital point, and still caused a lot of damage to it, and the most important thing was that the next offensive was interrupted!

Just as Lucario was about to take advantage of the victory, a scorching flame swirled and surged in!

It's the flame vortex of the Vulcan Moth!

Lucario, covered in hair, no.

But this Vulcan Moth's control of the flames is extremely subtle, and the flame vortex it casts cleverly avoids King Nido and instead attacks the electric dragon!

"Scorpio King, Lucario, go attack the Vulcan Moth!"

"King Nido continues to put pressure on the electric dragon, and the poisonous skeleton frog climbs up to protect the Vulcan Moth!"

The orders of both sides were given almost at the same time, and the eyes of both of them were focused, both trying to see through the thoughts in their hearts.

But Chen Qian's side, after all, still occupies the advantage of level, Mega evolution, and even potential!

The Poison Skull Frog failed to stop the Scorpio King and Lucario, and was even attacked by Lucario, who ate a wave of missiles and flew upside down.

Without the protection of his teammates, Vulcan Moth suddenly fell into the dilemma of being flanked, and he couldn't care about attacking the electric dragon from a distance.

It tried to play to its speed advantage, but Scorpio King was a step faster.

"Charge Lucario with a flash of flame!" Tian Hong narrowed his eyes, he could already see that the rarest Lucario was actually the weakest one on the other side.

The command was given, and the fire god moth bloomed all over its body, and the flames enveloped its body.

It jerked in one direction, no longer grappling with the Scorpio King, and lunged down on Lucario with incredible speed!

And Lucario, with his innate "waveguide" ability, had expected it, and immediately turned around and cast a flash of lightning at King Nido!

The Scorpion King, on the other hand, took this opportunity to swoop towards the badly injured poisonous skeleton frog.

Tian Hong naturally noticed this, he wanted to command, but the speed of the Scorpion King was too fast, and the poisonous skeleton frog was in extremely poor condition, no matter how much he commanded, he couldn't change the fact that it was about to be defeated.

So he very decisively turned his attention to the fire god Moth and King Nido.

King Nido was trying to fight with the electric dragon, but the electric dragon kept avoiding the battle under Chen Gan's command, and Lucario didn't really pounce on King Nido, it deliberately circled and guided the Vulcan Moth into a range.

Tian Hong suddenly realized that the situation was not right, and shouted: "~ Vulcan Moth, stop!"

But he was still a little slower after all, and the electric dragon slammed on the ground, and the "discharge" skill came out!

With it as the central point, the dazzling lightning explodes in an instant!

The Vulcan Moth couldn't dodge and was enveloped in it!

Lucario, on the other hand, escaped from the discharge range at that moment.

The terrifying power forcibly interrupted Vulcan Moth's flaring charge and inflicted no damage on it!

And the King of Nido, who is in the range of "discharge", is not affected, it is a poison + ground spirit, and it has a very high resistance to electric skills, so it can still move freely under the shroud of thunder.

It roared and lunged at the dragon, trying to interrupt the skill to save the Vulcan Moth and inflict a heavy blow on the dragon!

But at this moment, several waves of missiles suddenly attacked, hitting its ankle with precision, although the damage caused was not high, but it played the best effect - making King Nido lose his balance and kill!


A low roar in the distance.

It's the Scorpio King who has slain the Poison Skull Frog and intends to put an end to the Vulcan Moth!

It's pinched very accurately at the right time, this is the tacit understanding that has been fighting against the electric dragon some time ago!

At the moment when the duration of the discharge skill was just over, it was right behind the Vulcan Moth!

At this moment, the Vulcan Moth had already suffered a heavy blow, and it didn't have time to react at all, and was hit by a severed head pincer from the Scorpion King, and lost its ability to fight on the spot!

Now, Tian Hong's team is only left with King Nido!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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