"Shut up."

Cersei directly interrupted Xiaolu's words. This Kabi beast was a elf given to her by his grandfather for self-defense. Usually, it is not used for elves to fight. This time, it was a bit too bad for Zhang Feng, so she wanted to use her grandfather. The elf came to save face.

"Be careful, this Kirby beast is my strongest elf."

Cersei said to Zhang Feng with a smile.

Zhang Feng didn't say anything, just judging from Xiaolu's reaction just now, it's unlikely that this Kirby beast is Cersei's.

"Fairy fairy, try its strength, fairy, wind."

"Kapimon, become round."

The fairy of the fairy elf, the wind whistled and rushed towards the Kirby beast, only to see the Kirby beast curled up, turning round to increase the defense power and directly took the blow.

The fairy, the wind disappeared, and Zhang Feng was also a little surprised when he looked at the seemingly unscathed Kirby beast.

"Have you seen it, let me tell you, my Kirby beast is very strong."

Cersei showed off with a smile on her face.

As the referee, there was a hint of helplessness on Xiaolu's face, and her young lady's personality was like that of a child.

"The defense of this Kirby beast is very strong, but the power of the fairy elf is not enough."

Xia Zhimu, who was in the audience, saw the Kirby beast who looked unharmed after eating a goblin and said.

"Kapimon, a million-ton flying leg."

"Fairy elf, act like a spoiled child."

Hearing Cersei's order, Zhang Feng's eyes lit up. To be honest, this Kirby beast is very strong, but Cersei's commanding ability is indeed not very good.

The fairy elf made a very charming movement, and the Kirby beast that rushed towards the fairy elf was directly hit by the coquettish, and its eyes turned into heart shapes.


Seeing this scene, although Cersei was anxious, she could only expect Kirby to wake up on her own.

"Drain Kiss, Fairy Elf"

I saw the fairy elf blowing a kiss on the Kirby beast, and the Kirby beast showed a painful look, but also his eyes were restored to clarity.

Zhang Feng was also a little surprised to see that the Kirby beast recovered so easily from being a spoiled child. This Kirby beast has indeed been cultivated very strong! "Kirby beast, it's great, you have recovered, and now use the destructive beam ."

Cersei shouted hurriedly when she saw Kirby's recovery.

As soon as Cersei finished speaking, the khaki energy in Kirby's mouth had already gathered, and it was fired directly at the fairy elf.

"Fairy elf, move at high speed to get close to Kirby and use the iron tail."

Seeing Cersei using the Kirby beast like this, Zhang Feng was a little helpless, she was using the Kirby beast as a fort!

108. Kirby Beast vs Fast Dragon.

As soon as the fairy elf accelerated, it left bursts of afterimages, directly and easily dodging the destructive light of the Kirby beast.

After approaching the Kirby beast, the fairy elf jumped high, and an iron tail was drawn directly on the face of the Kirby beast, which was unable to move because of the use of the destruction light.

I saw Kirby beast covering his face with a very painful expression, even the highly defensive Kirby beast was drawn to the face by the iron tail, it was very uncomfortable.

"Sleep, Kirby."

Hearing Cersei's words, the Kirby fell on the spot, snoring, and its stamina began to recover.

"Fairy elf, billions of shock waves."

Naturally, Zhang Feng will not let the Kirby beast recover. Although sleeping can restore the Kirby beast to its peak physical strength, it will also make the Kirby beast fall into a sleep state.

Seeing the fairy elf turning into a pink streamer again, Cersei hurriedly shouted: "Dream Talk."

"not good!"

Hearing Cersei's words, Zhang Feng's complexion changed.

I saw the sleeping Kirby beast standing up with his eyes closed like a drunken man, and the white light in his right hand flickered like a knife, directly slashing at the fairy spirit that was transformed into a billion shock waves.

"It's chopping tiles."

Xia Zhimu, who was watching the battle in the audience, exclaimed, she knew that Dream Talk was to randomly select one of the other moves that she had learned to use, and that the Kabi beast randomly used just the split tiles that were better for facing the current situation.

At this moment, the Kirby beast finally fought against the fairy spirit for the first time in the true sense, and its terrifying power was also displayed in front of everyone.

This tile-splitting also directly offset the hundreds of millions of shock waves of the fairy elf and hit the fairy elf fiercely, and the fairy elf fell heavily on the field.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Feng's complexion also changed slightly. Telling the truth in a dream is a very gamble skill. If he uses something like rounding, that's another story.

The fairy spirit who stood up again was out of breath, and the destructive power of Kirbymon was too strong.

Looking at the Kirby beast, who was still sleeping and recovering his strength, and looking at the fairy elf Zhang Feng, whose limbs were trembling slightly, he directly retracted the fairy elf.

Zhang Feng's fairy elf itself is extremely fast, and although the attack power is quite good, it is really impossible to encounter the Kirby beast with extremely high defense and strong recovery ability.

"Look, let me tell you, I'm strong"

Seeing Zhang Feng take back the fairy elf who defeated her two elves in a row, Cersei said proudly.

"This Kirby beast is really strong."

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