He won't forget that face, and he will never be mistaken!

The young man who was suspected of being from the underground elf organization who met in the trading market in the morning actually appeared at this banquet!

"What's wrong?" Wu Mengting noticed that Chen Gan's face was not very good-looking.

"You sit down for a while, and I'll go talk to your grandfather about something. Chen Qian helped Wu Mengting to the chair against the wall.

"Good. Wu Mengting sat down very obediently.

Then Chen Qian walked quickly to Wu Hulie in the old man's pile.

"Yo, Chen Qian, it's just in time, I just talked about you, come on, let's introduce you to these..."

Before Wu Hulie could finish speaking, Chen Qian leaned into his ear and said, "Something is wrong!

Hearing this, Wu Hulie's face stiffened, and he immediately changed his words: "Everyone, let's talk later, I'll deal with some things." "

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, Wu Hulie pulled Chen Qian to the corner of the banquet.

"What's the situation?" Wu Hulie asked with a frown.

"The young man I met in the morning at the market, I just saw him walk into this banquet. Chen Qian replied.

"583 what?!"

Wu Hulie's eyes changed slightly, and he looked around: "Where is it?"

Chen Qian turned his head slightly and pointed to the right: "See, he is the one who took a glass of wine there." "

Wu Hulie took advantage of the situation and quickly captured the appearance of the young man.

Subsequently, Wu Hulie's face became very ugly.

People suspected of being from the underground elf organization actually mixed into this banquet, once something went wrong, the consequences would be unimaginable!

But he didn't dare to startle the snake until he had understood the young man's purpose.

At this moment, the mobile phone in Wu Hulie's pocket vibrated a few times.

When he took it out, Wu Hulie didn't speak, but his face became even more ugly.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qian asked suspiciously.

"The boss died, and the body was found in the garbage heap. "

Hearing this, Chen Qian's brows almost wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

He realizes that there is a high chance that the Red Fragment will be revealed, but he has some hope in his heart: "How did he die?"

"After preliminary identification, there is a high probability of suicide. Wu Hulie replied.

"Suicide ... It may be judged that after he was caught, he would rather die than give in, and chose to commit suicide without explaining anything. Chen Qian pinched his chin to analyze the slim possibility.

"I don't know, but what is certain is that the young man is anything but a good thing. Wu Hulie took a deep breath.

At this time, Guo Shunxiao walked over.

From a distance, he saw Wu Hulie and Chen Qian standing in the corner with ugly faces, talking about something.

"Yo, old man Wu, what's going on, it's ugly?" Guo Shunxiao walked over and put his arm on Wu Hulie's shoulder, obviously the two had a good relationship.

"Ask you something. Wu Hulie said.

Just ask. "

"That young man over there, who brought it in?"

"You said the big back was drinking?"

"Yes. "

"He, I have the impression that Qi Xuehai has just accepted the apprentice not long ago, what is it called... I think of it, my name is Huang Haodong! It is said that he is a very talented child, and Qi Xuehai showed off to me some time ago. Guo Shunxiao didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and joked: "What's the matter? You have a Chen Qian and you are so greedy, Qi Xuehai wants to know, I can't fight with you again?"

Chen Qian listened and couldn't help asking, "Who is this Qi Xuehai?"

Guo Shunxiao explained: "He, like me and Old Man Wu, is one of the previous kings of the Jiangnan region. It's just that at our time, Old Man Wu's reputation was the most prosperous, overshadowing the edge of all of us. Now that so many years have passed, it's normal that you don't know. As for Qi Xuehai, at that time (AECG) was the weakest and least conspicuous one, and he also quarreled with Old Man Wu many times because of some private matters, and he also fought. "

"I see. Chen Qian nodded.

"How do you feel that you have a grudge against these two masters and apprentices, and your face is so ugly. Guo Shunxiao finally realized that something was not quite right.

Wu Hulie replied, "That kid is very likely to come from the underground elf organization!"

Hearing this, Guo Shunxiao was startled, and hurriedly looked around, and after confirming that no one was paying attention here, he said carefully: "Are you crazy?

"Let me explain. As a party concerned, Chen Qian naturally had to explain what happened.

A few minutes later, Guo Shunxiao probably understood what was going on.

His face became solemn: "If this is the case, then this kid is very suspicious." "

Wu Hulie snorted, "I believe in Chen Qian. "

"It's not a question of believing or not believing. Guo Shunxiao sighed, "The main reason is that we are so simple to suspect, and there is no direct evidence that he is a member of the underground elf organization, right? If this kid really has bad intentions, I'll be the first to let him have no good fruit to eat!"

"Okay, just for now. Wu Hulie has nothing to say.

"Chen Qian, you should pay more attention to your own safety, and you can contact me at any time if you have something. Guo Shunxiao reminded.

"Good. Chen Qian nodded, thanked Guo Shunxiao for his kindness, and then turned his head towards Wu Mengting.

As soon as he approached, a sneer came from his side.

"See you again. "

At a side glance, sure enough, it was the young man named Huang Haodong who was suspected of being an underground elf organization.

He glanced at Chen Qian meaningfully: "I didn't expect to meet you here, should I say lucky or unlucky?"

"What do you want to say?" Chen Qian's expression was indifferent.

Huang Haodong slowly leaned into Chen Gan's ear: "You'd better spit out that egg for me!" In addition, you'd better check if there is anything on your body that shouldn't be taken!"

"You're threatening me?"

"Think it through yourself. Huang Haodong grinned twice, turned around and walked into the crowd.

Chen Qian's eyes narrowed, lost in thought.

"Chen Qian. Wu Mengting, who was sitting in the chair, spoke.

"Huh?" Chen Qian was pulled back to his senses.

"Who was that guy just now?"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry. "


Wu Mengting felt a little lost in her heart, but she was still quiet and didn't ask more.

At this time, I suddenly heard someone in the crowd shouting: "I choose Wu Hulie!



PS: 74 reviewed, you can watch it!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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