At this moment, Latias, who was released, was still in a state of confusion and paralysis, lying on the ground in a state of malaise.

Chen Qian took out the [Almighty Medicine] spray and gave it a use.

After a few seconds, Ladias's eyes returned to clarity.

It screamed and tried to escape.

But Chen Qian had already been prepared, and the Poké Ball in his hand burst out with red light, instantly retracting Latias into the Poké Ball.

After a few seconds, Chen Qian released it again, but before he could persuade it, it immediately bounced up from the ground and tried to escape, very persistent.

Chen Qian immediately withdrew the Poké Ball again.

And let go, and run away, and take it again.

This process was repeated five times, and when Chen Qian released Latias for the sixth time, it seemed to have resigned itself to its fate and lay on the ground without escaping.

It's just that while looking at Chen Qian with pitiful eyes, it didn't forget to eat the energy cube that it hadn't eaten just now.

is so cute, it really makes people cry and laugh, and reminds Chen Qian of an emoji.

Poor, weak, helpless, but able to eat.

Chen Qian was about to open his mouth to persuade it, when a female voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Why are you arresting me, I just ate a little 04 West." "

The voice sounds like a little girl, childish and a little soft and glutinous, very cute, but also full of grievances.

Chen Qian reacted immediately.

This is Latias' telepathy.

This race is indeed able to communicate with humans normally!

"You're eating my stuff. Chen Qian replied.

"Then I can give it back to you. "

"I want to be exactly the same. Listening to the other party's soft and glutinous voice, he couldn't help but think of teasing.

Latias hesitated for a moment, and then cautiously said in a consultative tone, "Can you replace it with a tree fruit?"

"No, I can't. "

"Then I can't do it yet. "

Latias instantly looked like a broken jar: "I'm not leaving, can you give me more of what you just eat?"

Hearing this, Chen Qian couldn't cry or laugh.

Is this being bought?

"Aren't you going to go back to your companions?" asked Chen Gan.

"I don't go back, I often go out to play by myself, I can't get along with them, they always say that I can eat too much, and they rob them of food, obviously they can't eat by themselves. "

Latias continued with some indignation: "I always fly around aimlessly with them, and I don't look for good food." It didn't take long to get to a place and set off, and I didn't look for something to eat. I know what to do, but I don't look for something to eat. "

"In short, following them is to spend time and not to find good food. I know that you humans have always wanted to subdue us as an extremely rare existence, and now that you have caught me, I want anything, just give me something to eat. "

After listening, Chen Qian felt that this Latias had an extraordinary obsession with "delicious".

So he silently took out a bottle of energy from his backpack

Latias glanced at it and replied in a very humble tone: "Probably..."

"It's okay, eat as much as you want, I have a lot of it. "

Hearing this, Latias was really not polite, and the monkey was so anxious that he wanted to put his head in the bottle.

It's not your average favorite food.

"Don't you want to be free?" Chen Qian asked again.

"If you want it, you won't give it, you've caught me in the Poke Ball, and I can't escape, so I can only accept my fate. Latea paused.

"I've always been very optimistic.,And I feel like you're not a bad person.,And willing to give me delicious food.,I guess I won't be treated badly in the future.,The so-called freedom is gone.,Anyway, it's aimless to kill time every day.,No pursuit.,It's better to choose something delicious.。 "

After listening, Chen Qian smiled helplessly.

He really couldn't argue with that.

However, the character of this Ladias is really special, and there are many differences from the original work.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not strange that there are one or two exceptions in the gregarious race, and Chen Qian also likes this special case and finds it very interesting.

Chen Qian unconsciously glanced at the electric dragon next to him, this product is obviously a special case, at this moment, he relaxed when he saw the situation, staring at his collar and about to move.

At this time, the mobile phone in my pocket rang.

Chen Qian took it out and saw that it was actually a call from Wu Hulie.

"Why did this old man call me suddenly?" Chen Qian wondered.

Although the two have added friends, since they left Jiangcheng, the two have basically had little intersection, at best, they are likes in the circle of friends.

Chen Qian did not deliberately curry favor with this old man because of his identity, and this old man was also very arrogant and temperamental, Chen Qian did not look for him, and he did not take the initiative to contact Chen Gan.

The sudden call today naturally made Chen Qian suspicious.

If it's a trivial matter, just send a message on WeChat.

But this phone call came...

If it's a big deal, I'm afraid it can't be perfunctory casually.

After hesitating again and again, Chen Qian finally decided to answer the phone, after all, although the old man's temper and shelf were big, he felt that he was still a good person at the beginning, and most of them had the idea of promoting his juniors, so as not to trap him, and specially called him, most likely to give him some benefits.


347 "Hey!" Wu Hulie's deep voice came from the phone: "You're in Nancheng now, right?"

"Road 163 Forest outside South City, what's wrong?"

"Oh, if I'm not mistaken, that forest road goes all the way south to Quancheng, you're going to Quancheng, right?"

"yes, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it just so happens that you should be able to reach Spring City in three days, right?"

Chen Qian's face was full of doubts: "Maybe, what is the matter?"

Wu Hulie pretended to be mysterious: "I'll know when you get to Quancheng to contact me, anyway, I can't hurt you kid!" Three days, your kid is remembering some time outside, if there is no news of your arrival in Quancheng after three days, I will lose face to the old man, and I will settle accounts with you kid!"

"What's the matter with me? You won't tell you what to say. "

"Don't you young people like surprises? You'll know when you get there! Anyway, it's your big chance, if you don't come, forget it, I won't force you, old man, when the time comes, find someone else to replace you, don't come to me and tell me that you regret it!"

After speaking, Wu Hulie didn't give Chen Qian a chance to continue to ask questions, and hung up the phone directly.

Chen Qian shook his head helplessly: "This old man, forget it, he is still mysterious when he is old." Forget it, I don't care about you, I hope it won't be a fright..."

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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