Back at the hotel, after Chen Qian vigilantly confirmed that he was not being followed, he cautiously returned to the room with the elf egg.

Then he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wu Hulie's number.

"Hey, old man, I'm probably in trouble. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before Wu Hulie's deep voice came: "Where are you?"

"Hotel. "

"Wait, I'll be there soon!"

The phone hung up, and Chen Qian released all the elves, very vigilant.

It's not that I'm cowardly, it's that this matter needs to be cautious and cautious.

First, because of the elf egg, those people are obviously not good people, and it is very likely that they will try their best to win this elf egg, after all, this elf egg has a great chance of belonging to the fast dragon in the eyes of insiders, and the value of a fast dragon is naturally needless to say, in the eyes of some underground elf organizations, the life of the "five zero zero" people in a small city like him is not as good as a piece of an eggshell fragment of the fast dragon.

Second, it's because of the irregular red plastic texture of the small fragment.

Although I don't know exactly where it came from, judging by the sloppy boss's reaction, at least he doesn't want this thing to fall into the hands of someone else.

And this "other" is likely to be the young people.

Whether the sloppy boss has been arrested now, Chen Qian doesn't know, if he is caught, he will confess to Chen Gan, and Chen Qian doesn't know.

Although from Chen Gan's personal point of view, this possibility is very low.

But before you do that, you have to be prepared.

In fact, Chen Qian had a high probability of getting out of this unrelated troublesome matter at the beginning, but in the face of huge interests, Chen Qian still chose to gamble.

After all, it also involves this elf egg that is very likely to give birth to a small fire dragon with S+ potential.

Who can give it up easily?

There was also this red fragment, and Chen Qian guessed that this thing was very likely to be related to the divine beast.

Because some time ago, when Chen Qian and Cai Bin were chatting nonsense, they inadvertently talked about the underground elf organization.

One of the most important pieces of information, Chen Qian still remembers.

[In recent years, there have been several major cases involving underground elf organizations, all of which are suspected of involving some traces of mysterious elves that exist in legends]

Although the two seem to have little connection with each other, when you think about it, they seem to be inextricably linked.

Such an inconspicuous small red fragment even makes people feel that it is an inferior toy that can be bought for 1 yuan at the commissary in front of the elementary school.

But it is precisely because of its unknown origin and the particularity of its role that Chen Qian thinks of this aspect.

In addition, this thing is really hard, Chen Qian asked Ju to pinch it with all his strength, but it was not damaged at all.

This makes people have to think about it even more.

"Hey, do you know what this thing is?" Chen Qian tried to hand it to Latias.

If this thing is related to the Divine Beast, Latias, who is also a Divine Beast, should know something, right?

Latias leaned in to take a closer look at the small red fragment, and looked disgusted: "Where did you get this thing?"

"Do you recognize?" Chen Qian's heart was overjoyed.

"I don't recognize it, but I don't like it from the bottom of my bones, like the guy who owned it must be bad. Latias shook his head.

After hearing this, Chen Qian pinched his chin and thought about it.

Latias are a kind-natured race that loves peace and averse to strife.

It can be deduced from this that if this fragment comes from a certain divine beast, then that divine beast must like to fight, which is why Latias is so disgusted.

With this key clue, theoretically speaking, the scope of the target has narrowed down a lot, and Chen Qian has a faint more accurate guess in his heart.

However, more clues are needed to confirm the speculation.

Just as Chen Qian was meditating, a knock suddenly came from outside the door, interrupting Chen Gan's thoughts.

Chen Qian immediately became alert, touched the door, and used the cat's eyes to look out.

It was Wu Hulie, and several black-clothed bodyguards followed behind.

After seeing the faces of the people outside the door, Chen Qian let down his vigilance, easily withdrew Latias into the Poké Ball, and opened the door of the room.

"Tell me, what's the big deal with your kid?" Wu Hulie, who hadn't seen him for a long time, had a straight personality as always, and he said the problem directly as soon as he came in.

Chen Qian briefly explained what happened in the elf market, and naturally skipped the paragraph where he could observe the data0....

After listening, Wu Hulie frowned and glanced at Chen Qian deeply: "You actually bought that egg for 200,000 yuan?"

"Do you think the point of the matter is here?" Chen Qian stared at him weakly.

"It's just for you to relax, as for whether this egg is good... Hmm..."Wu Hulie wanted to speak and stopped, and then pulled the topic back to the right track: "If the matter is really as serious as you imagined, then I think to investigate the traces of that boss, if he is safe, it means that this matter is likely to be a scam, if he is gone..."

Speaking of this, Wu Hulie narrowed his eyes: "Then you are really dangerous." "

"I know, that's why I'm telling you. Chen Qian nodded.

"Show me that red shard. Wu Hulie said again.

Chen Qian gave the red shards.

He knew very well that this thing could not be hidden, and he also needed manpower to investigate the origin of this thing, and it was difficult for him to do it alone.

Wu Hulie observed it twice in his hand, pinched it hard, and smashed it on the ground twice, and was slightly surprised to see that it was intact.

He then handed the pieces to the bodyguards behind him and asked them to try it.

After several tosses, this plastic-looking fragment is still intact.

"I also think that you 2.5 is in great danger now, I'm afraid that this thing is involved in the secrets tracked down by some underground elf organizations, if they know that this thing falls into your hands, the consequences will be unimaginable. Wu Hulie's face gradually became solemn.

"I think we should use a professional instrument to test the composition of this thing. Chen Qian proposed.

"Okay, then leave this thing with me for the time being, and I'll arrange it myself. And, maybe help you kid share some of the danger. "

Chen Qian was stunned: "Do you want to..."

Wu Hulie snorted lightly: "Although my bones are old, my identity and status are still there, and those underground organizations don't dare to touch me, and they can't move me." You're weak, this thing is 10,000 times safer to put in me than in you, and maybe it can help you find some clues. "_

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